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165 Cards in this Set

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the spontaneous end to pregnancy
Alpha-fetoprotein AFP
synthesized by the liver, yolk sac, and GI tract; test 15-22 wks. HIGH w/ open neural tube defects, death or multiple babies. LOW w/ downs
16-22 weeks for abnormalities
a membrane continuoius with and covering the fetal side of the palcenta that forms the outer surface of the umilical cord
amniotic fluid
produced by fetal membranes and fetus, protests from trauma and temp changes, maintain oxygen supply and movement
technique of palpating and feeling the rebound; probable objective sign; late in preg. look for prolapsed cord
chadwick sign
C-B, the bluish vulva and vagina, after 4th week from local venous congestion. SIGN of pregnancy
mask of pregnancy, dark on forehead, cheeks and nose
outermost extraembryonic membrane of the two layers that hold amniotic fluid and baby; develops villi 2wks after conception, gives rise to placenta,
Chronic Villus sampling, CVS
done during 1st trimester, does not detect neural tube defects,
diastasis recti abdominis
seperation of recti abdominis muscles along media line of ab wall. adult women cause multi preg or births like triplets
ductus arteriosus
vascular channel in the fetuw that joins the pulmonary artery to the descending aorta. closes after birth and makes ligament
ductus venousus
vascular channel passes thro liver and joins umblilical veiwn w/ inferior vena cava. carries oxygenated blood and after birth becomes a ligament
GRAVE; preg induced hypertension, convulsions, coma, proteinuria, edema. during pregnancy after 20th wk or w.i 48 hours after birth
expected date of BIRTH
expected date CONFINMENT
expected date of DELIVERY
female partner abuse
most common in US, itimate partner abuse
foramen ovale
opening in septum b/w left and right atria; provides bypass for blood that would flow to fetal lungs. most of the blood from inferior vena cava flows thro the foramen ovale into left atriam
gestation period
time b/w conception and labor approx 38 weeks
goodells sign
SOFTENing of uterine cervix, 2nd month of pregnancy PROBABLE sign
woman who is pregnant
HELLP syndrom
Severe preclampsia:
Liver enzymes
Platelet count
hyperemesis gravidarum
vomiting, weight loss, dehydration AFTER first trimester
A series of 4 steps to determine position and presentaion of fetus
Leopold's manuevers
Mucus Plug/Operculum
thick mucus in cervis often expelled at the onset of dilation just before labor begins. may be dry but more often semifluid and mucoid streaked w/ blood a
delivered more than one pregnancy past the point of viabity
nagles rul
First day of LMP - 3 months + 7
not delivered past the point of viability
produced an infant whether alive or stillborn, delivered after 20 weeks gestation,
process of giving birht
eat non food substances, occurs w/ nutritional deficiency (iron) and some forms of mental illness
pregnant for 1st time
forms on 8th day of pregnancy
onset of acute hypertension after the 24th wk, classic triade: hypertension, proteinura and edema
Pregnancy lasts___days or___wks from fertilization but clinically considered to last ___days, ___wks, __lunar month, ___ calendar months from first day of last period
266 38 weeks
280 days, 40Wks, 10 LM, 9 1/3 CM,
pregnancy induced hypertension PIH
hypertensive disorder, (hypertension, edema and proteinuria)
1st feeling of movement by baby 16 to 20 wks
teratogenic agent
interferes with normal fetal development causing abnormalities
tocolytic agent
use of medication to arrest preterm labor
eclampsia of pregnancy due to toxin produced ...NO LONGER USED
20 weeks in Illinois
Young adulthood stages of life from_____
18 to 40 years
peak of intensity of contraction
artifical rupture of membranes (AROM), stimulate or accelerate onset of labor, painless
Biophysical profile BPP
5 variables assessed for fetal risk, breathing movement, body movement, amniotic fluid volume, FHR reactivity
Cephalo pelvic disporportion CPD
babys head too big or moms birth canal too small
Contraction stress test CST
method of assessing reaction of fetus to stress of contraction using ultrasound
decrease of stage of decline of contraction
external OS of cervix from 0-10cm
length of contraction in seconds from begining to end
pathologic or difficult laor cause by obstuction or constriction of the birth passage or abnormal size shape posistion or condition of fetus
shortening of vaginal portion of cervix and thinning of it's walls
done to prevent tearing ot perineum, hasten birth,
fetal distress
usually discovered in labor, late decelerations of FHR
varies, affected by fever, contractions, maternal-fetal HYPOtension, and drugs
Norm: 120-160BPM
time b/w beginning of one contraction to the start of the next
Hydraminos( polyhydramnios)
excess of amniotic fluid- >2000mL, causes overdistension of uterus
building up of uterine contraction
strength of contraction at is acme.
