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57 Cards in this Set

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evaluation of pelvic masses
pregnancy test
transvaginal US
CT scan
endometrial bx
__ is circumscribed, benign tumors, composed of muscle with fibrous connective tissue elements referred to as fibroids, myomas, or fibromyomas
Myomata Uteri
What is the MC benign lesion of the uterus, the MCC of uterine enlargement, and accounts for 30% of all hysterectomies?
Myomata Uteri
Risk factors of Myomata Uteri
African American
sedentary lifestyle
__ is localized proliferation of smooth muscle cells; originate in myometrium; dependent on estrogen for growth
Types of Myomas
intramural (MC variety)
submucous (Beneath endometrium)
subserous (grow toward peritoneal cavity & cause bulge)
intraligamentous (round and broad ligament)
Sx of Myomata Uteri
*varies greatly & depends on size/number/location/asx
abnormal menstrual bleeding (mc)
pressure (urine freq/retention, asx, constipation)
GI sx
reproductive d/o
bladder sx
Signs of Myomas
smooth, irregular, nodular tumors
uterine enlargement (mc)
DDx of Myomas
abdominal mass
ovarian cyst
GI disease
uterine/cervical polyps
interstitial cystitis
Dx of Myomas
endometrial bx
tx of Myomas
*individualized tx to patient; if tumor is too large and there's no sx, tx may not be necessary
Management of Myomas depend on __
myoma size, location, number of tumors present, rate of growth, patient age, associated sx, desire, for future fertility
What consist of expectant/observation tx of myomas?
bimanual exams q 3-6mo
palpation of uterosacral ligaments
regular blood count
pelvic US
What consist of medical management of Myomas?
GnRH agonists (Leuprolide, Nafarelin, Goserelin)
Danazol/17-alpha -ethinyl-testosterone
Progesterone derivatives
Iron supplements
Non-traditional tx
What consists of surgical tx of Myomas?
hysterectomy (mc)
hysteroscopic myomectomy
laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy
laparoscopic myomectomy
laparoscopic myolysis
uterine artery embolization
ExAblate 2000
What must be done prior to a hysterectomy for myomata uteri to rule out pathology, especially endometrial neoplasia?
curettage of endometrial cavity
What are the complications of myomectomy?
intra-operative/postoperative hemorrhage
late intestinal obx d/t adhesions btwn bowel & site
recurrence depends of race and age
__ is complete total removal of uterus
__ is removal of single/multiple myomas while preserving uterus
__ is for submucosal fibroids<5cm that preserves the uterus
hysteroscopic myomectomy
__ is removal of uterus and fibroids with leaving cervix intact
laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy
__ is conservative procedure limiting to subserosal myomata and preserving uterus
laparoscopic myomectomy
__ is direct destruction of fibroid by laser, cryotherapy/electrosurgical heat source
laparoscopic myolysis
__ is nonsurgical technique by catheterizing femoral artery and halting blood flow to fibroids
uterine artery emolization
__ is MRI guided US beams to destroy fibroids
ExAblate 2000
What is the MC benign lesion of lining of uterus and usually present in 40s with abnormal bleeding?
Endometrial polyps
dx and tx of Endometrial polyps
dx: hysteroscopy/curettage with ring forceps

tx: D&C with progesterone x3mo

*if undiagnosed/untreated it can lead to adenomatous hyperplasia & ultimately endometrial cancer
__ presents >30y/o and is childbirth related; endopelvic fascia damaged during childbirth creating hernia thru vagina; dx by valsalva maneuver
Uterine Prolapse (Procidentia)
types of uterine prolapse
1st degree - protrudes to mid vagina
2nd degree - protrudes to introitus
3rd degree - extends outside vagina
What is the association of uterine prolapse with urinary incontinence?
usually pulls on other organs - bladder and rectum, leading to enterocele, rectocele, cystoceles
tx of uterine prolapse
nonsurgical: pessaries, kegel exercises, bladder ttraining, biofeedback

