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399 Cards in this Set

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What is the psychoanalytic explanation of personality development?
Freud believed that personality develops as a result of conflict b/n innate forces and the demands of reality.

Erikson said personality results from an interaction b/n social experience and innate factors.
What is the "learning perspective" for why people behave the way they do?
Behavior is continuous and emphasis is on quantitative change in development. Environment controls behavior.
What is the cognitive perspective for why people think the way they do?
Piaget said cognitions and thoughts develop as a result of interactions b/n biological factors and experiences with the environment. The person contributes to their own develop. through manipulating the environment.
What is the ethological perspective on why people behave the way they do?
Behaviors such as attachment develop during critical or sensitive periods and are rooted in evolution. Focus on evolution and biological bases for behavior.
What is the contextual perspective for why people develop the way they do?
Vygotsky believes people set goals for behavior within a context and success depends on appropriateness of behavior within context. Can't separate individual from environment.
What are zone of proximal development and scaffolding?
Z of pd is the level at which a child can ALMOST perform a behavior independently. Scaffolding is providing temporary support to assist the child in completing the behavior.
What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative developmental change?
Qualitative development, according to stage theorists means that adults and children think in qualitatively different ways - adults process information differently than kids.
Quantitative devel. means the difference b/n adults and kids involve differences in AMOUNT of information that can be stored.
How do genetics and environment influence development?
Heredity refers to inborn genetic endowments. Environmental factors and genetic factors transect continually over time. Ex. IQ - environment matters mmore significantly in the early years.
Describe Bronfenbrenner's 5 levels of his Ecological Approach.
Microsystem - everyday environment.
Mesosystem - interax/n between 2+ microsystems.
Exosystem - interax/n b/n 2+ settings with one setting not including the person.
Macrosystem - culture, religion, politics
Chronosystem - effects of the passage of time.
what are the differences between normative and non-normative influences on development?
Normative influences are those events that occur in a similar way for most people (ex. puberty).
Non-normative factors involve unusual events that have a major impact on an individual's life (ex. death of a parent).
What is the difference between critical periods and sensitive periods.
A critical period in development is a time when an event has strong and irreversible effects on a particular developmental stage (ex Fetal alc syn) and once that period of time is gone, the effect can't be reversed. A sensitive period is when effects have a dramatic but reversible affect on development (ex. attachment).
What are the differences b/n genotype and phenotype?
Genotype refers to one's genetic makeup and the expressed and unexpressed characteristics. Phenotype refers to the observable characteristics.
What is the term used to identify chromosomes that are unrelated to sex.
What is Klinefelter's syndrome?
23rd chromo is XXY. The individual looks male (phenotypically male) but IS female (genotypically).
What is Turner's syndrome?
One sex chormosome is missing - XO. Phenotype (appearance) is F without sex hormones or gonads.
What syndrome results from having 3 chromosomes on chromosome 21?
Down's syndrome
What disorder involves a defective metabolic gene. In this disorder a special diet can prevent MR.
PKU - phenylkenonuria
T or F...
Hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive disorder that causes bleeding mostly in males.
Which racial group is sickle cell anemia found mostly in and what s/s does it have?
African Americans (1/12 carry it and 1/500 get it). Deformed, fragile RBC clog blood vessels, cause anemia, pain, decreased rate of growth, increased infections. Treat with painkillers and transfusions.
What are the three phases of the prenatal period?
Germinal - first 2 weeks. Zygote implants to uterus.
Embryonic - 2 wks through 8-12wks. Rapid development of major organ systems. Almost all birth defects occur during 1st trimester.
Fetal period (12 wks - birth) - organ systems develop complexity
Prental development occurs from the top down. What is the term for this?
Malnutrition is most detrimental at which point in prenatal development?
to the FETUS, so last 2 trimesters.
Decreased growht, physical deformieites, decreased motor development, lower IQ, decreased attention, restlessness, hyper, and irritable are all s/s of what and is it reversible?
Fetal alcohol syndrome - no
Spontaneous abort, prematurity, LBW, neuro probs, decreased hd circumference, and decreased alertness and responsiveness are all s/s of what in infants?
Cocaine - "crack baby"
What causes infant death, LBW and school age problems such as decreased attention, hyperactivitiy, and decreased IQ?
Nicotine in mother's system
What are each of the following reflexes:
moro, rooting, babinski, grasp
Moro - acrh back and extend limbs to startle
Rooting - stroke cheek and baby will turn head and suckle
Babinski - stroke foot and toes spread and foot twists
Grasp ref - place object in hand and baby will make a fist
Describe when each sense begins to develop and describe.
Touch - 1st sense to develop.
Taste - inherrently like sweet (and maybe salty too). Signs of preference in utero.
Hearing - well developed at birth
Smell - well developed at birth - babies can differentiate mom's milk from other
Vision - peripheral at birth but rapid increase w/in 2-10 weeks and 20/20 vision by 6 mos-2years.
What is cross model fluency?
The ability after 2-3 weeks to imitate facial expressions. After 2 months it becomes known as social smile.
What happens at each developmental point...
6 wks, 2-3 mos, 6-7 mos, 7-8 mos (two things), 11 mos, 11-13 mos, 16 mos, 24 mos.
6wks (keep head erect), 2-3 mos(roll over), 6-7 mos (sit alone), 7-8 mos (crawl and then stand with support), 11 mos (stand alone), 11-13 mos (walk alone), 16 mos (walk up steps), 24 mos (toilet training begins.
What is the rate of brain development from prenatal to age 5.
Prenatally-2years - brain is fastest growing part of body.
birth - brain is 1/4 to 1/3 of adult size.
Age 2 - brain is 75% of adult size
Age 5 - 90% of adult size
What happens at age 7 or 8 that makes handedness determined and language function set?
Considerable sensory integration occurs and the brain lateralizes function, so patterns become firmly estsablished.
What is significant about mid childhood in terms of brain development?
Hippocampal development finishes. By age 10 unilingual kids have difficulty speaking unaccented second language.
At what age does myelination d/c?
Myelination continues into adulthood and leads to increased processing speed, attention span, and frontal lobe functioning.
At what ages do boys and girls reach puberty?
Girls 10-12years and Boys 12-14 years
What effect does early development have on girls and on boys?
Girls - increased academic achievement, lower SE, decreased self-image, increased parental conflict.
Boys - more psych adjusted, increased school performance, increased self-image, increased popularity.
These differences disappear by grade 12.
When girls develop early and lower their academic achievement, what happens?
Increased self-image and popularity.
What is climacteric?
Man-opause - gradual decline in testosterone levels in men.
What is the maximum lifespan and what are some physical changes that gradually occur as we get older?
110-120 years. Decreased cardiac output, increased blood pressure, and decreased vision and hearing.
What are the differences between primary aging and secondary aging?
Primary ating refers to aging that involves inevitable chagnes in physical and mental processes due to genetic processes and normal wear and tear. Secondary aging results from disease, disuse, and neglect.
1. HOw does sex drive change with aging? 2. What is older adult sexual activity frequency most highly correlated with? 3. Until what age can men and women have sex? What is the primary barrier to sex in old age for women?
1. Sex drive does not decrease with age. 2. Sexual activity at a younger age. 3. Women can have sex as long as they live and men typically can have sex well into their 70's and 80's. 4. Lack of partner
Describe the Health Belief Model?
Health behavior results from joint influence of psychosocial factors, percieved susceptibility of dz., and perceived benefit vs/ perceived barriers.
What is the riskiest health related behavior for premature death?
What other factors affect late life health?
Overeating, lack of exercise, lack of balanced diet.
What racial group lives the longest?
What is the social buffer hypothesis?
Perception of adequate social network can reduce the risk of emotional distress.
How does language progress and develop starting with crying and then cooing at 3 mos.
Babble (6-10mos), then comprehension (9-10 mos.), then echo (9-10 mos), then holophrasic thought (single words or syllabi; 12-18 mos), then by 15mos 10 different words, and by 18 mos a vocabulary of about 50 words, and by 18-24 mos telegraphic speech (2+ words that express an idea).
There are three theories of language development...what are they?
Nativist view (Chomsky) - innage language acquisition device (LAD).
Nurturist view - language is acquired by imitation and reinforcement.
Interactionist view - combination of nature and nurture.
"Motherese" occurs in which cultures.
It occurs across all languages. Also, mothers talk to daughters more which is why girls may be more advanced linguistically than boys.
What is the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis?
Language influences how we think (think of Tam at the Buddhist temple trying to translate the fortunes - for some concepts there was no translation)
What is dyslexia?
A reading disorder where the person has difficulty matching speech sound with written words. More common in low SES and large families. Equally as common in boys as girls.
What are each of the different types of dyslexia?
Deep, surface, phonological, neglect
Deep dyslexia - reads a given word as one with a similar meaning. (read coat for jacket).
Surface dyslexia - can't recognize words. Needs to sound out words.
Phonological - can't read gibberish wrods
Neglect - misread 1st or last 1/2 of word.
Piaget used an "idiographic approach" to research, which means what?
He studied a small # of kids intensely.
Piaget's theory says growth and development are epigenesis, which means what?
Growth and development occur in stages and stages build on each other. He also said that kids and adults are qualitatively different in how they think.
Cognitive development is the result of 3 principles, what are they and describe?
1. Organization - development of increasingly complex systems of knowledge. Creation of schemata.
2. Adaptation - the way a person deals with new information. Involves changing schemata through assimilation and accomodation.
3. Equilibration - need for and striving for equilibrium. Imbalance determines the extent to which a child uses assimilation and accomodation to adapt to new experience.
What are Piaget's 4 stages of thought? (Rates vary and decalage is common)
1. Sensorimotor (birth - 2) - increase control of motor function thru interaction with environ. Object permanence.
2. Pre-operational stage (2-7 yrs) - increased use of symbols and language. Characterized by intuitive thinking, egocentrism, phonemenalistic causality, animism, irreversibility, and centration.
3. Concrete-Operational Stage (7-11) - can attend to a wide array of info and its logical, serial, and dimensional.
4. Formal operational stage (11-18) - abstract concepts and ability for deductive reason. Also metacognition develops.
One key concept to Piaget's theory is constructivism, which refers to what?
New knowledge is based on previously learned material.
Who is more influential on cognitive development parents or peers?
Peers because parents may be too cognitively advanced.
There are two criticisms of Piaget's work, what are they/
He may have underestimated kids abilities. Decreased emphasis on culture and educational background.
What does the information processing theory say about cognitive development?
As kids age, memory improves as a result of gradual and more effective use of memory such as rehearsal and use of mnemonics. And more effective problem solving comes with age and experience.
While Piaget's theory had a qualitative view of cognitive development, information processing is quantitative, which means what?
Enhanced cognitive capacities of adolescents result from a larger foundation of information, betters kills acquired, more thorough scanning, flaxible use of learning strategies and enhanced ability to self-monitor.
According to information processing, why does cognitive capacity improve as kids age?
They acquire more effective strategies for learning such as rehearsal and mnemonics. They also learn more effective ways of problem solving. They also have a larger foundation of information, better skills in discerning isomorphs, more thorough scanning, flexible use of lerning strategies, and enhanced ability to self-monitor.
What attitudes and behaviors are typical of adolscents due to inexperience with abstract thought according to Elkind?
Finding fault with authority, argumenativeness, indecisiveness, hypocrisy, self-consciousness, and sense of invulnerability