time and process druing parturition from beginning of cervical dilation to deliver of placenta including the first 1-2 hours after delivery-4 stages
Leboyer method
psychophysical approach to introducing baby to outside world, gently and pleasently
long axis of mom vx fetus
longitudinal= fetus lying vertically: transverse=lying crosswise
subjective sensation of movement in 20th week
secretions of intestinal glands, amniotic fluid, intrauterine debris like bile pigments, fatty acids, epithelial cells, muscus, lanugo and blood
Non stress test NST
FHR vs movement or contractile activity
Nuchal cord
cord around neck, after birth of head 1st thing to look for,
expressed with 3 letters, ROA
fetus PRESENTING part to moms pelvis
fetal posture
refers to "attitude"
fetal presentation
PART of fetus at cervical OS
precipitous birth
rapid delivery no doctore
precipitous labore
less than hours
premature labor
before 37th or 38th week or before 2000-2500g
prolonged labor
more than 24 hours
pinkish mucous discharge a few hours to a few days before onset of labor
presenting part to imaginary line drawn between the pelvic ishcial spines -5 to +5
last phase of 1st stage of labor, shortest and most intense, 8-10 cm
top of head or crown
after pains
contractions during first few days after delivery, stronger in nursing moms, large babies or overdistended uterus
first fluid from breast before lactation begins, maternal antibodies, white blood cells, protein water, fat, minerals, vitamins and carbs in thin yellow serous fluid
en face
moms face and baby approx 8 inches apart and on same plane, mom holds baby up in front of her face
ectopic growht of endometrial tissue
swelling breast tissue from increase flow of blood and lymph and breast milk, pump every 3 to 4 hours and at night only if you wake
obtained at beginning of feeding high in water contains protein and vitamins
breastmilk released after let down high in fat
CALF pain,
decrease in size of an organ from decrease in size of it's cells
maternal discharge of blood, mucous and tissue from uterus after delivery, may last several weeks
lochia alba
white discharge 10-21 days after birth
lochia rubra
red, blood tinged discharge after birth lasts 2-4 days
lochia serosa
pink serous and blood dicharge, follows rubra and last until 7 to 10 days
inflammatory condition of the breast usually caused by stretococcl or staphyloccal infection
mature milk
final milk produced that contains about 10% solids( carbs, fat, protein) for energy and growth, water for hydration
montgomery tubercules
sebaceous gland on areola, enlarge during pregnancy, secretions lubricate and protect break
hormone from posterior pituitary for uterine contractions and release of milk in lactiferous ducts
after childbirth
homone produced and secreted in bloodstream by anterior pituitary, stimulates and sustains lactation
time AFTER birth, lasts 6 weeks, until uterus involution is complete
inflammation of a vein sometimes forms a clot
transitional milk
milk produced from the end of colostrum until approx 2 weeks postpartum. contains lactose, water soluable vitamins, elevated levels of fat, and more calories
uterine atony
relaxation of unterine muscle tone following birth
discoloration, coldness, and cyanosis of the extremities
caput succedaneum
localized pitting edema in the scalp of baby that may overlie sutures of skull, from circular pressure pressure of cervix on the babys occiput
chemical conjunctivitus
irritation of lining of eyelid from medication
epstiens pearls
small white pearl like epithelial cysts on gumlines, look like teeth coming in
erythema toxicum neonatorium
pink rash appears 24-48 hours after birth
harlequin sign
rare color change along longitudinal halved of newborns body, no pathological significance
increase bilirubin seen with jaundice, blood incompatibility, intrauterine infection, septicemia and other disorders
urinary meatus on the ventral surface of penis
intrauterine growht retardation
development of fetus is delayed more than 2 deviations below the mean for gestational age, sex and ethnicity.