surgical: hysterectomy, supportive slings, vaginal occlusion, plastic surgical repairs
What is the MC benign growth of cervix with sx of postcoital bleeding*, intermenstrual bleeding, leucorrhea, asx?
cervical polps
DDx of cervical polps
endometrial polyps
prolapsed myoma
cervical cancer
retained products of conception
endocervical hyperplasia
squamous papilloma
tx and complications of cervical polyps
tx: remove with hemostats/electrocautery
contraindications: PID, bleeding d/o, cervicitis
complications: bleeding, infection
__ is a cystic teratoma; mc ovarian tumor in pregnancy usually asx that can be dx with US/plain film/ pelvic exam
Ovarian dermoid cyst
What is mammography and when should screening begin?
low dose radiograph of the breast
begin screening at 40y/o
What is the mc imaging study used after mammography?
What is more sensitive than mammography/clinical exam but less specific?
What is the mc anomaly found on clinical/self exam?
breast lumps/masses - most benign; cancer (unilateral, hard, non-tender, fixed)
What skin changes require imaging?
erythematous, scaly nipple rash, Peau d' orange
nipple discharge
Breast Imaging Report and Data System (BI-RADS)
1: no visible abnormality, reg mammo
2: describes presence of benign lesion; no further action; normal mammo
3: describes findings most likely benign, but follow up recommended
4: describes indeterminate abnormality; refer to surgeon for bx
5: most serious designation; abnormality probably CA
essentials of dx of fibrocystic breast dz
painful/multiple/usually unilateral breast masses
rapid fluctuation in size of masses
freq pain occur/inc & size inc during premenstrual cycle
mc in 30-50y/o
__ is mc benign condition of breast; pain, fluctuation in size, and multiplicity of lesions are features most helpful in differentiation from carcinoma; always bx any dominant mass
fibrocystic breast disease (mammary dysplasia, fibrocystic disease, chronic cystic mastitis)
Fibrocystic breast dz is associated with what benign changes in breast epithelium?
ductal epithelial hyperplasia
Management of fibrocystic breast dz?
FNA (no fluid obtained-blood fluid/mass persist after aspiration-bx should be performed)
open bx
dietary/behavior modification (avoid caffeine, good support bra)
med (diuretics, bromocriptine)
__ is mc benign neoplasm of breast; "mouse tumors"; occur in 12-25y/o women; blacks; rubbery,round, firm, discrete relatively movable, non-tender mass
fibroadenoma of breast
describe lipomas and fat necrosis
ill-defined tumors of breast
lipoma - diffuse, usually non-tender
fat necrosis - uncommon, usually from trauma, solitary/tender/ill-defined mass/skin retraction
__ is ductal obx and inflammation during/soon after lactation with cystic dilations of ducts
What is the USPSTF recommendation for mammography screening?
with/without clinical breast exam - every 1-2yrs for women >40y/o
__ is 2nd leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer, mc sign is finding a lump, and mammo is best way to detect
breast cancer
non-modifiable risk factors for breast cancer
inc age
Ashkenszaki, Caucasian, eastern European Jew
personal hx
BRCA1 gene
abnormal breast bx
benign proliferative breast dz
previous chest wall irradiation
modifiable risk factors for breast cancer
1st live birth>30y/o
no breast feeding
prolonged postmenopausal HRT
sedentary lifestyle
What are the essentials of dx for breast cancer?
early: single, non-tender, firm-hard mass with ill-defined margins; mammo

later: skin/nipple retraction, axillary lymphadenopathy, breast enlargement, redness, edema, pain, fixation

late: ulceration, supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, arm/bone/lung/liver/brain/distant mets edema

*by US, mammo, FNA, bx
Types of breast cancer
ductal carcinoma in situ
infiltrating ductal carcinoma (mc breast cancer)
infiltrating lobular carcinoma
inflammatory breast cancer (most aggressive)
tx of breast cancer
TMN staging
surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, combo
__ is a type of ductal cancer in excretory ducts out to skin thru nipple that is NOT common type of breast cancer
Paget's disease
What is the 1st sx and dx of Paget's disease?
sx: itching/burning of nipple with superficial erosion/ulceration (red, scaly lesion of nipple/areola)

dx: bx of erosion (tx with surgery and chemo or RT)