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20 Cards in this Set

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1. They are cool-blooded.
2. They have 41 species.
3. They eat small animals.
4. They shed.
5. They lay eggs.
6. They unhook jaw to eat prey.
7. They smell with thier tounge.
8. They have no legs or arms.
9. They have scaly skin.
10. They suffacate their prey.
Boa Constrictor,Reptile
1. These have no leggs.
2. They have scaley but silky skin.
3. They are sometimes called rubber eels.
4. They must havfe no tails to be this animal.
5. They are modernly known as Gymnophiona.
6. They are carnivorous.
7. They lay eggs.
8. One type is keep as a pet for an aquarium creature.
9. They do not live in Europe, North America, Australia, or Antartica.
10. The kind in stores genus is Typhlonectes.
1. These are stockier and heavier, with shorter, thicker tails than leopards.
2. Their babies drink milk.
3.Panthera Onca is their species.
4.They have 1 to 4 babies, the average is 2.
5.Their babies are born live.
6. They live in rain forests, swampy areas, grasslands, woodlands, dry forests, and even deserts!
7.They may go "fishing" by waving their tails over the water to attract hungry fish.
8. They are1.5 to 2 pounds (700 to 900 grams) at birth.
9.This animal is warm-blooded.
10.They are carnivores.
Jaguar, Mammal
1. The species is cinereus.
2. Their babies drink milk.
3. They (usually) have one baby.
4. Their babies are called joeys and are carried inside of a pouch.
5. They are marsupials.
6. Joeys are born naked.
7. They are .015 to .035 ounces (0.4 to 1 gram) at birth.
8. The adults eat eucalyptus leaves.
9.Their babies are born live.
10. They are warm-blooded
Koala Bear, Mammal
1. They have seven neck vertebrae.
2. They are warm-blooded.
3. They may eat up to 75 POUNDS of food per day!!!
4. Their favorite leaves are Acacia leaves.
5. Their species is Camelopardalis
6.Their babies are born live.
7. Their babies are 6 FEET TALL at birth.
8. The adults have two distinct, hair-covered horns called ossicones.
9.This animal is the tallest land animal.
10.Their babies drink milk.
Giraffe, Mammal
1. Their species is martimus.
2. Their genus is ursus.
3. They have live babies.
4. The babies1.3 pounds (.6 kilograms)
5. Their babies drink milk.
6. They have 1 to 4 babies but 2 is the average.
7. They are 6.6 to 10 feet long.
8. They are warm-blooded.
9. A thick layer of fur then blubber is waht keeps them warm.
10. They have white fur.
Polar Bear, Mammal
1. They have soft, moist skin that is protected by a slippery secretion of mucus.
2. Babies are generally called larvae, and as they develop, they change in body shape.
3. They are born in the water with no legs, but they have a tail. They lose their tail and grow legs as they grow.
4. It lives part of it's life in the water.
5.The largest type of this animal is 13.5 inches long and weighs up to 6.6 pounds.
6. There are over 4,000 species.
7.Some are poisonous and are brightly colored as a warning.
8.They cannot make their own body heat.
9. The smallest type of this animal is 0.39 inches long.
10. As adults they spend most of their time on land.
Frog, Amphibian
1. They have scaly skin that keeps their bodies from drying out.
2. They have wide, U-shaped, rounded snouts.
3. They live in grassy swamps and slow-moving rivers
4. They are ectotherms, so they must bask in the sun or find a warm spot to get warm and become active, and they must find shade or a cool spot to cool off.
5. It lays about 10 - 50 eggs at a time.
6. They mature at the age of 4 to 7 years
7. They can weigh up to 1,000 pounds
8. They live from 30 to 60 years
9. They are Carnivores
10.Their species is Alligator Mississippiensis
Crocodile, Reptile
1. The species is Phoenicopterus rube.
2. They are vertebrates.
3. Their habitats are large, shallow lakes or lagoons.
4. Some of these are born naked but soem are born with down on them.
5. Their class is aves.
6. They are the only animal with feathers.
7. They eat crustaceans, which make them the color that they are.
8. They range from Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
9. They are pink, red or orange.
10. There eggs have a waterproof shell.
1. The class is reptilia.
2. These are the largest reptiles ever.
3. They live on some islands in Indonesia.
4. They are vertebreas (have backbones).
5. Has clay-colored scaly skin.
6. Uses camouflage.
7. Children are born in eggs.
8. Eats meat , not plants.
9. Loves warm climate not cold.
10. The mother lays 15 to 30 eggs.
Komodo Dragon,Reptile
1. It cannot fly, but it can run.
2. One of their eggs is equal to 24 chicken eggs.
3. It has feathers
4. They don't bury their heads in the sand
5. They are omnivores.
6.Their bones are hollow.
