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84 Cards in this Set

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Physical change and increase in size
-Quantitative (i.e. height and weight)
-Takes place in the first 20 years

an individual's increasing capacity and skill in functioning, related to growth
-capacity/skill to adapt to environment
-Continues throughout life

Concern for establishing and guiding the next generation

lack of ability to expand interests and accept responsibility
Each stage of development includes _____ and _____ aspects of life tasks
positive (+) and Negative (-)
In each stage, tasks are achieved in what 3 ways
partial, complete or unsuccessful
Tasks are achieved on a
Continuum (not completely + or -)
A + task completion is associated with what type of personality
Development is influenced by
True or False

Each stage must be completed

Although we can fixate or regress throughout the stages
Which (3) stages of Erik Erikson's developmental stages focus on the adult
1. Young Adult (20-40)
2. Adulthood (25-26)
3. Maturity (65-death)
What are the central tasks of the (3) adult stages
1. Young adult: Intimacy vs. Isolation

2. Adulthood: Generativity vs. stagnation

3. Integrity vs. Despair
What central task occurs on each end of the Young adult continuum
Intimacy (+) = Choosing a partner

Isolation (-) Choosing to be alone
Characteristics of the Mature Young adult
1. Age of financial independence
2. Tolerant of views of others
3. Self-acceptance, reflective, insightful
4. Assume responsibility for selves
5. Realistic, make decisions, take responsibility for decisions
Physical Development in the Young Adult
Minimal changes:
-in the prime of their health
-weight and muscle mass can change
Psychosocial Changes in the Young Adult
Many Changes:
-Education (finishing school)
-Lifestyle changes (move into first house, buy first car)
-Marriage or remain single
Cognitive development in the Young Adult
Cognitive development is great in this stage (lots of learning)
Cognitive structures are in place between what ages
Health problems that occur with the Young Adult
1. Hypertension
2. Substance abuse
3. STD's
4. Violence
Hypertension begins around what age
40 (due to changing elasticity of the blood vessels)
True or False

Unintentional Injury (motor vehicle accidents) is the leading cause of death in the Young Adult

Homicide is 2nd (African American males ages 15-24)
Suicide is 5th
(5) Physical developmental assessment guidelines for the Young Adult
1. Weight
2. Vital SIgns
3. Visual
4. Hearing
5. Sexuality
(8) Psychosocial developmental assessment guidelines for the Young Adult
1. Independence
2. Self-concept
3. Interaction with family
4. Coping behaviors
5. Relationships with significant others
6. Social life
7. Values to guide behavior
8. Socioeconomic responsibilities
(2) ADL assessment guidelines for the Young Adult
(Healthy Lifestyle)
1. Exercise
2. Diet
How often should a Young Adult have a physical exam
Females 1-3 years

Males every 5 years
How often should the young adult have a dental exam
once a year
How often should a female perform a breast self-exam
once a month- one week after period
Pap smears should be done
Testicular exams should be done
True or False

The young adult should begin cardiovascular screening
How often should the young adult have a TB test done
every 2 years
What are (4) areas of focus for Safety Health Promotion for the Young adult
1. motor vehicle accidents
2. sunscreen
3. workplace
4. water
What are (4) areas of focus for nutrition for the young adult
1. Iron intake
2. CV disease
3. Obesity
4. Diabetes
What are (3) areas of focus for social life for the young adult
1. Personal relationships
2. long term goals
3. career choices
What central task occurs at each end of the Middle aged adult continuum
Generativity (+) = concern for the next generation (children, grandchildren etc)

Stagnation (-) = No new interests
Physical changes with the Middle Aged Adult
1. Hair: thins, grays, skin turgor/moisture decreases, wrinkling, fat deposits in the abdomen
2. skeletal muscle bulk decreases; calcium lost
3. decrease in visual/auditory acuity and taste
4. loss of elasticity in blood vessels ( hypertension)
5. decrease in metabolism (menopause)
6. decrease in tone of large intestines (constipation)
7. Loss of nephrons
8. Hormonal changes
True or False

