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42 Cards in this Set

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FSH and LH act on which cells in the testicle?
FSH acts on sertoli cells and inhibin is the mediator of feedback inhibition, LH acts on Leydig cells and testosterone is the mediator to pituitary
How many meiotic divisions occur to produce mature sperm?
germ cells undergo many mitotic divisions to produce primary spermatocytes which then under 2 meiotic divisions to first produce secondary spermatocytes and then spermatids
where does sperm maturation occur?
what does PSA do?
secreted by prostate epithelium serves as a protease enzyme for semen liquefaction
what is the acrosome?
a cap on the sperm head that contains enzymes necessary for drilling into the zona pellucida of the egg
Pt develops retrograde ejaculation after RPLND, which nerves are injured?
TL sympathetic nerves control closure of BN during seminal emission via norepinephrine; alpha agonists can sometimes helpe
men with non-obs azospermia can have DNA microdeletions in which genes?
AZF (azospermia factor) on the Y chromosome
what chromosome is CFTR gene located?
Pt with primary infertility with normal sperm count, but zero motility. Viability staining shows that sperm are alive. Semen culture and antisperm antibody testing is negative. Which syndrome is suspected?
immotile cilia syndrome. If he has chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis, and situs inversus then he has Kartagener's syndrome
Pt with Klinefelter's and small number of sperm in ejaculate. What is his karyotype?
46, XY/47, XXY mosaic
what is normal adult testicular size?
20cc or greater volume and at least 4cm length
Pt with infertility c/o new onset R varicocele, what must you do next?
CT to r/o R retroperitoneal mass
what is the morphologic semen stress pattern from varicocele?
inc number with tapered heads, immature germ cells, and amorphous sperm cells
what % of pts will see improvement in semen analysis after varicocelectomy?
70%; motility is most often improved followed by count and then morphology
Pt with primary infertility and oligoasthenoteratospermia has low-normal levels of FSH, LH, and T; what medication can be used to improve semen parameters?
clomiphene citrate: while most pts will have an inc in FSH, LH, and T, only a small subset of pts will obtain an improvement in semen parameters
what are the signs of Kallman's syndrome?
low FSH, LH, T, and anosmia; defect in the hypothalamus (tertiary hypogonadism)
Is having mumps at the age of 6 important in infertility?
No, only postpubertal mumps can result in testicular damage and atrophy
what are normal values for sperm count, motility, and morphology?
count greater than 50 million, motility greater than or equal to 50%, and 50% or more normal forms by WHO criteria
what is most commonly the cause of secondary infertility?
varicocele in 80%
what % of couples are infertile and how often is a male factor present?
15% of couples are infertile; 50% of cases have a male factor present
tall, thin patient with gynecomastia and infertility:
Klinefelter's; small, firm testes, azoospermia, 47 XXY
Marijuana smoker with infertility:
dec sperm concentration, motility, abnl morphology, dec serum T nnd gynecomastia; drug alters HPG axis
Pt who receives 4 courses of cisplatin-based chemo for testis cancer; now azoospermic; will he regain spermatogenesis?
Yes; 80% chance of complete return
How long does spermatogenesis take?
74 days; including ductal transit time, the time from spermatogenesis to ejaculation is about 3 mos
when is post radiation return of spermatogenesis?
up to 5 yrs; conception should be avoided for 2 yrs b/c direct effects of DNA can result in numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities
what's the underlying cause of infertility in Prader-Willi and Laurence-Moon--Biedl syndrome?
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
What % of infertile men have chromosomal abnormalities?
what percentage of infertile men have varicoceles?
what % of infertile men have no known cause?
about 25%
An isolated bundle of dec sperm motility suggest what?
antisperm antibodies or a varicocele
how often do varicocelectomy improve semen parameters?
2/3; usually see improvement by 3 mos
what is overall success rates of assisted reproduction?
about 15-20% per cycle or 50% overall
what semen parameters suggest eventual need for ICSI?
500,000 sperm or less than 5% motile sperms, less than 4% normal morphology, and less than 2 million sperm/mL
what is optimal timing for intercourse mid-cycle?
every 48jrs
how often are testicular cancer pts oligospermic?
How do clomiphene and tamoxifen work in male inferitlity?
mild anti-estrogens; work best in men with low-normal testosterone and FSH levels
what is the estimated inc in malformation rates from IVF and ICSI?
overall, about 29% higher risk
what % of men develop significant antisperm antibodies after vasectomy?
what is the fertilization and pregnancy rates for ICSI?
about 60% fertilization and 35% pregnancy rates overall
define oligospermia:
less than 20 million sperm
define teratospermia:
less than 30% normal morphology
T/F:a semen fructose level less than 120mg/dL suggests ejaculatory duct obstruction?