"Personal Fable" and "Imaginary Audience" are two more cognitive qualities of adolescents...what are these?
PF: belief that they are somehow special.
IA: assume everyone is thinking the same way they are
____ intelligence improves with age and ___ intelligence peaks in adolescence and declines in 30's and 40's.
Crystallized & Fluid
What is the Classic Aging Pattern?
Performance skills (capacity for prob solving in novel situations) decline and verbal skills (overlearned skills) remain intact.
Overall ___ in CNS speed causes ___ in process speed and ___ in sensory ability.
Decrease, decrease, decrease
With attention... older adults do well on ___ attention tasks but have problems with ___ attention tasks.
simple, complex
What happens with higher order cognitive processes in older adults?
In a lab setting they decrease but in real world settings older adults can outperform younger adults in problem solving, reasoning, conceptualization, and planning.
Primary memory and working memory are part of what? What happens with working memory as adults age?
Short term memory. Primary memory is the holding tank for small amounts of info. Working memory briefly holds and manipulates info. Declines
What are the three types of long term memory?
Episodic - events or memories in context.
Semantic - knowledge of facts and meanings.
Procedural - memory for motor skills.
One hypothesis for memory problems associated with aging is that there are problems with ___ and ___.
encoding, retrieval
What are the physiological explanations for decline in memory?
1. atrophy of hippocampus
2. Decreased activity of acetylcholine, serotonine, and catecholamines.
3. Toxic effects of endogenous amino acids
What are the stages of moral development according to Piaget?
1. Heteronomous morality (ages 5-10) - morality of constraint. Rules must be followed.
2. Autonomous morality (10+) - morality of cooperation. There is not one unchangeable standard of right/wrong.
What are Kohlberg's three stages of moral development?
1. Preconventional - (4-10) - Stage 1 Punish/obedience: follow rules to avoid punishment. Stage 2 instrumental/hedonism: follow rules to get reward.
2. Conventional MOrality (10+) - Stage 1 Good girl/good boy: concern for gaining approval thru obedience. Stage 2 Law & Order: focus on doing one's duty.
3. Postconventional (13+) - Stage 1 Morality of Contract: emphasizes value of the will of the majority. Stage 2 Indiv. Principles of Conscience: morality based on what indiv. believes is right.
What are criticisms of Kohlberg's work?
Not culturally sensitive, bias that individualism is best.
Carol Gilligan said men have ___ perspective of morality and women have ___ perspective of morality.
Justice, caring
According to Gilligan, what are three stages of moral development?
1. Individual survival is priority.
2. Self-sacrifice becomes priority.
3. Non-violence - no one should suffer, including the self.
What are Freud's 5 stages of psychosexual development?
0-1 yrs - oral stage
1-3 anal stage
3-5/6 phallic stage
5/6-12 latency
12-18 genital
What are Erikson's 8 stages?
Trust vs. mistrust => hope
Autonomy vs. shame => will
Initiative vs. guilt => purpose
Industry vs. inferiority => competence
Identity vs. role confusion => fidelity
Intimacy vs. Isolation => love
Generativity vs. stagnation => care
Integrity vs. despair => wisdom
What are the stages of separation/individuation according to Margaret Mahler?
5-10 mos. Differentiation
10-16 mos. practicing
16-24 mos. rapproachment
24-36 mos. consolidation and object constancy
What are Levinson's stages of development? He wrote Season's of a Man's Life.
1. Early adult transition (17-22) - starts to change the sense of self of childhood.
2. Entering adult world (22-28) - consolidates choices made in transition.
3. Age 30 transition (28-33) - establsh patterns of adult life.
4. Settle down (38-40) - commits to adulthood.
5. Mid-life trans (40-45) - shift from time since birth to death.
6. Mid adulthood (45-50)- relinquish the perspective of early adulthood.
7. Age 50 trans
8. Late adulthood - retirement and death
What was Conrad Lorenz's contribution regarding attachment?
Ethological studies showed that nonhuman primates demonstrated attach behavior. Imprinting study - certain stimuli are capable of eliciting innate behaviors during critical period. Ex. ducklings
What was Harry Harlow's contribution to attachment?
Tactile sensation is strong influence on attach. Wire vs. terry cloth monkey mothers.
Also monkeys reared in isolation showed Autistic s/s but when returned to normal social environment, these traits remissed.
What did John Bowlby contribute?
Newborns are equipped with verbal and non-verbal behaviors that elicit nurturing from adults.
Bowlby's Syndrome of Maternal Deprivation?
Protest => despair => detachment (becomes indifferent to mom).
What is "anaclytic depression?"
Rene Spitz said this type of depression involved weepiness, w/d, and insomnia.
Mary Ainsworth assessed 4 types of attachment style with a procedure called "Strange Situation Procedure." What did this involve?
At one year of age, have mother leave the room and then return after some time. Child's behavior indicates the type of attachment style he/she and mother have.
What happens with Secure Attachmetn?
65% of babies. Seek closeness with mom when with strangers, moderate distress when mom leaves, greets mom with enthusiasm when she returns. Kids are cooperative, free of anger. Parent style is sensitive and responsive.
What happens with avoidant attachemtn?
20% of kids. Do not seek closeness with mom, no cry when she leaves, ignore her upon return. Kids are angry and parent style is aloof, distant, intrusive, and overstimulated.
What happens with ambivalent attachment style?
10% of kids. Vacillate b/n seek and shunning mom, upset when mom leaves, and upon return they seek contact while kicking and squirming. Kids are hard to comfort and do not explore much, and parent style is inconsistent and insensitive.
What is disorganized-disoriented attachment?
Least secure. Inconsistent interaction with mom. Typical with abuse or unresolved abusre issue of caregiver.
By age two, those with more secure attachment are...
more competent and autonomous and not usually victims or perpetrators of bullying.
Baumrind proposed 3 types of parenting, what are they?
Authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative.
Which of them expect unquestioned obedience, are demanding, controlling, threatening, and punishing. How do these kids turn out?
Authoritarian. Moody, irritable, discontented, w/d, distrustful, and aggressive.
Which type of parents value self-expression and self-regulation. What are the two sub-types of this style? How do these kids turn out?
Permissive. Permissive indulgent kids become impulsive and immature and out of control. Permissive indifferent kids develop poor self-control, are demanding, minimally compliant and have poor interpersonal skills.
Which style is caring, emotionally available, firm, fair, and reasonable? How do these kids turn out?
Authoritative. Kids become competent, confident, independent, cooperative, and at ease in social situations.
Cross cultural research suggests the key variable that affects outcome of parent style is ___ vs. ___.
Warmth vs. rejection.
Children of working mothers tend to have more ___ views of sex roles than kids of stay-at-home moms.
Mid class boys have __ academic performance when mom works.
___ SES boys do better academically when at daycare.
T/F... Attachment is not affected by working mom.
Kids in day care are ... as compared to kids not in day care.
more socially adjusted, self confident, and persistent. But also more disobedient, less polite, bossier, and more aggressive.
What are differences between kids of gay vs straight parents?
No differences
Kids of single parents show what differences from kids with 2-parent homes?
Lower level of academic achievement. This, however, may be due to SES.
What are the 3 stages of gener role development?
1. Gender roles (society expectations)
2. Gender Identity (perception of own gender)
3. Gender constancy (recognition that gender does not change with dress or behavior).
What is the social learning theory of gender role developmetn?
imitation and reinforcement
What is the cognitive developmental theory of gender role development?
Children develop a concept of gender and then constancy and motivates them to act like boy/girl.
What is the gender-schema theory of gender role development? Note: this is most accepted theory to date.
Children use gender as a schema to view the world. Consists of social learning and cognitive theory
What is psychoanalytic theory of gender role develop?
Emphasizes role of Oedipus complex - guilt about attraction to opposite sex parent is resolved by ID with same sex parent..."biology is destiny."
There are four stages of play... what are they?
Solitary play, parallel play (play independently next to other kids), associative play (interacts and shares toys), cooperative play (group with common goal).
What are Piaget's 4 stages of cognitive play?
1. Repetitive play.
2. Constructive play- building or creating
3. Imaginative play - fantasy
4. Formal play - games with rules.
In preschool kids are friends with same sex and opposite sex kids... what about during latency?
Same sex peers mainly.
Quality vs. quantity...which do girls value and which do boys value?
Quality - girls
Quantity - boys
What are traits predictive of low popularity?
Unattractive, shy, poor academic performance.
What single factor accounts for delinquency?
Nature of relationship with parents.
What is the sequence that leads to delinquency?
Poor parenting => academic failure and peer rejection => decreased mood => delinquent peer group
What factors influence parenting?
SES, employment status, marital discord, divorce, parent personality, child temperament.
What is Rosenthal effect?
Expectations of teacher (or researcher) influence outcomes.
Female and male teachers have more ___ with male students and more ___ and ____ interactions with male students than female students.
interactions, negative, critical
Female and male teachers praise female students for ___ & ___ and male students for ___ and ___.
effort and cooperation; ability and achievement
Cooperative classrooms are beneficial for whom?
They are more beneficial for low ability students. They may or may not help higher ability students. They are effective in decreasing cultural bias.
Motessori schools max lerning from ___.
Sensory-motor stimuli.
James Marcia outlined 4 styles of adolescent identity formation. What are they?
1. ID achieve: actively struggle to explore options. 2. Foreclosure: commit to a goal without exploring alternatives. 3. Moratorium: active process of struggling with decisions. 4. ID diffusion: lack direction and not commited to goals.
Homicide rate is highest among whom?
African american adolescent males.
Suicide rate is highest among whom?
White adolescent males. Females attempt more frequently, but males carry to completion more frequently.
Highest rate of sex activity including STD's and pregnancy?
African American males and females.
STD's are more common in __ teens.
minority and low SES
What % of teens use condoms?
When are teens most susceptible to peer pressure?
About age 13/14 and then starts to decline.
How many teens drop out of school?
How many prisoners are HS dropouts?
How likely are HS dropouts to be unemployed?
What are the two theories of successful aging?
Activity theory - old age is fulfilling if person remains active.
Disengagement - successful aging involves a natural and graceful w/d from life (has been largely discredited).
What are gender variables associated with aging?
Older males have more social status, $$, and sexual partners. Older females have more friends, more involvement w/ family and lower income and status.
Who represents the lowest income bracket in US?
elderly females
T/F. Depression is associated with retirement.
False. Depression is associated with decreased standard of living.
What are stages of grief and loss?
1 Numbness
2. Yearning
3. Disorganization and despair
4. resolution and re-organization
What are Kubler-Ross' 5 stages of acceptance of terminal illness?
1 denial
2. anger
3 bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
What are the three categories of temperament described by Thomas and Chess?
1. Easy (40%) - regular, adaptable, mildly intense.
2. Difficult (10%)- moody, easily frustrated, tense and overreact
3. Slow-to-warm-up (15%) - mild responding, shy, need time to adjust.
What are emotions expressed at each of six stages from birth through age 10+?
At birth: distress, contentment, interest
By 6 mos: content, joy, surprise, interest, sadness, disgust, anger
By 7-9 mos: smile, pout
1 year: social referencing (use cues from others to deal with affective uncertainty)
2 yr: self-consciousness develops, learn to regulate emotions, object constancy, self soothe
7-10yrs: culturally universal emotions of fear, anger, disgust, surprise, joy, shame, contempt, sadness, interest.
T or F. Adolescents is not a time of turmoil.
True. There is little evidence to suggest this.
Risk factors for psychopathology?
Poverty and maternal substance abuse.
Protective factors?
High SES, health, WNL IQ, supportive family, personality, external support
Boys are more vulnerable to risk factors at what age? Girls are more vulnerable to risk factors at what age?
Boys - under age 10; girls - in teen years.
T or F. Girls possess a wider range of coping skills than boys mostly b/c they are better at forming relationships.
According to Piaget, what is equilibration?
a state achieved through assimilation and accomodation. Together these processes are referred to as "equilibration."

