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98 Cards in this Set

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Suicide is the ______ leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds

Second essay

What percent of all secondary students consider suicide


You will give someone the idea if you talk to them about it

That is false

Females attempt suicide how many more times more often the males

Three times more

Males complete or commit suicide how many times more often than females

Three times more

To ask of self harm always mean that the person is suicidal


If a friend asks you not to tell anyone they are suicidal should you keep a secret

No you should not keep it a secret

Suzette happens without a warning


Warning signs are

Antisocial mood swings dismissive self harm low personal hygiene Suizo thoughts on social media

Risk factors are

Loss, bullying, mental health, relationship issues, abuse, family issues

Feelings are

Depressed, anxiety, pointlessness, stressed, scared, useless,

How to help

Ask questions like are you OK, are you actually thinking about suicide, make sure you show a sense that you care

Listen, make eye contact do not share advice

Connect, empathize, support them, tell them to call grown-up, Follow up

Name five trusted you can go to for help

My mom my dad my teachers my aunt uncle

What is depression

Chronic illness, persistent feelings of sadness, Loss of interest in the likes of these

How can you treat depression

Medication, counseling/therapy

How can you prevent

Sleep, socialize, exercise regularly, don't do drugs

Signs and symptoms of depression

Loss of energy, appetite changes, crying spells, feelings of sadness, irability and frustration

Types of depression

PTSD, seasonal defective disorder (lack of sunlight in winter), postpartum( afterbirth),bipolar, pysocotic depression (hallucinations)

Who is at risk for depression

People going to biological changes such as genetics and hormones

Complications such as drug and alcohol abuse, Social isolation, Self harm, work/school problems

People going through stressful life events such as financial stress, death, war, School, questioning sexuality, Bullying/abuse, parent till expectations

Early childhood Trauma such assubstance abuse, highly self-critical, gender substance abuse, highly self-critical, gender

What percent of teens Will experience depression


Who is more likely to be depressed


Where can you go to get support for drug and alcohol abuse

School counselor, hotlines, rehab, AA, NA

What is a drug

Any substance other than food changes the way mind or body functions, it can be swallowed, inhaled, or injected

What is a chemical

Substance which bring about physical emotional or mental changes such as alcohol, Caffeine, nicotine

Where do you find information about drugs

Internet, Dr., parents, friends

What is B a C stand for

Blood alcohol content or concentration

Physical effects of alcohol

Pancreas – diabetes

Brain depression, coma, death

Stomach ulcers

Liver – Cirrohisosis

Blood circulation and heart- thins blood, heart damage

Muscle reflexes – CIVS, depresses

Kidneys-dehydration, kidney problems

Where the six categories of jugs

Psychoactive, stimulants, depressants , hallucinogens, narcotics, inhalants


Paranoid dreamy memory is affected and decision making is affected example marijuana


Paranoid dreamy memory is affected and decision making is affected example marijuana


Speed up your heart and nervous system, energy increase plus weight loss example cocaine, crystal meth, caffeine


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slowdown the central nervous system, feelings of euphoria (intense happiness) examples of common household chemicals, and inhaling gases or fumes, glue


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slowdown the central nervous system, feelings of euphoria (intense happiness) examples of common household chemicals, and inhaling gases or fumes, glue

Drug use

Why; more power, people think it's cool, pure pressured, depressed, for fun, family situations, pleasure

Tolerance; getting high by the drugs again brings you to a normal level, as your body gets used to the drug you need higher doses or harder drugs


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slowdown the central nervous system, feelings of euphoria (intense happiness) examples of common household chemicals, and inhaling gases or fumes, glue

Drug use

Why; more power, people think it's cool, pure pressured, depressed, for fun, family situations, pleasure

Tolerance; getting high by the drugs again brings you to a normal level, as your body gets used to the drug you need higher doses or harder drugs

Saying no to drugs

Indirect;I'm allergic, I parents will kill me

Direct; no thanks, leave


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slowdown the central nervous system, feelings of euphoria (intense happiness) examples of common household chemicals, and inhaling gases or fumes, glue

Drug use

Why; more power, people think it's cool, pure pressured, depressed, for fun, family situations, pleasure