7. Their feathers givee them a shaggy look.
8. They have long necks, and great vision.
9. They can sorint at up to 43 miles per hour.
10. Lays eggs in a nest.
Ostrich, Bird
1. They can fly
2. They live from 25 - 40 years
3. They love fish
4. They lay eggs in a nest
5.Their species is leucocephalus
6. It is the United States symbol
7. They are not bald!!!
8. They lay 1 to 3 eggs at a time
9.Their genus is haliaeetus
10. They have feathers
Bald Eagle, Bird
1.They have feathers
2. Some of these animals are the smallest in the world
3. Their beaks are very long and skinny
4. They come in almost every color you can think of.
5.They can beat their wings up to 200 times a minute
6. They drink nectar
7. There are at least 328 different species
8. They are mainly attracted to red or bright flowers.
9. They are the only bird that can fly backwards.
10. The size of their eggs are 0.3 x 0.43 inches to 0.5 x 0.8 inches .
Hummingbird, Bird
1. They are Fuzzy
2. They carry pollen on their body.
3. They don't make honey.
4. They live in colonies.
5. They are invertebraes
6.They have yellow and black stripes
7.You might find them inside of a flower.
8. They are the most well know type of this type of invertebrae.
9. They sting.
10. They have one queen.
Bumble Bee, Insect
1. They don't have wings.
2. Most of them live in nests that are found underground.
3. One individual is called a "worker".
4. They are invertebrates.
5. Some types may sting.
6. They eat nectar, aphid or whitefly honeydew, and living or dead insects.
7. They can lift up to 50 times their weight.
8. Their nests look like a miniature
9. Their maybe more than one nest in an area, that are all connected by underground tunnels.
10. You might find some in your house (which you don't want).
Ants, Insect
1. It can fly
2. They eat aphids.
3. It hibernates during the winter.
4. It is an invertebrate.
5. They are carnivores.
6. It is red with black spots.
7. It has a hard outer shell;
8.It is often confused with a type of beetle.
9. You can often find them in your house.
10. There wings are hidden beneath ahard shell.
Ladybug, Insect
1. It is an invertebrate.
2. They are technically a type of moth.
3. Their wings are brightly colored.
4. They can be found in almost every single color imaginable.
5. It can fly
6. Their wings have a coating of "dust" that helps them fly.
7.It drinks nectar
8. The biggest type is about 12 inches across.
9. They live on every continent except for antartica.
10. There are about 165,000 known species
Butterfly, Insect
1. Their family is Iguanidae.
2. They lay eggs.
3. They are found in habitats from tropical and subtropical forests, to deserts and along the sea shore.
4. Has 20 to 40 eggs at a time.
5. They are 3.9 inches to 6.6 feet long.
6. 7.9 inches at birth.
7. The class is reptillia.
8. They eat plants.
9. Some live in trees and are called gallina de palo, or 'chicken of the tree'
10. Has scaly skin.
1. They live in and out of the water.
2. They are carnivores.
3. Juveniles have poisonous in their skin.
4. They live from 5 to 15 years.
5. They are 7 to 10 cm from nose to tail and have a sprinkle of black dots.
6. They lay eggs.
7. A juvenile is called an eft.
8. Their skin is slimy and wet.
9. Their larvae are about 1 mm long when born and grow to about 2.5 cm.
10. It lives in ponds, lakes, and slow moving rivers that have a good supply of submerged vegetation.
Red Spotted Newt, Amphibian
1. They are easy to identify because most have smooth skin, a long tail and four legs.
2. They are cold-blooded.
3. Their name comes from a Greek word meaning "a lizard-like animal".
4. Some adults have gills and get oxygen from the water just like fish.
5. Most of them can also breathe oxygen through their skin which is porous and moist.
6. They have a smooth slimy "coating" on their skin.
7. They develop in a few different stages. They begin as an egg, then change to a larva, next a juvenile, and finally the adult.
8. Their skin is used to absorb moisture (water) so they don't have to drink like other animals.
9. They live in a variety of streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and moist woodlands.
10. They can live both on the land and in the water.
Salamander ,Amphibian