Equilibration is motivated by a drive for balance or order
Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis
language determines the nature of thought (According to Whorf’s hypothesis (also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis), the structure and lexicon of language influences how the individual perceives, interprets, and reacts to the world)
signs of HIV infection in childhood
immunological abnormalities and delayed physical and cognitive development.
symptoms associated with prenatal malnutrition
hyperactivity, irritability, and irregular sleep and feeding habits
most common symptoms of congenital CMV
mental retardation and hearing and visual impairments.
Which aspects of memory show the greatest age related decline? And which show relatively no decline?
Recent long-term (secondary) memory is most affected by increasing age, followed by working memory. Sensory Memory and remote long term memory show hardly any decline.
Name three birth defects due to chromosomal abnormality (variation in number of chromosomes)
down syndrome, klinefelter syndrome (only affects males and is caused by an extra X chromosome), and turner syndrome
What is the Information processing theory of cognitive development?
Cognitive development is a function of maturation and experience (process of storing information)
What are the 4 stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
1. sensorimotor
deferred imitation
object permanence

2. Preoperational (incomplete understanding of cause & effect)

3. Concrete operational Conservation
transitivity (the ability to mentally sort objects)
Hierarchical classification (the ability to sort object into classes and subclasses based on similarities and differences among groups)

4. Formal Operation (abstract/hypothetical thinking)
Erikson's 8 stages of social development
Trust vs Mistrust
Autonomy vs shame
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferiority
indentity vs role confusion
intimacy vs isolation
generativity vs stagnation
ego integrity vs despair
What are the 4 different levels of identity crisis (Marcia)?
Identity diffusion (no crisis, haven't explored alternatives or committed)
Identity foreclosure (adapted identity imposed by others)
Identity moratorium (crisis and explore alternatives)
Identity achievement (resolved crisis and committed)
What are some ways to reduce aggression?
modeling,m reinforcing alternative prosicial behaviors, and teaching empathy
In what order do the following developmental milestones occur?
- pull him/herself to standing by holding onto the furniture
- show seperation anxiety
- pretend that a wood cylinder is a cup
- say her first word
- develop stranger anxiety
1. Seperation anxiety (6-8mo)
2. stranger anxiety (8-10mo)
3. pull selfs to standing (9-10mo)
4. symbolic play (11-12mo)
5. say first words (12mo)
Depth perception in infants develops in what sequece?
According to Piaget, centration is:
limitation of preoperational thought that leads a child to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others, often leading to illogical conclusions
What is the ability to understand that changing an object's appearance doesn't change the object's physical qualities? And when does this start to develop?
Conservation - starts to develop during the concrete operations stage (7-12 years old)
Cognitive-behavioral approach to aggression in older children - in younger children
older - focus on helping them accurately interpret external cues
Younger - identify negative consequences of using aggression and alternatives
What are the top three reasons for infant deaths?
#1 congenital deformities
2. low birthweight
3. sudden death syndrome
Signs of the personality characteristic of social inhibition are usually present at:
2-4 months of age!
According to Rutter (1985), what are predictors of child psychopathology?
low SES, severe marital discord, large family size, parental criminality, placement of the children outside the home
The following parenting styles express ____ control/demandingness and ___ warmth/responsiveness :
1. Authoritative
2. Permissive
3. Authoritarian
4. Rejecting/Neglecting
1. high control & high warmth
2. low control & high warmth
3. high control & low warmth
4. low control & low warmth
According to Erikson, adolescents who are unsuccessful in resolving the identity vs indentity confusion stage experience?
the extreme of "fanaticism" (person becomes overzealous in identification to a paticulr role to the point they are intolerant of otehrs
or "repudiation." (compensates for lack of identity by fusing with a group that eagerly provides details of identity (i.e. cults)
What does the research findings on stepparenting (male vs female children)?

