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150 Cards in this Set

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Contraindications for HRT
Vaginal bleeding
Breast, endometrial ca.
OCP benefits
Ovarian, endometrial ca prevention
OCP serious side effects
Venous thromboemboli
Cholestasis, cholestitis
Primary amenorrhea
Absence of menses by age 16 w secondary sex characteristics
Absence of menses by age 14 w/o secondary sex characteristics
Causes of 1o amenorrhea without breast development
Constitutional growth delay
1o ovarian insufficiency (Turner's)
Central hypogonadism
Causes of 1o amenorrhea with breast development
Mullerian agenesis
imperforate hymen
Complete androgen insensitivity
Initial tests for 1o amenorrhea
Pregnancy test
Bone age radiograph
Contraceptive methods with side effect of weight gain
Implanon (progestin-only implant)
Depo-Provera (medroxyprogest injection)
Contraceptive safe with breast-feeding
Progestin-only "minipills"
Treatment for hypogonadism causing 1o amenorrhea
HRT followed by cyclic estrogen/progesterone therapy
2o amenorrhea
3+ months of amenorrhea after menarche
Best initial tests for 2o amenorrhea
Pregnancy test!
TSH and prolactin levels
Progestin challenge
"Morning-after" pill
Combined estrogen/progesterone
"Plan B" pill
Positive progestin challenge
Withdrawal bleeds
Noncyclic gonadotropin release
Eg. PCOS, idiopathic anovulation
Negative progestin challenge
No withdrawal bleeds
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Ovarian failure
Anatomical problem
Causes of premature ovarian failure
Radiation, chemo, autoimmune, Turner's, Fragile X
Premature ovarian failure FSH/LH ratio
> 1.0
1o dysmenorrhea
Cyclic menstrual pain without obvious pathology
Treatment for 1o dysmenorrhea
NSAIDS, heat, OCP, Mirena coil
Common causes of 2o dysmenorrhea
Adenomyosis, endometriosis, fibroids, adhesions, PID, polyps
Best initial tests for 2o dysmenorrhea
B-hCG (ectopic)
CBC (infection, neoplasm)
Gono/Chlam swabs
Endometrial glands/tissue outside of uterus
Presentation of endometriosis
Cyclical pain +/- rectal pain, dyspareunia
Diagnosis of endometriosis and results seen
Blue-black, dark brown lesions
Ovarian chocolate cysts
Treatment of endometriosis (Rx, surg)
Rx: DOC-OCPs; leuprolide, danazol, NSAIDS, progestin
Surg: excision/hysterectomy
Complications of endometriosis
Endometrial tissue in myometrium of uterus
Adenomyosis presentation
NONCYCLIC pain, menorrhagia, enlarged uterus
Treatment of adenomyosis
Rx: NSAIDS + OCPs, progestin
Surg: endometrial ablation, resection; hysterectomy (definitive)
Workups for abnormal uterine bleeding
CBC (anemia)
TFT, prolactin
Platelet, PT/PTT
US (endometrial thickness)
When is endometrial biopsy indicated for AUB?
Endometrium >4cm in postmenopausal women
Age >35 with risk of endometrial hyperplasia
Most common cause of AUB, amenorrhea
Treatment of heavy AUB
High dose estrogen IV
D&C if bleeding not controlled
Treatment of ovulatory AUB
NSAIDS, OCP, Mirena coil
Treatment of anovulatory AUB
OCP, Mirena coil
Treatment of medicine-resistant AUB
D&C, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy/ablation
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) presentation in infant female
Ambiguous genitalia and salt-wasting, hyperglycemia
CAH presentation in infant males
CAH enzyme deficiency
21B- or 11B- hydroxylase
CAH presentation in adult female
Amenorrhea, hirsutism, cliteromegaly, acne, infertility +/- palpable uterine mass
Dx for CAH
Serum testosterone (>2ng), DHEAS (>7ug/mL)
Increased 17OH-progesterone
Differentiation between PCOS and mild CAH
17OH-progesterone elevated in CAH, not in PCOS
Elevated testosterone in context of CAH
Suspect ovarian tumour
Elevated DHEAS in context of CAH
Suspect adrenal tumour
Polycystic ovaries
Presentation of PCOS
Obese woman with acne, hirsutism, amenorrhea, male-pattern alopecia, acanthosis nigricans
Risks of PCOS
Insulin resistance/DM
Metabolic syndrome
Blood dx for PCOS
Testosterone, DHEA, DHEAS
2-hr glucose tolerance
Lipid panel
PCOS sign seen on US
"Necklace sign" - >8 subcapular follicles
FSH:LH ratio in PCOS
Tx for PCOS in women who want to conceive
Clomiphene +/- metformin (ovary stimulation)
Tx for PCOS in women who don't want to conceive
OCPs, progestins, metformin
Complications of PCOS
Type 2 DM
Breast and endometrial ca.
