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29 Cards in this Set

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what are the most common benign forms of gestational trophoblastic disease?
hydatidiform mole, partial or complete
what are rare benign forms of gestational trophoblastic disease?
exaggerated placenta site

placental site nodule
what are complete hydatidiform moles essentially?
empty egg with no nucleus is fertilized by a sperm
what are risk factors for hydatidiform mole?
maternal age > 35 years or < 20 years

previous GTD

infertility, smoking
what is the incidence for hydatidiform mole?`
1 per 1500 life births
what form of hydatidiform mole is more common?
partial hydatitifrom mole twice as common
what is the karyotype of a partial hydatidiform mole?
46 XX

46 XY, rare
of what origin is a partial hydatidiform mole?
entirely paternal
what are the formation patterns for a partial hydatidiform mole?
fertilization of empty egg haploid X bearing sperm and consecutive duplication


fertilisation of empty egg with 2 sperms


diploid, biparental
what inheritance pattern does biparental diploid complete hydatidifrom mole have?
what are the formation patterns for partial hydatidiform mole?
monospermic fertilisation of normal haploid egg with consecutive duplication of paternal chromosome set

dispermic fertilization of normal hapoid egg with two sperms
what is the karyotype in partial hydatidiform mole?
triploid, either 69XXX or 69XXY
how are complete hydatidiform moles characterized morphologically?
abscence of embryo, cord and amniotic membranes

excessive trophoblastic proliferation, hydropic degeneration of all villi
what is the degree of atypias found in complete and partial hydatidiform moles?
moderate to marked atypia in complete hydatidiform moles

fokal and slight atypia in partial hydatidiform mole
what is the complication rate for complete and partial hydatidiform moles?
up to 25% of complete hydatidiform moles

rare in partial hydatidiform moles
what is the rate of malignant transformation in complete and partial hydatidiform moles?
20% in complete hydatidiform moles

<5% in partial hydatidiform moles
what are the clinical manifestations of hydatidiform moles?
molar pregnancy in complete hydatidiform mole = Windei = Abortivei

missed abortion in partial hydatidiform mole
what is the uterus size in relation to the duration of amenorrhoea?
larger than expected for duration of amenorrhoea in complete hydatidiform mole

smaller than expected in partial hydatidiform mole
what are the typical clinical manifestations of complete hydatidiform moles?
vaginal bleeding

high levels of HCG causing

what are ovarian complications of hydatidiform moles?
theca-lutein cysts due to high level of HCG
in what percentage is a HCG level >100'000 seen in hydatidiform moles?
50% of complete hydatidiform moles

10% of partial hydatidiform moles
what are the sonographic findings of partial hydatidiform moles?
typical presentation of complex hyperechogenic intrauterine mass with hydropic villi seen as multiple small cysts
what are the sonographic findings of complete hydatidiform moles?
often uncharacteristic
what is the principal nomenclature for complete hydatidifomr moles?
androgenetic complete mole, either monospermic or dispemic

biparental complete mole
how are partial hydatidiform moles characterized morphologically?
presence of embryo, cord and amniotic membrane with vessels
what are complications of theca-lutein cysts?
what are the therapy principles for hydatidiform moles?
suction curettage with oxytocin stimulation to reduce blood loss and increase uterine contraction
what is a complication of therapy of hydatidiform moles?
syncytio-trophoblast pulmonary embolism, especially with isolated pharmacological therapy


DIC due to factors released by the molar tissue
what is the follow-up for hydatidiform moles?
serial beta-hCG levels


contraception during follow-up