Stepmothers vs stepfathers in regards to contact
Most research has found that girls have more difficulty adjusting to their mother's remarriage than do boys.

Stepmothers typically have more frequent contact with their stepchildren than do stepfathers, although these interactions are often abrasive. Stepparents have been found to rely heavily on authoritarian (rather than authoritative) parenting
Studies investigating the effects of maternal employment and child academic achievement suggest that:
maternal employment has beneficial effects on the cognitive development and academic achievement of children. There are some exceptions, however, and one of these is the degree to which the mother feels conflicted about work and family. Mothers who would rather be employed but who stay at home experience the most conflict, and this somehow affects the academic performance of their children
An infant's rapid brain development during the first year of life is due primarily to:
increased size of existing neurons, increased dendritic branching, and the formation of glial cells (increasing myelination of axons)
A 7 year old is irritable, aggressive, dependent, and low in achievement orientation and self-esteem. Based on this information, you would guess his parents are:
Authoritarian (high degree of demandingness and low responsivity)
Divorce has the strongest negative impact on children’s
According to Kohlberg, the relationship between judgment and action at higher stages:
the range of possible moral actions narrows; and the individual assumes greater responsibility for relating his/her judgments to actions
During the second stage of Kohlberg's pre-conventional level of moral development (instrumental hedonism stage) children obey rules because:
they want to satisfy their own needs (example: "be good to your father and he will be good to you")
circular reactions in Piaget's sensorimotor stage:
Reflexes - "building blocks"
Primary circular (1-4 mo) - simple motor habits
Secondary circular (4-8mo) - actions involving other people or objects
Tertiary circular reactions (12-18mo) - varying an original action on an object to see what happens
Habituation-dishabituation research has demonstrated that, at about ___ months of age, infants begin to exhibit recognition memory for a visual stimulus for up to 24 hours following presentation
Perry and Busey (1984) focus on family factors that contribute to aggression in children. In particular, they emphasize the role of
a. family discord and chaos
b. parental socioeconomical status
c. parental rejection and use of power assertive discipline
d. early parent-child attachment
D. G. Perry and K. Bussey (Social Development, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1984) focus on family interaction factors in the development of aggressive behavior. They propose that aggression is related to parental rejection and lack of warmth and use of harsh forms of discipline
Kohlberg's theory of moral development focuses on moral reasoning. With regard to the linkage between moral reasoning and moral action, Kohlberg would most likely agree with which of the following?
a. There is a direct, one-to-one link between moral reasoning and behavior
b. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's previous experience with the situation
c. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's IQ.
d. There isn't a one-to-one correspondence between moral reasoning and behavior, although, the higher the stage of moral reasoning, the stronger the link is likely to be
d - Kohlberg believed there is a link between moral reasoning and moral action but felt that the correspondence was greatest at the higher stages of moral reasoning
Research on infants who were raised by muiltiple caregivers until AT LEAST 2 years found that in regards to attachment:
maternal deprivation in the first few years of life does not necessarily prevent children from developing strong attachments to their adopted parents, even when the adoption occurs as late as 4-6 years of age.
According to Vygotsky, what has the greatest impact on the development of language?
social relationships and culture
What are some indicators of perceptual abilities in a 3-4 month old infant?
sucking (1-4mo), reaching (by 12 wks), and heart rate (any age)
First words typically occur anywhere from __ to __ months of age. At ___ months children begin to put several words together to represent a complete thought
10-16 months

18 months
immediate recall for specific events usually occurs by __ months of age while Delayed recall of specific events is usually first evident when children are ___ months of age
11 months

13 months
Code switching (also known as language switching) occurs when a bilingual speaker changes languages during the course of a conversation. It seems to serve several purposes, one is:
including allowing the speaker to better express his/her feelings toward the listener
Research in the 1960s and 1970s found that, in school settings, teachers tend to pay more attention to boys than to girls. More recent research has suggested that this finding was due to:
According to analyses of results of SOME of the recent research, the finding is due to the fact that boys display a higher proportion of learning and behavior difficulties, rather than any gender bias on the part of teachers.
In her longitudinal study of high-risk infants, Werner (1993) found that positive outcomes for these infants were most associated with:
Werner concludes that resilience is most associated with (1) fewer stressors following birth, (2) stable support from a parent or other caregiver, and (3) an easy temperament.
At which age are infant cries distinguishable?

What 3 cries come first?
In a newborn!

cries for hunger, anger, and pain
Studies on the effectiveness of training for improving the cognitive skills of older people who have already experienced normal age-related declines have found that training
can remediate verbal and nonverbal skills (e.g., inductive reasoning, spatial orientation) in elderly adults but, for about 40% of participants, raise these skills to pre-decline levels.
When a pregnant woman drinks moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child may exhibit "fetal alcohol effects."

What are fetal alcohol effects vs fetal alcohol syndrome?
1. Researchers seem to agree that fetal alcohol effects are less severe than the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, but are also largely irreversible.
(fetal alcohol syndrome = learning disabilities, facial deformities, and hyperactivity)
A study examining pain perception in newborns that were not given anesthesia during circumcision found:
They showed an adverse reaction followed by an increased sensitivity to pain in subsequent months.
Mirror self-recognition in children occurs between 1-1/2 and 2 years and requires:
a certain level of cognitive development including “a visual feature representation”
In family therapy, restraining means:
telling the client not to change, a paradoxical technique
Children become aware gender and physical differences by age
According to Piaget, what is equilibration?
a state achieved through assimilation and accomodation. Together these processes are referred to as "equilibration."

Equilibration is motivated by a drive for balance or order
Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis
language determines the nature of thought (According to Whorf’s hypothesis (also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis), the structure and lexicon of language influences how the individual perceives, interprets, and reacts to the world)
signs of HIV infection in childhood
immunological abnormalities and delayed physical and cognitive development.
symptoms associated with prenatal malnutrition
hyperactivity, irritability, and irregular sleep and feeding habits
most common symptoms of congenital CMV
mental retardation and hearing and visual impairments.
Which aspects of memory show the greatest age related decline? And which show relatively no decline?
Recent long-term (secondary) memory is most affected by increasing age, followed by working memory. Sensory Memory and remote long term memory show hardly any decline.
Name three birth defects due to chromosomal abnormality (variation in number of chromosomes)
down syndrome, klinefelter syndrome (only affects males and is caused by an extra X chromosome), and turner syndrome
What is the Information processing theory of cognitive development?
Cognitive development is a function of maturation and experience (process of storing information)
What are the 4 stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
1. sensorimotor
deferred imitation
object permanence

2. Preoperational (incomplete understanding of cause & effect)

3. Concrete operational Conservation
transitivity (the ability to mentally sort objects)
Hierarchical classification (the ability to sort object into classes and subclasses based on similarities and differences among groups)

4. Formal Operation (abstract/hypothetical thinking)
Erikson's 8 stages of social development
Trust vs Mistrust
Autonomy vs shame
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferiority
indentity vs role confusion
intimacy vs isolation
generativity vs stagnation
ego integrity vs despair
What are the 4 different levels of identity crisis (Marcia)?
Identity diffusion (no crisis, haven't explored alternatives or committed)
Identity foreclosure (adapted identity imposed by others)
Identity moratorium (crisis and explore alternatives)
Identity achievement (resolved crisis and committed)
What are some ways to reduce aggression?
modeling,m reinforcing alternative prosicial behaviors, and teaching empathy
In what order do the following developmental milestones occur?
- pull him/herself to standing by holding onto the furniture
- show seperation anxiety
- pretend that a wood cylinder is a cup
- say her first word
- develop stranger anxiety
1. Seperation anxiety (6-8mo)
2. stranger anxiety (8-10mo)
3. pull selfs to standing (9-10mo)
4. symbolic play (11-12mo)
5. say first words (12mo)
Depth perception in infants develops in what sequece?
According to Piaget, centration is:
limitation of preoperational thought that leads a child to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others, often leading to illogical conclusions
What is the ability to understand that changing an object's appearance doesn't change the object's physical qualities? And when does this start to develop?
Conservation - starts to develop during the concrete operations stage (7-12 years old)
Cognitive-behavioral approach to aggression in older children - in younger children
older - focus on helping them accurately interpret external cues
Younger - identify negative consequences of using aggression and alternatives
What are the top three reasons for infant deaths?
#1 congenital deformities
2. low birthweight
3. sudden death syndrome
Signs of the personality characteristic of social inhibition are usually present at:
2-4 months of age!
According to Rutter (1985), what are predictors of child psychopathology?
low SES, severe marital discord, large family size, parental criminality, placement of the children outside the home
The following parenting styles express ____ control/demandingness and ___ warmth/responsiveness :

1. Authoritative
2. Permissive
3. Authoritarian
4. Rejecting/Neglecting
1. high control & high warmth
2. low control & high warmth
3. high control & low warmth
4. low control & low warmth
According to Erikson, adolescents who are unsuccessful in resolving the identity vs indentity confusion stage experience?
the extreme of "fanaticism" (person becomes overzealous in identification to a paticulr role to the point they are intolerant of otehrs
or "repudiation." (compensates for lack of identity by fusing with a group that eagerly provides details of identity (i.e. cults)
What does the research findings on stepparenting (male vs female children)?

