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56 Cards in this Set

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sigsn- hypoplastic, hypopigmented, poorly rugated, empty scrotum.
management of cryptorchidism
most undescended testes will descend spontaneously during first 6 months of life. Testes that don't descend by age 6 months rare descend spontaneously, so do orchiopexy- to improve fertility and testicular growth. Reduces risk of testicular torsion b/c attached to scrotal wall. risk of testicular cancer is decreased but not gone.
risk factors for chryptorchidism
premature, small for gestational age ,weight < 2.5kg, exposure to pesticides DES in utero, genetics, neural tube defect


genital lesions: pearly penile papules
normal variant. Rows of flesh colored dome topped or filiform papules aound corona of glanz penis.
condyloma acuminata
genital warts- MOST COMMON STD in S. caused by HPV virus. See skin lesions verrucous or flat
gonococcal urethritis
get urethral discharge and dysuria wtihin 2-7 days of exposure to infected partner. Can get dysuria, polyuria,
herpes ! HSV infection
get vesicles- can dev into painful pustules and ulcers that crust in 4-15 days. Urethritis is common complaint- associated w/ dysuria and mucoid discharg
management of infertility
male factor causes 20% cases - do semen analysis for concentration, motility, morphology. Other cause can be anovulation - can check serum progesterone and proclatin and sample endometrium. . After can do hysterosalpingogram to look for anatomic abnormalities
signs of epididymitis
mild-moderate scrotal pain + swelling + tenderness. No urination sxs. UA normal. Prehn side usually positive (dec pain with testicular elevation)
cause of epididymitis
most common is Chlamydia
testicular torsion
sudden severe pain. Get high riding testes on affected side. Cremasteric reflex is GONE. Do doppler U/S !
bacterai like mumps infection. Get fever, severe scrotal pain and swelling
testicular tumor
painless scrotal mass
dull scrotal pain improved by lying down. Bag of worms feel. Usually left sided or bilateral
cryptorchidism risks
higher risk of testicular cancer. Dec after surgery but still high
causes of erectile dysfunction- psychologic
have normal night and morning erections- indicate intact vascular and neurologic supply to penis. Optimal androgen leve. Rule out physiologic cause. Due to anxiety!
causes of erectile dysfunction- physiologic causes
ie DM- get poor glycemic control, vasculopathy, neuropathy, meds.
klinefelter syndrome
have higher risk of breast cancer.
evaluation of painless scrotal swelling
must eval for testicular cancer. Get scrotal U/S. cystic/fluid filled lesions are unlikely to be cancer .if lesion is suspicious, get CT abd/pelvis to look forretroperitoneal nodes , and measure afp, bHCG. Radical inguinal orchiectomy gives accurate diagnosis
result of untreated varicocele
testes are in pampiniform plexus of vessels that reduce temperature of scrotum. If plexus dilates, temperature increases, seminiferous tubules will atrophy :(
collection of fluid in potential space in tunica vaginalis- can be congenital (patent processus vaginalis) or acquired from epididymitis etc.
features of varicoceles
often affects L side b/c L spermatic vein etners L renal vein at 90deg angle. R spermatic vein drains direct to IVC. If someone has bilateral varicocele, need to look for IVC obstruction that coculd be causing it. So get an abdominal CT to look for obstruction
BPH treatment
TURP- transurethral resection of prostate can result in retrograde ejaculation as complication.
testicualar cancer
most common solid malignancy in males under age 35. presents as painless mass
if u/s shows suspicious lesion for testicular cancer …
then get CT abd/pelvis and CXR . Also check bHCG and AFP. (HCG up in pure seminomas, both in nonseminomas)
Eval for ED
can be caused by peripheral artery disease- if pt has atherosclerotic risk factors (DM, smoking, hLd) and claudicatio nsxs ie butt and thigh pain while walking, do diagnostic testing - ABI, cardiac stress test
Leriche syndrome
triad- lower extremity claudication, dec femoral pulses, erectile ddysfunction
Ankle brachial index
<0.9 iss sensitive/specific fo PAD. If someone had 3 + atherosclerotic risk factors, screen for cardiovascular disease before treating the sexual dysfunction
treatment for ED
PDE-5 inhibitors (sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil).
prostate cancer
in most ppl, progresses very slowly, so people likley die from other causes.
PSA test
nonspecific. High false positive rate. Can treat with high rate of complications.
treatment for prostate cancer
radical prostatectomy or radiation tx
complicaions of tx of prostate ca
ED< incontinence, bowel dysfunction
boggy, tender, edematous prostate.
tx of prostatitis
check UA and Ucx. Pyuria and poitive culture- guide tx
do prostaste massage?
No. can cause bacteremia. No benefit
nonbacterial prostatitis
get >20 WBC/hpf in prostate secretions, bt no bacteria in culture. Inflammatory disorder. No hx of UTI
acute prostatitis
fever, chills, dysuria, perineal pain, cloudy urine, dysuria, tender prostate,
chronic bacterial prostatitis
complication of acute prostatitis- subtle. Get dysuria and polyuria without signs of prostatitis.
how to tx nonbacterial prostatitis
Sitz bath and anti-inflammatory meds
side effect of sildenafil (viagra)
causes blue-green color vision. Wait 6 hours before flying plane
Scrotal pain= work up
is it pain predominant (testicular torsion, appendix testes torsion, epididymitis) o r swelling predominant (hydrocele , varicocele, spermatocele, testicular cancer).
cremasteric relfex
testes elevate with inner thigh stroke. Absent in testicular torsion. Usually normal in epididymitis. Gone in torsion.
eval for testicular torsion
get doppler U/S to eval for torsion. Will need urology to surgically detorse and do orchiopexy on both testes
do transillumination test- see cystic fluid between parietal and visceral layers of tunica vaginalis that can increase in size or not.
epididymitis eval
check UA. Urethral swab
eval for blunt testicular trauma: mild
minimal pain/swelling. Rest, ice, briefs, NSAIDs, f/u in 48 hrs
eval for blunt testicular trauma: moderate
scrotal U/S. if normal, treat as mild. If abnormal- consult surgery. Look for dec blood flow
eval for blunt testicular trauma: severe
abnormal exam- look for scrotal hematoma, testicular compression, hematocele, testicular rupture, torsion etc. get U/S and surgical consult
if suspect urethral injury- see blood at ti of meatus
do retrograde urethrogram to look.
painful erection that can become veno-occlusive, acidotic and anoxic and ischemic. Can be due to sickle cell, neurogenic problem, trauma, medication (trazodone)- get alpha adrenergic blocade . Lasts >3hours. Emergency. Need urologic consult b/c can damae corpora and cause impotence . tx- ice paick. meds to inc venous outflow. 1st line med- alpha adrenergic agonist like epinephrine or phenylephrine to bring it down
TURP complications
retrograde ejaculation (Dry), hyponatremia- uses 20-30L of iso-osmotic flush without Na. can get absorbed into circulation via prostatic veins thus make Na drop, causing sxs. Look for osmolal gap
causes of transient elevated PSA
urinary retention, mild prostate inflammation, infection, urologic procedure, DRE, recent ejaculation
persistent PSA elevation
BPH, prostate Ca, prostatitis
if PSA is mildly elevated
repeat in 2-6 weeks to see if ti normalized. If persistently elevated, do further investigation