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30 Cards in this Set

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Range of possible urine osmolarity
50 - 1400 mOsm/L
Describe solute excretion with and without ADH
Solute excretion is minimally increased (~0.1 mOsm/min) with ADH
Osmolarity of the filtrate in the proximal tubule
300 mOsm/L
Osmolarity of the filtrate in the most medullary of the loop of Henle
up to 1200-1400 mOsmol/L
How many mOsmoles of solute must a 70kg person excrete every day?
600 mOsmoles
If a 70kg person can maximally excrete 1200 mOsmol/L of concentrated urine, what is the obligatory amount of urine that has to be made every day?
0.5 L

{600mOsmol/day} / {1200mOsmol/L}
How much of the maximum concentration of urine (1200mOsmoles/L) is NaCl?
What is the NaCl concentration of sea water?
So how much must you pee to get rid of the NaCl provided by 1 L of sea water?
2 L
Where in the nephron is urea permeant?
thin decending
thin ascending
inner meduallary collecting duct
What makes urea more permeant in the inner medullary collecting duct?
urea transporters (eg, Ut-AI)
activated by ADH
what kind of diet will allow a person to better concentrate their urine?
high protein diet
in the setting of dehydration and low sodium intake, can the kidneys form highly concentrated urine?
yes, using urea and creatinine to increase osmolarity
what is free water clearance?
flow of urine - osmolar clearance
What does it mean when free water clearance is negative?
water is being conserved and returned to the body.
Failure to produce ADH is called what?
central diabetes insipidus
treatment for central diabetes insipidus?
What drugs may cause neprhogenic diabetes insipidus?
What is the treatment for neprogenic diabetes insipidus?
correct the unerlying disorder

use diet and thiazides to correct the hypernatriemia
Normal plasma osmolarity is 300mOsmol/L. If you had to calculate it from Na concentration, what's the formula?
Plasma osmolarity = 2.1 * Na conc
What do you add to the Na+ concentration if your pt is diabetic?
glucose and urea concentration
What's at the upper part of the AV3V region that affects ADH?
subfornical region
What's at the lower part of the AV3V region that affects ADH?
organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis
What's inbetween the subfornical region and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis?
median preoptic nucleus
what is weird about the subfornical nucleus and organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis considering it is brain tissue (or is it?)?
they have vascularity that has no blood brain barrier
To which is ADH secretion more sensitive?

a) volume depletion
b) osmotic increase
b) osmotic increase
Which stimulates ADH release?

a) nausea
b) nicotine
c) morphine
d) alcohol
a) nausea
b) nicotine
c) morphine
What is the threshold for drinking?
2mEq/L more than normal Na+ in the ECF
The most important regulator of Na+ plasma osmolarity?
ADH-thirst mechanism
Even though these hormones are released in part by a low concentration of Na+, they are pretty useless at increasing the CONCENTRATION of Na+
Angiotensin II and Aldosterone