Tx for asymptomatic Bartholin's cysts
No treatment, warm soaks
Tx for Bartholin's abscess
Aspirate, drain with Word catheter
Culture for STIs (Chlamydia)
Secretions during 1) midcycle and 2) luteal phase
1) Clear, elastic, mucoid
2) Thick and white
Bacterial vaginosis diagnosis
White-grey discharge
Vaginal pH >4.5
Pos whiff test (fishy)
Clue cells on wet mount
Dx of sexual assault
STI screen (syph, G/C, HIV, HBV, HCV, CMV)
Pregnancy test
BAL and tox screen
Presentation of cervicitis
Yellow-green mucopurulent discharge
Pos chandelier sign (severe cervical motion tenderness)
PID causes
Gonorrhea (1/3)
Chlamydia (1/3)
Anaerobes/aerobes (1/3)
PID presentation
Lower abdo pain
Fever, chills
Purulent cervical discharge
Pos chandelier sign, adnexal tenderness
US showing of PID
Fallopian tube thickening, dilation
Fluid in cul-de-sac
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Polycystic ovary
Outpatient antibiotic regime for PID
Ofloxacin/levofloxacin +/- metronidazle x 14d
Ceftriaxone IM x 1 dose/cefoxitin + probenecid + doxycyclin +/- metronidazle x 14d
Inpatient antibiotic regime for PID
Cefoxitin/cefotetan + doxycyclin x 14d
Clindamycin + gentamicin x 14d
Complications of PID
Chronic pelvic pain
Ectopic pregnancy
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Perihepatic adhesions due to PID
RUQ pain
Raised LFTs
Referred shoulder pain
Vaginosis key findings
Gardnerella vaginalis
White-grey discharge
Clue cells on wet mount
KOH prep whiff test - fishy
Antibiotic regime for bact. vaginosis
Metronidazole PO/vag
Clindamycin vag
Complications of vaginitis
Chorioamnionitis/endometritis, miscarriage, PID
Trichomonas key findings
Thin, green, frothy, smelly discharge
Pruritis, dysuria, "strawberry petechiae"
Motile trichomonads on wet mount
Antibiotic regime for trichomonas
Metronidazole PO
Tinidazole PO
Treat partners
Candida vaginitis key findings
Thick, white, curdy discharge
Red, itchy vulva/vagina
KOH prep: hyphae
Risk factors for Candida vaginitis
Corticosteroids, DM, pregnancy, broad-spectrum antibiotics
Tx for Candida vaginitis
Azole topical
Fluconazole PO
Toxic shock syndrome presentation
Fever (>38.9), vomiting, watery diarrhea
Diffuse maculopapular rash
Desquamation of palms and soles
TSS treatment
Rapid rehydration
Nafcillin, oxacillin/vancomycin
Causes of death due to TSS
Hemorrhage 2o to DIC
Uterine leiomyoma/fibroids
Benign, smooth muscle tumour of uterus
Uterine leiomyoma presentation
Discrete, round, firm tumours
Irregularly enlarged uterus
E/P sensitive
Bleeding, pelvic pressure, pain
Workups for uterine leiomyoma
CBC (anemia)
MRI (submucosal vs. intramural)
Tx for uterine leiomyoma
OCP, medroxyprog, danazol, leuprolide/nafarelin
Surgery (hysteroscopic myomectomy vs. hysterectomy)
Complications of uterine leiomyoma
Acts at IUD: infertility
Aetiology of Type I endometrial ca.
Unopposed estrogen stimulation (eg. tamoxifen, HRT)
Aetiology of Type II endometrial ca
p53 mutation
Type I vs II endometrial ca.
Type I - adenoca.
Type II - serous, clear cell
Dx of endometrial ca.
Pelvic US
Tx of endometrial ca.
High dose progestins for childbearing women
TAH, BSO with radiation/chemo
Fibrocystic disease presentation
Cyclic, bilateral breast swelling, pain
Rapid change in mass size
Irregular, bumpy consistency of breast
Dx of fibrocystic change
US, FNA (also therapeutic)
When is excisional biopsy of cystic mass is indicated?
Solid cyst
No fluid or bloody fluid in cyst
Tx of fibrocystic disease
F/U q1m for 3 mths
No caffeine
Common causes of bloody nipple discharge
Mammary duct ectasia
Intraductal papilloma
Most common breast lesion in women <30 yo
Fibroadenoma presentation
Solitary, rubbery, discrete, mobile, non-tender mass 1-3cm in diameter
Dx for fibroadenoma
Tx fibroadenoma
Excision, but high recurrence rate
Risk factors for brca
Female, age
Estrogen exposure
1st deg. FHx of br.ca.