Stepmothers vs stepfathers in regards to contact
Most research has found that girls have more difficulty adjusting to their mother's remarriage than do boys.

Stepmothers typically have more frequent contact with their stepchildren than do stepfathers, although these interactions are often abrasive. Stepparents have been found to rely heavily on authoritarian (rather than authoritative) parenting
Studies investigating the effects of maternal employment and child academic achievement suggest that:
maternal employment has beneficial effects on the cognitive development and academic achievement of children. There are some exceptions, however, and one of these is the degree to which the mother feels conflicted about work and family. Mothers who would rather be employed but who stay at home experience the most conflict, and this somehow affects the academic performance of their children
An infant's rapid brain development during the first year of life is due primarily to:
increased size of existing neurons, increased dendritic branching, and the formation of glial cells (increasing myelination of axons)
A 7 year old is irritable, aggressive, dependent, and low in achievement orientation and self-esteem. Based on this information, you would guess his parents are:
Authoritarian (high degree of demandingness and low responsivity)
Divorce has the strongest negative impact on children’s
According to Kohlberg, the relationship between judgment and action at higher stages:
the range of possible moral actions narrows; and the individual assumes greater responsibility for relating his/her judgments to actions
During the second stage of Kohlberg's pre-conventional level of moral development (instrumental hedonism stage) children obey rules because:
they want to satisfy their own needs (example: "be good to your father and he will be good to you")
circular reactions in Piaget's sensorimotor stage:
Reflexes - "building blocks"
Primary circular (1-4 mo) - simple motor habits
Secondary circular (4-8mo) - actions involving other people or objects
Tertiary circular reactions (12-18mo) - varying an original action on an object to see what happens
Habituation-dishabituation research has demonstrated that, at about ___ months of age, infants begin to exhibit recognition memory for a visual stimulus for up to 24 hours following presentation
Perry and Busey (1984) focus on family factors that contribute to aggression in children. In particular, they emphasize the role of
a. family discord and chaos
b. parental socioeconomical status
c. parental rejection and use of power assertive discipline
d. early parent-child attachment
D. G. Perry and K. Bussey (Social Development, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1984) focus on family interaction factors in the development of aggressive behavior. They propose that aggression is related to parental rejection and lack of warmth and use of harsh forms of discipline
Kohlberg's theory of moral development focuses on moral reasoning. With regard to the linkage between moral reasoning and moral action, Kohlberg would most likely agree with which of the following?
a. There is a direct, one-to-one link between moral reasoning and behavior
b. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's previous experience with the situation
c. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's IQ.
d. There isn't a one-to-one correspondence between moral reasoning and behavior, although, the higher the stage of moral reasoning, the stronger the link is likely to be
d - Kohlberg believed there is a link between moral reasoning and moral action but felt that the correspondence was greatest at the higher stages of moral reasoning
Research on infants who were raised by muiltiple caregivers until AT LEAST 2 years found that in regards to attachment:
maternal deprivation in the first few years of life does not necessarily prevent children from developing strong attachments to their adopted parents, even when the adoption occurs as late as 4-6 years of age.
According to Vygotsky, what has the greatest impact on the development of language?
social relationships and culture
What are some indicators of perceptual abilities in a 3-4 month old infant?
sucking (1-4mo), reaching (by 12 wks), and heart rate (any age)
First words typically occur anywhere from __ to __ months of age. At ___ months children begin to put several words together to represent a complete thought
10-16 months

18 months
immediate recall for specific events usually occurs by __ months of age while Delayed recall of specific events is usually first evident when children are ___ months of age
11 months

13 months
Code switching (also known as language switching) occurs when a bilingual speaker changes languages during the course of a conversation. It seems to serve several purposes, one is:
including allowing the speaker to better express his/her feelings toward the listener
Research in the 1960s and 1970s found that, in school settings, teachers tend to pay more attention to boys than to girls. More recent research has suggested that this finding was due to:
According to analyses of results of SOME of the recent research, the finding is due to the fact that boys display a higher proportion of learning and behavior difficulties, rather than any gender bias on the part of teachers.
In her longitudinal study of high-risk infants, Werner (1993) found that positive outcomes for these infants were most associated with:
Werner concludes that resilience is most associated with (1) fewer stressors following birth, (2) stable support from a parent or other caregiver, and (3) an easy temperament.
At which age are infant cries distinguishable? What 3 cries come first?
In a newborn!

cries for hunger, anger, and pain
Studies on the effectiveness of training for improving the cognitive skills of older people who have already experienced normal age-related declines have found that training
can remediate verbal and nonverbal skills (e.g., inductive reasoning, spatial orientation) in elderly adults but, for about 40% of participants, raise these skills to pre-decline levels.
When a pregnant woman drinks moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child may exhibit "fetal alcohol effects."