Tolerance; getting high by the drugs again brings you to a normal level, as your body gets used to the drug you need higher doses or harder drugs

Saying no to drugs

Indirect;I'm allergic, I parents will kill me

Direct; no thanks, leave

Stages of drug use

Experimentation try at one or 1 to 3 times

Abuse used to meet physical or psychological need

Addiction – meets the needs your body needs to function without the drug: stopping the drug will make you I'll


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slowdown the central nervous system, feelings of euphoria (intense happiness) examples of common household chemicals, and inhaling gases or fumes, glue

Drug use

Why; more power, people think it's cool, pure pressured, depressed, for fun, family situations, pleasure

Tolerance; getting high by the drugs again brings you to a normal level, as your body gets used to the drug you need higher doses or harder drugs

Saying no to drugs

Indirect;I'm allergic, I parents will kill me

Direct; no thanks, leave

Stages of drug use

Experimentation try at one or 1 to 3 times

Abuse used to meet physical or psychological need

Addiction – meets the needs your body needs to function without the drug: stopping the drug will make you I'll


Sexually transmitted infection


Slow the mind and body example alcohol tranquilizers


Cause hallucinations and loss of reality. Example LSD, marijuana and magic mushrooms


Use legally or eat legally to relieve pain examples medical marijuana morphine heroin


Slowdown the central nervous system, feelings of euphoria (intense happiness) examples of common household chemicals, and inhaling gases or fumes, glue

Drug use

Why; more power, people think it's cool, pure pressured, depressed, for fun, family situations, pleasure

Tolerance; getting high by the drugs again brings you to a normal level, as your body gets used to the drug you need higher doses or harder drugs

Saying no to drugs

Indirect;I'm allergic, I parents will kill me

Direct; no thanks, leave

Stages of drug use

Experimentation try at one or 1 to 3 times

Abuse used to meet physical or psychological need

Addiction – meets the needs your body needs to function without the drug: stopping the drug will make you I'll


Sexually transmitted infection


Commonly asymptomatic, burning when peeing, penile/vaginal discharge



Abnormal vaginal/ penile discharge

Burning while peeing

Men-pain and swelling around testicles, women- bleeding between menstrual cycles



Abnormal vaginal/ penile discharge

Burning while peeing

Men-pain and swelling around testicles, women- bleeding between menstrual cycles



Small painless sore, feeling unwell, rash, Gentile warts



Abnormal vaginal/ penile discharge

Burning while peeing

Men-pain and swelling around testicles, women- bleeding between menstrual cycles



Small painless sore, feeling unwell, rash, Gentile warts



Lymph node swelling, dry cough, ammonia, sore throat, muscle/joint pain, rash, fever, night sweats, weight loss and fatigue



Abnormal vaginal/ penile discharge

Burning while peeing

Men-pain and swelling around testicles, women- bleeding between menstrual cycles



Small painless sore, feeling unwell, rash, Gentile warts



Lymph node swelling, dry cough, ammonia, sore throat, muscle/joint pain, rash, fever, night sweats, weight loss and fatigue


Herpes simplex virus

Cold sores, gentle and anal sores, flue like symptoms



Abnormal vaginal/ penile discharge

Burning while peeing

Men-pain and swelling around testicles, women- bleeding between menstrual cycles



Small painless sore, feeling unwell, rash, Gentile warts



Lymph node swelling, dry cough, ammonia, sore throat, muscle/joint pain, rash, fever, night sweats, weight loss and fatigue


Herpes simplex virus

Cold sores, gentle and anal sores, flue like symptoms


Human papilloma virus

HPV anal and gentle warts, itchiness, painful/bleeding during intercourse, cervical cancer


what is an addiction

substance or activity- pleasurable- compulsive- interferes with life

how does addiction happen?

drug/ activity send flow of dopamine to brain

what is dopamine

chemical that helps regulate movement, emotion, maturation and pleasure.

what are the consequences of addiction




three signs of technology addiction

skiing on sleep

dishonest about usage

withdrawing from activities

definition of technology addiction

addictive behaviour to anything online

what happens to brain while video gaming

dopamine realized causing euphoria

activates different regions in brain connect34 5o pleasure