BRCA-1/2 gene
Early brca findings
Hard, non-tender mass with irregular margins
Later brca findings
Skin and nipple retraction
Aaxillary lymphadenopathy
Redness, pain, fixation to skin
Late findings of brca
Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
Paget's disease of nipple
Lung, bone, liver mets
Arm edema
Indication for core needle biopsy
Receptor status
Advantage of open excisional biopsy
More accurate diagnosis + tumour resection
Tumour markers for brca
CA 15-3
CA 27-29
Rx of ER+ brca in postmenopausal women
HER2/neu receptor antagonist used in brca
Side effect of trastuzumab and necessary workup
Cardiotoxicty - need EKG
Surgical tx of nonmetastatic brca
Lumpectomy with axillary clearance + radiation
Radical mastectomy + radiation
Complications of brca
Pleural effusion
Arm edema
Early presentation of vulvar cancer
Pruritis, ulceration, pain
White, pigmented, raise, thickened lesion
Late presentation of vulvar cancer
Cauliflower-like lesion or hard ulcerated lesion on vulva
Dx of vulvar cancer
Bunch biopsy for suspicious lesions or recurrent pruritis
Tx of vulvar cancer
Local disease: Excision, ablation, vulvectomy
Invasive: radical vulvectomy with lymphadenectomy + radiation/chemo
Presentation of vaginal ca.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding, abnormal discharge, post-coital bleedings
Lesion found on upper 1/3 of vagina
Dx of vaginal ca.
Cytology, colposcopy, biopsy
Tx of vaginal ca.
Local excision, vaginectomy
Invasive disease needs radiation
Risk factors for ovarian ca.
Estrogen exposure
BRCA-1/2 gene
Lynch syndrome
Late presentation of ovarian ca.
Abdo pain, palpable adnexal mass, ascites, bloating
Tumour marker for ovarian ca. and usefulness
CA-125; more specific in postmenopausal women
Best initial test for ovarian ca.
Transvaginal US
Tx of ovarian mass in premenopausal women
Benign masses <8-10cm: obs
Masses >8-10cm: surgery
Tx of ovarian mass in postmenopausal women
Benign mass <5cm: F/U with US, CA-125
Tx of ovarian cancer
TAH/BSO with omentectomy and lymphadenectomy
Postop chemo and radiation
Tx for dysgerminoma
Tumour marker for yolk sac tumour
Marker for embryonal carcinoma
Marker for choriocarinoma
Marker for dysgerminoma
Marker for granulosa cell tumour
Inhibin A
Tx for uterine prolapse
Pessaries; vaginal/abdo hysterectomy with vaginal vault suspension
Stress incontinence
Due to increased intraabdominal pressure
Mechanism of stress incontinence
Laxity of pelvic floor causing urethral sphincter insufficiency
Urge incontinence
Strong, unexpected urge to void unrelated to activity or position
Mechanism of urge incontinence
Detrusor hyperreflexia, sphincter dysfunction, neurogenic disorders
Mechanism of overflow incontinence
Chronically filled bladder with increased intravesical pressure - small amts of urine dribble out
Dx of incontinence
UA for UTI
Urodynamic testing
Serum creatinine/GFR
Causes of infectious vulvovaginitis in paeds
GAS, Candida, STIs
Presentation of vulvovaginitis
Smelly, yellow-green purulent vaginal discharge
Sarcoma botryoides
Rhabdomyosarcoma of vagina, "bunches of grapes" lesions
Precocious puberty
Onset of 2o sex characteristics <8yrs
Precocious puberty with breast development, vaginal bleeding
Suspect ovarian cyst/tumours
Precocious puberty with cliteromegaly, pubic/axillary hair, acne
Suspect adrenal tumours, CAH
Dx of precocious puberty
Bone age scan
Leuprolide stimulation test
Positive leuprolide test in precocious puberty + treatment
Central cause, treat with leuprolide
Neg leuprolide test in precocious puberty
Peripheral cause (ovarian cysts, CAH, adrenal/ovarian tumours)
McCune Albright syndrome + treatment
1) Precocious puberty
2) Polyostotic fibrous dsyplasia
3) Cafe-au-lait spots
Tx: tamoxifen, ketoconazle (estrogen synthesis blocker)
Lichen sclerosis
Inflammatory pruritis, dysparenunia,
Porcelain-white polygonal macules/papules
Atrophic, thin skin
Risk associated with lichen sclerosis
Vulvar SCC
Presentation of androgen insensitivity syndrome
1o amenorrhea
Breast development with no axillary/pubic hair
Blind vaginal pouch, testes present
Increased risk associated with androgen insensitivity syndrome
Testicular cancer