What are fetal alcohol effects vs fetal alcohol syndrome?
1. Researchers seem to agree that fetal alcohol effects are less severe than the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, but are also largely irreversible.
(fetal alcohol syndrome = learning disabilities, facial deformities, and hyperactivity)
A study examining pain perception in newborns that were not given anesthesia during circumcision found:
They showed an adverse reaction followed by an increased sensitivity to pain in subsequent months.
Mirror self-recognition in children occurs between 1-1/2 and 2 years and requires:
a certain level of cognitive development including “a visual feature representation”
In family therapy, restraining means:
telling the client not to change, a paradoxical technique
Children become aware gender and physical differences by age
Characteristics determined by genetically coded info vs. observable / measurable chracteristics
genotype vs. phenotype G/P
The upper and lower boundaries for a particular trait, established by genes, and tending to be further apart at higher levels of genetic endowment
Reaction Range Range of intelligence is higher for groups of high-IQ kids vs. groups of low-IQ kids
A limited time span during which a person/organism is biologically prepared to acquire a b/h, but requires the presence of some environmental stimuli (vs. optimal, but not absolutely necessary, time for acquiring behavior.
Critical vs. Sensitive Periods Think Lorenz
Genetically predetermined patterns of development that are minimallly impacted by envrionmental factors
Maturation E.g. Environment may influence when a learning to walk sequence begins, but the order of walking behavior unfolds invariably (e.g. pulling to stand, walking supported, standing alone, walking alone)
Narrow developmental paths highly resistant to environmental influence
Canalization Sensorimotor development is high on this, intelligence & personality are less so.
Difference in timing of physical changes that are found in children of different cohorts
Secular Trends E.g. Menarche onset has decreased from 17 in 1800's to 12 or 13 recently.
The degree to which a particular characteristic can be attributed to genetic factors
Heritablity Index e.g. kinship studies
How inheritable is intelligence (Range & Avg)
Range: .30-.70
Avg: .50 no hint - just know this
The characteristics Dark Hair, immunity to poison ivy, normal hearing, type B blood have what in common
Dominant Remember those Punnet Squares
The characteristics red hair, susceptibility to poison ivy, congenital deafness, type O blood have what in common
Recessive Punnet Squares...
Who has a greater chance of inheriting sex-linked characteristics?
Males They don't have homologous sex chromosomes
Example and Gender ratio of a sex-linked characteristic?
Red-Green Color blindness.
2:1 :: Male:Female Why guys have such a hard time coordinating outfits???
4 Examples of Recessive disorders
PKU (phenylketonuria)
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Cystic Fibrosis Diet-related MR, Jewish, Black, Nebulizers
Recommended tx for PKU?
adhere to diet low in phenylalanine during first 6-9 years of life. Includes eggs, milk, fish, bread Think diet
Example of Dominant Genetic d/o and its transmission rate?
Huntington's Chorea
50% Think neurological
Down Syndrome: Symptoms
1 moderate to profound MR
2 Physical features (short, stocky build, flattened face, protruding tongue, almond shaped eyes)
3. Organ abnormalities (heart, thyroid, intestinal tract, respiratory infections) Cognitive, Physical, Organ
Down Syndrome: Frequency and Risk
Overall: 1 in 800 live births
Age 20-24: 1 in 1900 births
Age 45+: 1 in 30 births Dramatic Increase with age
Sex Chromosome Abnormalities:
1. Klinefelters Syndrome
2. Turner's syndrome
3. Fragile X syndrome K, T, & Fx
Klinefelters Syndrome: sx and genetics
1. Males, extra X chromosome
2. Typical masculine traits in childhood, male identity, but incomplete dev't of secondary sex characteristics and often sterile Something eXtra...
Turner's Syndrome: sx and genetics
1. Females missing all or part of second X chromosome
2. No secondary sex characteristics, sterility, short stature, stubby fingers, webbed neck Something eXcluded...
Fragile X Syndrome: Sx and genetics
1. Weak site on X chromosome, affecting both males and females, with males showing more pronounced effects (because they don't have the normal X to compensate)
2. Moderate to severe MR, facial deformities, rapid/staccato speech rhythm Genetics in the name
Think Cognitive, Physical, Communication sx
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model: Four Systems
1. Microsystem: child's immediate setting (family, daycare, school)
2. Mesosystem (interconnections between microsystem elements)
3. Exosystem: Parts of environment child has no direct contact with but is impacted by (i.e. parent's job)
4. Macrosystem: cultural context encompassing other systems (affecting child's development, e.g. racism, SES) MMEM
Rutter's six family risk factors
2. Large family size
3. Severe marital discord
4. parental criminality
5. maternal psychopathology
6. Outside placement of child S, F, M, C, P, O
Risk and Protective Factors (Rutter)
1. 0-1 Risk factor: 2% risk for psychiatric d/o
4 + factors: 21% psychiatric risk
2. Few stressors after birth, easy temperament (responsivity, regular eating/sleeping patterns), and stable support from parent/substitute) STS
When might a teratogen have little/no effect prenatally or might kill the unborn child?
Germinal Period (conception to 8-10 days later) Really early
During which period are the major organ systems most susceptible to teratogens?
Embryonic Period: 2nd-8th week Not showing yet, but will miss period during this time
The CNS is most vulnerable during this period of pregnancy?
Beginning 3rd to Beginning 6th Early in the overal period
The heart is most vulnerable during this period of pregnancy?
Mid 3rd to Mid 6th Overlaps with CNS Vulnerability
What's vulnerable during the Fetal Period (9th week - birth)
External Genitalia, Brain Men can often think with either
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Sx and prognosis
Growth retardation, facial deformities, microcephaly, irritability, hyperactivity, neurological abnormalities, most withy MR (IQ=65-70, avg)
Effects are irreversible. FAS leading cause of MR in USA Think physical, temperament, cognitive
Heroin and Methadone risks for fetus
Prematurity, LBW, physical malformations, respiratory disease, mortality at birth, physical addiction / w/drawal sx
Cocaine / Marijuana risks for fetus
small head circumference, genital / urinary tract deformities, heart defects, brain seizures, abnormalities in motor devpt, irritability, difficult to console, hyperreactive to environmental stimuli, concentration, memory problems, learning disabilities, social problems (in school)
Smoking cigarettes - risks for fetus
prematurity, LBW, death at birth; hyporesponsivity, irritable, reduced school achievement, short attention span, increased motor activity in early/middle childhood
Congenital Rubella Syndrome Risks
heart defects, eye cataracts, deafness, GI anomolies, MR; 20% die shortly after birth. Most severe damage in 4-8th wk of preg
HIV Risk Reduction and estimate
Reduced risk of transmission with AZT administered in last two trimesters, and to infant in first 6 weeks of life; Else 25% risk of transmission in pregnancy (in US) and risk after birth continues if breastfeeding
HIV Risks for fetus
prematurity, increased suseptibility to other infections, failure to thrive, swollen lymph nodes, devptl delays.
Prognosis for HIV Infected infants
25% get AIDS in 1st year, 15% die. Avg age of survival: 8.5 years, but reports of kids living as long as 16 years. Childhood risk for viral, funcgal, bacterial infections, immunologic abnormalities, and CNS dysfns (loss of devptl milestones, attn/conc problems, declining IQ)
Risks of Prenatal malnutrition
Depends when it occurs and severity. 1st trimester Risks: spontaneous abortion, congenital malformations. 3rd trimester: LBW, low brain weight (fewer neurons, less dendritic branching, less myelinization), behavioral consequences (apathy, unresponsiveness, irritability, high-pitched cry, intellectual deficits, lags in motor development
Risks of maternal stress in pregnancy
Chronic, severe anxiety --> medical complications in pregnancy and more birth abnormalities. Assoc with spontaneous abortion, prematurity, LBW, resp probs, irritability, hyperactivity, sleep/eat problems.
What buffers fetus from effects of maternal stress?
Mom's access to supportive social relps
Risk and Resilience factors for prematurity
Teen motherhood, drug use, low SES, malnutrition (risk)
medical attention, supportive environment, no significant abnormalities (resilience) Think SES (and correlates)...
What is SGA and what does it put infants at risk for?
"Small-for-gestational-age" defined as below 10th percentile of expected weight for gestational age. Risk is higher (than premature infants) for respiratory disease, hypoglycemia, and asphyxia durng birth Size does matter...
Types of brain development between birth and adolescence
1. dendrite growth (synapse creation)
2. Myelinization (insulation of axons) It's not creation of new neurons...
Myelinization Pattern: Timing and order of myelinization of cortical areas...
1. Primary Motor Cortex (first months of life)
2. Primary Sensory Cortex
3. Myelinization mostly complete by second year, but continues at slower pace into early adolescents.
4. May play a role in cognitive changes between ages 5 and 7.
5. At 1 year, child's brain is about 60% of its adult weight Piaget had it right with the sensorimotor stage...
Infant Reflexes: name and define 5 infant reflexes
1. Tonic Neck: arm extends when someone turns head to one side
2. Palmar grasp: grasps finger pressed against palm
3. Babinski: Big toe extends and small toe spreads out when sole is stroked
4. Moro: drop of head or loud noise causes infant to arch back, extend legs , and throw arms forward
5. Stepping: held upright with soles of feet touching ground, infant makes stepping motions TPBMS
When and why do infant reflexes disappear?
1. Six months
2. Increase in voluntary cortical control that supresses subcortical reflexes Why don't your legs automatically get to stepping when your feet hit the ground?
How well do newborns see during first 6 months of life?
20/600 at birth
20/100 at six months Pretty poorly...
Early landmarks in vision development:
1. Minutes to days: prefers facial to non-facial images
2. 2-3 months: full color vision
3. 6 months: some depth perception Faces, color, depth...
Early landmarks in hearing development
1. Preference of human voice after birth
2. recognition of mom's voice (3 days)
3. Sound Localization (0-40 days, disappears between 40-100 days, reemerges at 12 months Remember the Dr. Seuss studies?
Taste development at birth
can distinuish between four tastes, with preference for sweet born sweet-tooth
Smell development
Respond to unpleasant odors in a few days; olfactory discrimination by 2-7 days Olfaction is subcortical...
Early Motor Development: One Month
Gross: head turns side to side when prone
Fine: strong grasp reflex head and hands
Early Motor Development: Three Months
Gross: holds head erect when sitting , but head bobs forward; looks at own hand
Fine: holds a rattle head and hands again
Early Motor Development: 5 months
Gross: Head erect and steady when sitting; foot to mouth when on back
Fine: Plays with toes, objects to mouth, grasps voluntarily Foot Discovery Time!
Early Motor Development: 7 months
Gross: Sits, tripod position
Fine: transfering objects hand to hand Sitting, x-midline
Early Motor Development: Nine Months
Gross: creeping, pull to stand
Fine: pincer grasp mobility begins
Early Motor Development: 11-14 months
Gross: walk with support (11); stands unsupported (13) walks unsupported (14)
Fine: Removes objects from tight enclosure (11), turns pages in book (12) We have liftoff!
Effects of Early Training: 2 lines of research
1. X-Cult: in cultures where walking training begins a few months after birth, children walk sooner, but with no long-term outcomes for basic skills
2. One member of twin trained in complex motor activity (i.e. swimming, biking), followed by next (after first is proficient). In adolescence and adulthood, profiency is similar, but earlier trained twin has more interest and more skilled. Different findings for basic vs. complex skills
Piaget: Process by which cognitive processes are built
adaptation one of three "a"s
Piaget: complementary processes that lead to schema formation:
Assimilation: incorporating new information in terms of existing schemas
Accomodation: changing schemas to account for new information two fo the three "a"s
Piaget: name and describe the term that explains how processes work together in forming new cognitive schemas
equilibration: continuous movement between disequilibrium (recognizing new info doesn't fit existing schemas) and equilibrium (existing schemas account for current reality) Balance...
Piaget: When does Equilibration stop?
Trick question. Answer: NEVER trick question...
Piaget stages: names and dates
1. Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs)
2. Preoperational (2-7 yrs)
3. Concrete Operational (7-12 yrs)
4. Formal Operational (12+ yrs) SPCF
Piaget stages: Name and define two key achievements of children in first stage
(Sensorimotor, 0-2):
1. Object Permanence: understanding that objects continue to exist even when you can't see them.
2. Deferred imitation: ability to imitate an act at a later point in time. First steps towards symbolic thought
Piaget stages: Gains in second stage
Increase in symbolic thought
language development
substitute pretend play
sociodramatic play unleashed from reality
Piaget: Second stage limitations
1. Egocentrim: child's inability to understand that others don't experience world in same way they do
2. Magical thinking (belief that one has control over object or events)
3. Animism (belief that objects have feelings, thoughts, etc)
4. Lack of conservation (understanding that underlying properties of object don't change just because its appearance changes.
5. Centration: tendency to focus on one detail of situation, neglecting other important aspects
6. Irreversibility: can't understand that actions can be reversed EMACCI
Piaget: Third Stage Gains
Decentration, Reversibility, Conservation, transitivity (mental sorting), hierachical classification (categorize using classes and subclasses) A lot of the limits in second stage are overcome
Piaget: In what order are properties conserved by kids in third stage
Bonus: what's the fancy term for this development?
1. number -> length -> liquid -> mass -> area -> weight -> volume
2. Horizontal Decalage Liquid in tall and short containers is not first...
Piaget: Limitations in third stage
Processing abstract, hypothetical information Name of the stage: "Concrete"
Piaget: Gains in 4th stage
1. Hypothetico-deductive reasoning (ability to arrive at and test alternative explanations for observed events)
2. Propositional thought: ability to evaluate logical validity without making reference to real-world circumstance Science and logic
Adolescent Egocentrism
Belief that ideas / theories afforded by newfound powers of abstract reasoning can make the world a better place Bordering on grandiosity...
According to Piaget, what is equilibration?
a state achieved through assimilation and accomodation. Together these processes are referred to as "equilibration."