yellow skin, sclera
toxic accumulation of bilirubin CNS tissues cause by deposition of unconjugated bilirubin in brain cells
soft downy hair 5th month of gestation and almost gone by 9th month
large for gestational age LGA
growth was accelerated, large and heavy
low birth weight LBW
weighs less than 2500g
tiny white papules on the face from unopened sebacous glands
mongolian spot
bluish black pigment over sacrum and buttocks, common in black, asians, native americans, souther europeans
shapping of head by overlapping of cranial bones to facilitae birth
lacy pattern of diated blood vessels under the skin. may be related to chilling or prolonged apnea
moro reflex
flexion of things and knees with fingers that fan then clench as arms are simutaneously thrown out then back. Startle reflex
birth though 8 days
nevus flammeus
large port wine stain
nevus vasculus
strawberry mark, raised common in head region
opthalmia neonatorum
purulent infection of the eyes of conjuctiva usually from gonocooi
periodic breathing
sporadic episodes of apnea, not associated with cyanosis that last for about 10 seconds and is common in preterm babies
tighness of the prepuse of the penis, prevents retraction of foreskin over the glans. may be from infection, circumcision needed
physiologic jaundice
harmlees condition caused from reduction of red blood cells occurring 48 hours or more ager birth. peaks 5th to 7th day, disappears 7th to 10th day.
physiolic weight loss
normal due to fluid shifts during initail newborn period 3-4 days
pilonidal dimple
infolding of epithelial tissue beneath skin in the interglued cleft on the butt
born at end of 42nd week
born before 37 weeks
nevus vasculus
strawberry mark, raised common in head region
bleeding from uterus in baby girls resembles mestruation
opthalmia neonatorum
purulent infection of the eyes of conjuctiva usually from gonocooi
periodic breathing
sporadic episodes of apnea, not associated with cyanosis that last for about 10 seconds and is common in preterm babies
tighness of the prepuse of the penis, prevents retraction of foreskin over the glans. may be from infection, circumcision needed
physiologic jaundice
harmlees condition caused from reduction of red blood cells occurring 48 hours or more ager birth. peaks 5th to 7th day, disappears 7th to 10th day.
physiolic weight loss
normal due to fluid shifts during initail newborn period 3-4 days
pilonidal dimple
infolding of epithelial tissue beneath skin in the interglued cleft on the butt
born at end of 4nd week
born before 37 weeks
bleeding from uterus in baby girls resembles mestruation
small for gestational age
birth weight below 10th percentile
subconjuctival hemorrhage
located on sclera of newborns eye
sucking fat pads
in babys cheek to assist with sucking
telangiectatic nevi
stork bits, nape of nec, forehead and eyelids, nose and occipital
tonic neck reflex
supine infants head turned to one side, arm and leg on that side extend while the extmities on the other side flex
transistional stool
passes after meconium next day or twon, thin brown to green, part meconium part stool
vernix caseosa
cheeselike white substance made of sebum and dequameate epithlial cells found at 4 weeks gestation
normal transistion of newborn glucose level
greater than or = to 40mg%
normal transistion of newborn hematocrit
less than 65-70% cental venous sample
used with newborns to promote liver formation of clotting factors
vit K phytonadione aquamephyton, because no flora in gut
bilirubin levels at 5-48 hours old
> or = to 12 consider phototherapy, > = 15 photo.,>=20 transfusion, >=25 transfusion and photo
bilirubin levels at 49-72 hours old
>=15 consider photo, >=18 photo, >=25 transfusion, >=30 transfusion and photo
bilirubin levels at >72 hours
>=17 consider photo;>=20 photo, >=25 transfusion, >=30 transfuse and photo
If serum bilirubin rises over ___mg/dL/day further investigation is needed
jaundice should be further investigated if it last how long
6 days in term baby, 14 days in premie
baby 14 hours old, unconjugated bilirubin 14mg/dL, wieghs 2350g, what should be done
physiologic: possible tranfusion because of weight, if it were past 24 hours it would be pathologic and photo would be used
state order of effacement and dilation for primigravida and multigravida
primi=efface then dilate
TORCH infection caused by what?
contact with cat feces
cystic fibrosis is a ____ gene and the baby has a _:_ chance to get it if parents are carriers
magnesium sulfate ritodrin, is used for what
anti seizure for preclampsia, calcium gloconate for reversal, CNS depressent
bethamethasone, celestone solupan used for
premature infants for resp issues, assess K, glucose, weigh daily, BPq4hr, Pulse, I&O
Ritodrine, Yutopar is used for what
reduces frequency/intensity of contractions
normal term neonatal blood values
hct, hgb, platelets, white blood cell total, serum glucose
Hct=43-63% normal values
Hgb= 14-20g/dL
normal maternal lab values Hct,
WBC total,
non-pregnant pregnant
Hct-37-47% 3-4%
hgb 12-16g/dl 10-14g/dl
plt150-350Kmm ^3-5daypstpar
wbc45-10K/mm 5-15K/mm3
24 hours after birth fundus should be where
U/1 midline