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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the physiology of the heart?

1. Heart is enclosed in a fibrous sac, pericardium

2. Membrane on the outside, epicardium

-Between the two cardium has watery fluid that serves as a lubricant as the heart moves within the sac

3. Myocardium is cardiac muscle cells of th ehwalls

4. Endothelial cells that lies the inner surface of the cardiac and blood vessel

What is the cardiac anatomy of the aheart

1. Vena cave pumping blood back to the right atrium

2. tricuspid valve from Right atrium to right ventricle ( papillary muscle prevents backflow)

3. blood goes through the lung to the veins t ogbo back to the left atrium (biscupid valve)

4. Enters the left ventricle to aorta and thorug the body

5. Interventricular septum separates the two walls

What are cardiac muscle

Striated as the results of thick myosin and thin actin filaments

-shorter with more branchign

Uses gap junctions by intercalated disk for communications

What is the gap juntion purpose?

Allow ap to sprad from one cell to another

So one exictation leads to all

What are pacemaker cells

spotntaneous contractions at the SA nodes 1% are pacemaker cells

What is the contracticle pattern of the heart

Sinoatrial node depolarizes that leads to tehe atrium to depolarize eventially goes down the bundle of his to the purkinje fiber to depolraize the ventricle

What are the nodes

SA node : pacemaker

AV noddes at the base of the right atrium that is progprogates slowly to give the atria a chance to contract

What is the bundle of his and purkinje fiber

Bundle of his is fiber down the septume to connect to the purkinje to distribute the impulse throguh ventricles

What is the resting membrane potential

More permeable to potassium than sodium probably due to size


+20Mv for threshold

sodium has equilibrium potential of 60 mV

What is the ventricular action potential

1. Begins with depolarization whre sodium channels open to allow potassium to flow in and potassium channel closes to prevent positive charge from leaving

2. Partial repolarization where it plateuas and sodium channel closes and fast pottasium channels open to allow some pottasim to leave

3. Plateau face wher calcium channels opens ( L) where it steadily opens for awhile calcium goes in

4. Repolarization here calcium channels close and slow pottasium opens

5 resting

What contribute to the prolong plateau depolarrization?

Slow and prolong opening of voltaged calcium channels and plus closure of pottasium channels

Allow the slow contraction phase to pump the blood out

The dip afterwards

What contribues to the repolarizatio phase

opening of potassium channels

What contributes to the rapid depolrization

sodium channel opens

What is the excitation contraction coupling pathway?cardiac

1. Excitation by a neighbor cell

2. Calcium flows in and interacts with the ryanodine receptor channel (RyR)

3. This leads to a local release of calcium

4. Collectivetly the ions causes a calcium signals

5. Calcium binds to troponin (calmodulin for smooth muscle) to intiiate contraction

6. Relaxation occurs when calcium is pumped back in for storage

7. Calcium leaves by exchanging sodium

8 This creates a gradient along iwth the sodium pottasium atpase

What is the AP for a pacemaker cell?

1. Sodium channels leaking through the funny channel + calcium move in through T channels

promotes graded depolarization

2. Rapid opening of voltaged gated channel is responsible fore the rapid depolariation phase. Calcium opening ( L )

3. The repolarization is caused by potassium channels opening and closing of calcium channels

What is the biggest difference between the two cardiac cell AP?

Autorhymethic cell does not have a resting potentia lbecause of the sodium channel leackage of the funny channel and t channels calcium that moves calciums in

How do symapthetic signal affect the heart?

Increase sodium and calcium influx to the pacemaker cells by allow the cells to reach threshold faster

How do parasympathetic signal affect the heart

Increase potassium movement otu of the pacemaker cells

allow it to reach threshodl less freqeuently

difference between smooth/cardiac

Cellular both uninucleated

Smoth = spindle, cardiac = branch

Cal = smooth

cardaic =trop

no tetanus

Cardiac = t tubules

What is chronotrophy?

Heart rate

What affects chronotrophy?

Increase Beta-1 receptors ( Sympathetior)

A1 receptors contribute by NE and Epi

Decrease M2 receptor activation (PS)

What is inotrophy

Heart contraction

What affects inotrophy

B1 activation

M2 decreases it

What is domotrophy?

Conduction velocity

Decr4eas with m2 receptor activation

AV conduction velociltiy affected primarily

Symp increase conduction

PS decrease the rate of excitation

What is mechanism of inotrophy?

1. increase calcium influx during AP

2. Increas calcium release from Sarco

3. Sensitizing troponin C to calcium

What is acetylcholine

Agonist for m2 receptor that located in atria that results in reduction of cAMP by gI protein

1. Increase pottasium channel opening

2. Decrease opening of calcium channels

3. hypoerlation

target pacemaker

Wahat is methacholni

same as acetylcholnie but resistance to achE

What is TMA

nicotinic receptor at the preganligonic syanpase and enhances release of AcG at the post ganglionic synpase

Results in reduction of contraction

Partial agonist m2 receptor

What is physostigmine?

AChE inhibtiro enhances acH but can have a small decrease in cardiac output

What is atropine?

comeptiive inhibitor of cholinergic muscarinci receptor

Restore rate and force of contraction to control elvels

What is epinephrine?

Agonist of A and beta adrenergic receptor

1. Increased opening of T-Type calcium channels

2. Increase production of cAMP

3. Phorpshoylat pka by increasing calciu mchannels ( beta activation)

enhances force nad rate adn affect cardiac pcaemaker

What is NE

same as epniephrine btu less potent

What is isoprotrenol

same affect as N and NE. hgiher affinity for B than a

What is propranolol

competitve antagonist fore the beta receptor and has a larger affect on iso protrenol

What is phenoxybenzamine

Irreversible noncomeptive antagonist of NE atalpha receptor less effect on isoprotrenol

What is verapamil

Blocks L type calcum channels which prolongs the refractory phase

slow doesn ventricular rate

Depress atrial fibver decreasing amplitude, velocity of depolarization and conductiona velcoity

What is good about the prolong phase of cardiac muscle

Prevents tentanus and allow ventricles to fill before pumping

What is ectopic pacemaker

too mcuh ventricular tissue that leads to arrhymia

Epi eals with ectopic pacemaker