Equilibration is motivated by a drive for balance or order
Whorf’s linguistic relativity hypothesis
language determines the nature of thought (According to Whorf’s hypothesis (also known as the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis), the structure and lexicon of language influences how the individual perceives, interprets, and reacts to the world)
signs of HIV infection in childhood
immunological abnormalities and delayed physical and cognitive development.
symptoms associated with prenatal malnutrition
hyperactivity, irritability, and irregular sleep and feeding habits
most common symptoms of congenital CMV
mental retardation and hearing and visual impairments.
Which aspects of memory show the greatest age related decline? And which show relatively no decline?
Recent long-term (secondary) memory is most affected by increasing age, followed by working memory. Sensory Memory and remote long term memory show hardly any decline.
Name three birth defects due to chromosomal abnormality (variation in number of chromosomes)
down syndrome, klinefelter syndrome (only affects males and is caused by an extra X chromosome), and turner syndrome
What is the Information processing theory of cognitive development?
Cognitive development is a function of maturation and experience (process of storing information)
What are the 4 stages of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
1. sensorimotor
deferred imitation
object permanence

2. Preoperational (incomplete understanding of cause & effect)

3. Concrete operational Conservation
transitivity (the ability to mentally sort objects)
Hierarchical classification (the ability to sort object into classes and subclasses based on similarities and differences among groups)

4. Formal Operation (abstract/hypothetical thinking)
Erikson's 8 stages of social development
Trust vs Mistrust
Autonomy vs shame
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferiority
indentity vs role confusion
intimacy vs isolation
generativity vs stagnation
ego integrity vs despair
What are the 4 different levels of identity crisis (Marcia)?
Identity diffusion (no crisis, haven't explored alternatives or committed)
Identity foreclosure (adapted identity imposed by others)
Identity moratorium (crisis and explore alternatives)
Identity achievement (resolved crisis and committed)
What are some ways to reduce aggression?
modeling,m reinforcing alternative prosicial behaviors, and teaching empathy
In what order do the following developmental milestones occur?
- pull him/herself to standing by holding onto the furniture
- show seperation anxiety
- pretend that a wood cylinder is a cup
- say her first word
- develop stranger anxiety
1. Seperation anxiety (6-8mo)
2. stranger anxiety (8-10mo)
3. pull selfs to standing (9-10mo)
4. symbolic play (11-12mo)
5. say first words (12mo)
Depth perception in infants develops in what sequece?
According to Piaget, centration is:
limitation of preoperational thought that leads a child to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others, often leading to illogical conclusions
What is the ability to understand that changing an object's appearance doesn't change the object's physical qualities? And when does this start to develop?
Conservation - starts to develop during the concrete operations stage (7-12 years old)
Cognitive-behavioral approach to aggression in older children - in younger children
older - focus on helping them accurately interpret external cues
Younger - identify negative consequences of using aggression and alternatives
What are the top three reasons for infant deaths?
#1 congenital deformities
2. low birthweight
3. sudden death syndrome
Signs of the personality characteristic of social inhibition are usually present at:
2-4 months of age!
According to Rutter (1985), what are predictors of child psychopathology?
low SES, severe marital discord, large family size, parental criminality, placement of the children outside the home
The following parenting styles express ____ control/demandingness and ___ warmth/responsiveness :

1. Authoritative
2. Permissive
3. Authoritarian
4. Rejecting/Neglecting
1. high control & high warmth
2. low control & high warmth
3. high control & low warmth
4. low control & low warmth
According to Erikson, adolescents who are unsuccessful in resolving the identity vs indentity confusion stage experience?
the extreme of "fanaticism" (person becomes overzealous in identification to a paticulr role to the point they are intolerant of otehrs
or "repudiation." (compensates for lack of identity by fusing with a group that eagerly provides details of identity (i.e. cults)
What does the research findings on stepparenting (male vs female children)?

Stepmothers vs stepfathers in regards to contact
Most research has found that girls have more difficulty adjusting to their mother's remarriage than do boys.

Stepmothers typically have more frequent contact with their stepchildren than do stepfathers, although these interactions are often abrasive. Stepparents have been found to rely heavily on authoritarian (rather than authoritative) parenting
Studies investigating the effects of maternal employment and child academic achievement suggest that:
maternal employment has beneficial effects on the cognitive development and academic achievement of children. There are some exceptions, however, and one of these is the degree to which the mother feels conflicted about work and family. Mothers who would rather be employed but who stay at home experience the most conflict, and this somehow affects the academic performance of their children
An infant's rapid brain development during the first year of life is due primarily to:
increased size of existing neurons, increased dendritic branching, and the formation of glial cells (increasing myelination of axons)
A 7 year old is irritable, aggressive, dependent, and low in achievement orientation and self-esteem. Based on this information, you would guess his parents are:
Authoritarian (high degree of demandingness and low responsivity)
Divorce has the strongest negative impact on children’s
According to Kohlberg, the relationship between judgment and action at higher stages:
the range of possible moral actions narrows; and the individual assumes greater responsibility for relating his/her judgments to actions
During the second stage of Kohlberg's pre-conventional level of moral development (instrumental hedonism stage) children obey rules because:
they want to satisfy their own needs (example: "be good to your father and he will be good to you")
circular reactions in Piaget's sensorimotor stage:
Reflexes - "building blocks"
Primary circular (1-4 mo) - simple motor habits
Secondary circular (4-8mo) - actions involving other people or objects
Tertiary circular reactions (12-18mo) - varying an original action on an object to see what happens
Habituation-dishabituation research has demonstrated that, at about ___ months of age, infants begin to exhibit recognition memory for a visual stimulus for up to 24 hours following presentation
Perry and Busey (1984) focus on family factors that contribute to aggression in children. In particular, they emphasize the role of
a. family discord and chaos
b. parental socioeconomical status
c. parental rejection and use of power assertive discipline
d. early parent-child attachment
D. G. Perry and K. Bussey (Social Development, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1984) focus on family interaction factors in the development of aggressive behavior. They propose that aggression is related to parental rejection and lack of warmth and use of harsh forms of discipline
Kohlberg's theory of moral development focuses on moral reasoning. With regard to the linkage between moral reasoning and moral action, Kohlberg would most likely agree with which of the following?
a. There is a direct, one-to-one link between moral reasoning and behavior
b. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's previous experience with the situation
c. The link between moral reasoning and behavior is mediated by the individual's IQ.
d. There isn't a one-to-one correspondence between moral reasoning and behavior, although, the higher the stage of moral reasoning, the stronger the link is likely to be
d - Kohlberg believed there is a link between moral reasoning and moral action but felt that the correspondence was greatest at the higher stages of moral reasoning
Research on infants who were raised by muiltiple caregivers until AT LEAST 2 years found that in regards to attachment:
maternal deprivation in the first few years of life does not necessarily prevent children from developing strong attachments to their adopted parents, even when the adoption occurs as late as 4-6 years of age.
According to Vygotsky, what has the greatest impact on the development of language?
social relationships and culture
What are some indicators of perceptual abilities in a 3-4 month old infant?
sucking (1-4mo), reaching (by 12 wks), and heart rate (any age)
First words typically occur anywhere from __ to __ months of age. At ___ months children begin to put several words together to represent a complete thought
10-16 months

18 months
immediate recall for specific events usually occurs by __ months of age while Delayed recall of specific events is usually first evident when children are ___ months of age
11 months

13 months
Code switching (also known as language switching) occurs when a bilingual speaker changes languages during the course of a conversation. It seems to serve several purposes, one is:
including allowing the speaker to better express his/her feelings toward the listener
Research in the 1960s and 1970s found that, in school settings, teachers tend to pay more attention to boys than to girls. More recent research has suggested that this finding was due to:
According to analyses of results of SOME of the recent research, the finding is due to the fact that boys display a higher proportion of learning and behavior difficulties, rather than any gender bias on the part of teachers.
In her longitudinal study of high-risk infants, Werner (1993) found that positive outcomes for these infants were most associated with:
Werner concludes that resilience is most associated with (1) fewer stressors following birth, (2) stable support from a parent or other caregiver, and (3) an easy temperament.
At which age are infant cries distinguishable? What 3 cries come first?
In a newborn!

cries for hunger, anger, and pain
Studies on the effectiveness of training for improving the cognitive skills of older people who have already experienced normal age-related declines have found that training
can remediate verbal and nonverbal skills (e.g., inductive reasoning, spatial orientation) in elderly adults but, for about 40% of participants, raise these skills to pre-decline levels.
When a pregnant woman drinks moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child may exhibit "fetal alcohol effects."

What are fetal alcohol effects vs fetal alcohol syndrome?
1. Researchers seem to agree that fetal alcohol effects are less severe than the symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome, but are also largely irreversible.
(fetal alcohol syndrome = learning disabilities, facial deformities, and hyperactivity)
A study examining pain perception in newborns that were not given anesthesia during circumcision found:
They showed an adverse reaction followed by an increased sensitivity to pain in subsequent months.
Mirror self-recognition in children occurs between 1-1/2 and 2 years and requires:
a certain level of cognitive development including “a visual feature representation”
In family therapy, restraining means:
telling the client not to change, a paradoxical technique
Children become aware gender and physical differences by age
Characteristics determined by genetically coded info vs. observable / measurable chracteristics
genotype vs. phenotype G/P
The upper and lower boundaries for a particular trait, established by genes, and tending to be further apart at higher levels of genetic endowment
Reaction Range Range of intelligence is higher for groups of high-IQ kids vs. groups of low-IQ kids
A limited time span during which a person/organism is biologically prepared to acquire a b/h, but requires the presence of some environmental stimuli (vs. optimal, but not absolutely necessary, time for acquiring behavior.
Critical vs. Sensitive Periods Think Lorenz
Genetically predetermined patterns of development that are minimallly impacted by envrionmental factors
Maturation E.g. Environment may influence when a learning to walk sequence begins, but the order of walking behavior unfolds invariably (e.g. pulling to stand, walking supported, standing alone, walking alone)
Narrow developmental paths highly resistant to environmental influence
Canalization Sensorimotor development is high on this, intelligence & personality are less so.
Difference in timing of physical changes that are found in children of different cohorts
Secular Trends E.g. Menarche onset has decreased from 17 in 1800's to 12 or 13 recently.
The degree to which a particular characteristic can be attributed to genetic factors
Heritablity Index e.g. kinship studies
How inheritable is intelligence (Range & Avg)
Range: .30-.70
Avg: .50 no hint - just know this
The characteristics Dark Hair, immunity to poison ivy, normal hearing, type B blood have what in common
Dominant Remember those Punnet Squares
The characteristics red hair, susceptibility to poison ivy, congenital deafness, type O blood have what in common
Recessive Punnet Squares...
Who has a greater chance of inheriting sex-linked characteristics?
Males They don't have homologous sex chromosomes
Example and Gender ratio of a sex-linked characteristic?
Red-Green Color blindness.
2:1 :: Male:Female Why guys have such a hard time coordinating outfits???
4 Examples of Recessive disorders
PKU (phenylketonuria)
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Cystic Fibrosis Diet-related MR, Jewish, Black, Nebulizers
Recommended tx for PKU?
adhere to diet low in phenylalanine during first 6-9 years of life. Includes eggs, milk, fish, bread Think diet
Example of Dominant Genetic d/o and its transmission rate?
Huntington's Chorea
50% Think neurological
Down Syndrome: Symptoms
1 moderate to profound MR
2 Physical features (short, stocky build, flattened face, protruding tongue, almond shaped eyes)
3. Organ abnormalities (heart, thyroid, intestinal tract, respiratory infections) Cognitive, Physical, Organ
Down Syndrome: Frequency and Risk
Overall: 1 in 800 live births
Age 20-24: 1 in 1900 births
Age 45+: 1 in 30 births Dramatic Increase with age
Sex Chromosome Abnormalities:
1. Klinefelters Syndrome
2. Turner's syndrome
3. Fragile X syndrome K, T, & Fx
Klinefelters Syndrome: sx and genetics
1. Males, extra X chromosome
2. Typical masculine traits in childhood, male identity, but incomplete dev't of secondary sex characteristics and often sterile Something eXtra...
Turner's Syndrome: sx and genetics
1. Females missing all or part of second X chromosome
2. No secondary sex characteristics, sterility, short stature, stubby fingers, webbed neck Something eXcluded...
Fragile X Syndrome: Sx and genetics
1. Weak site on X chromosome, affecting both males and females, with males showing more pronounced effects (because they don't have the normal X to compensate)
2. Moderate to severe MR, facial deformities, rapid/staccato speech rhythm Genetics in the name
Think Cognitive, Physical, Communication sx
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model: Four Systems
1. Microsystem: child's immediate setting (family, daycare, school)
2. Mesosystem (interconnections between microsystem elements)
3. Exosystem: Parts of environment child has no direct contact with but is impacted by (i.e. parent's job)
4. Macrosystem: cultural context encompassing other systems (affecting child's development, e.g. racism, SES) MMEM
Rutter's six family risk factors
2. Large family size
3. Severe marital discord
4. parental criminality
5. maternal psychopathology
6. Outside placement of child S, F, M, C, P, O
Risk and Protective Factors (Rutter)
1. 0-1 Risk factor: 2% risk for psychiatric d/o
4 + factors: 21% psychiatric risk
2. Few stressors after birth, easy temperament (responsivity, regular eating/sleeping patterns), and stable support from parent/substitute) STS
When might a teratogen have little/no effect prenatally or might kill the unborn child?
Germinal Period (conception to 8-10 days later) Really early
During which period are the major organ systems most susceptible to teratogens?
Embryonic Period: 2nd-8th week Not showing yet, but will miss period during this time
The CNS is most vulnerable during this period of pregnancy?
Beginning 3rd to Beginning 6th Early in the overal period
The heart is most vulnerable during this period of pregnancy?
Mid 3rd to Mid 6th Overlaps with CNS Vulnerability
What's vulnerable during the Fetal Period (9th week - birth)
External Genitalia, Brain Men can often think with either
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Sx and prognosis
Growth retardation, facial deformities, microcephaly, irritability, hyperactivity, neurological abnormalities, most withy MR (IQ=65-70, avg)
Effects are irreversible. FAS leading cause of MR in USA Think physical, temperament, cognitive
Heroin and Methadone risks for fetus
Prematurity, LBW, physical malformations, respiratory disease, mortality at birth, physical addiction / w/drawal sx
Cocaine / Marijuana risks for fetus
small head circumference, genital / urinary tract deformities, heart defects, brain seizures, abnormalities in motor devpt, irritability, difficult to console, hyperreactive to environmental stimuli, concentration, memory problems, learning disabilities, social problems (in school)
Smoking cigarettes - risks for fetus
prematurity, LBW, death at birth; hyporesponsivity, irritable, reduced school achievement, short attention span, increased motor activity in early/middle childhood
Congenital Rubella Syndrome Risks
heart defects, eye cataracts, deafness, GI anomolies, MR; 20% die shortly after birth. Most severe damage in 4-8th wk of preg
HIV Risk Reduction and estimate
Reduced risk of transmission with AZT administered in last two trimesters, and to infant in first 6 weeks of life; Else 25% risk of transmission in pregnancy (in US) and risk after birth continues if breastfeeding
HIV Risks for fetus
prematurity, increased suseptibility to other infections, failure to thrive, swollen lymph nodes, devptl delays.
Prognosis for HIV Infected infants
25% get AIDS in 1st year, 15% die. Avg age of survival: 8.5 years, but reports of kids living as long as 16 years. Childhood risk for viral, funcgal, bacterial infections, immunologic abnormalities, and CNS dysfns (loss of devptl milestones, attn/conc problems, declining IQ)
Risks of Prenatal malnutrition
Depends when it occurs and severity. 1st trimester Risks: spontaneous abortion, congenital malformations. 3rd trimester: LBW, low brain weight (fewer neurons, less dendritic branching, less myelinization), behavioral consequences (apathy, unresponsiveness, irritability, high-pitched cry, intellectual deficits, lags in motor development
Risks of maternal stress in pregnancy
Chronic, severe anxiety --> medical complications in pregnancy and more birth abnormalities. Assoc with spontaneous abortion, prematurity, LBW, resp probs, irritability, hyperactivity, sleep/eat problems.