Nephrons decrease by 50% starting at age 60

At 20 we have millions, we lose 50% in our 60's
What is the age range for the middle aged adult
40 to 65 years
Psychosocial Developmental changes in the middle aged adult
1. accept aging body
2. feel comfortable and well-respected
3. enjoy independence
4. accept changing family roles (empty nest)
5. activities with life partner
6. renew/new interest
7. charitable activities
8. meaningful purposeful life
ADL's focus of the middle aged adult
1. follow preventative health practices: eating healthy and exercise
What occurs in the Cognitive development of the middle aged adult
Little change occurs:
-reaction time slows
-memory still in tact
-learning occurs with motivation
Common health problems with the middle aged adult
1. Leading causes of death: motor vehicle and occupational accidents
2. Obesity
3. Alcoholism
4. Mental Health Alterations
True or False

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the middle aged adult
Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the middle age adult ages 25-64

Men: bladder cancer
Women: 1:7 have breast cancer
How often should the Middle Age Adult have a physical exam
Females: annual
Males: 2-3 years
What (3) immunizations should the middle age adult be sure to have
1. Tetanus (10 years)
2. Flu (annual)
3. Pneumonia (annual)
How often should the middle age adult test for glaucoma
1-3 years
How often should the middle age adult have a dental exam
How often/when should the middle age female perform a self-breast exam
1st day of every month (after menopause)
How often should the middle age man perform a testicular exam
After 50, how often should the middle age adult have a colonoscopy
every 5-10 years
How often should the middle age woman have a mammogram
True or False

The middle age adult should have CV screenings performed at physical exam

Test for BP, Cholesterol, EKG
What are (3) focus areas for safety health promotion for the middle age adult
1. MV accidents
2. Workplace accidents
3. home accidents
What are (4) focus areas for the nutrition and exercise health promotion for the middle age adult
1. Protein
2. Calcium
3. Vitamin D
4. CV related factors
What are (3) focus areas for social activity health promotion for the middle age adult
1. discussion of feelings and concerns
2. expand and renew interests
3. planning for retirement
What is the age range for the Older Adult
65 and up
True or False

The older adult is the fastest growing age group

(especially 85 and over)
What (2) central tasks are included on the continuum for the Older Adult
1. Integrity (+) = happy with life, feel that they have lived a good life

2. Despair (-) = feel that they did nothing right in life
True or False

The Older Adult is more likely to have chronic pain

The older adult is more likely to put up with pain because they are more likely to experience chronic pain
Integumentary system changes of the older adult
dryness, pallor, fragility, wrinkling, sagging, age spots, decreased perspiration, thinning and graying of hair, nail growth is slower and thicker
Neuromuscular changes with the older adult
decrease in the speed and power of muscles, slower reaction time, loss of height and bone mass, stiffness, impaired balance
Sensory/Perceptual changes with the older adult
decreased visual acuity, increased sensitivity to glare, Arcus senilis, decrease in ability to adjust to darkness, decrease in hearing and ability to taste, increase in threshold for pain, touch and temp
Pulmonary changes with the older adult
decrease lung expansion and increase in residual volume
Cardiovascular changes with the older adult
decrease c.o. and stroke volume
decreased elasticity
hardening of the arteries
decreased diastolic and systolic BP
Gastrointestinal changes with the older adult
Increase in indigestion and constipation
Urinary changes with older adult
decrease in renal function
urinary urgency and frequency
nocturnal frequency
residual urine
Genital chances with the older adult
Males: prostate enlargement
Females: decreases vaginal secretions
Immunological changes with the older adult
decreased resistance
decreased response to immunizations
decrease stress response
Endocrine changes with with the older adult
Increase in insulin resistance
decrease in thyroid function
Psychosocial Development changes with older adult
1. retirement
2. economic changes (income decreases due to retirement)
3. relocation (assisted living)
4. independence
5. death and grieving (loss of loved ones)
What is the most stressful psychosocial developmental change for the older adult
Loss of independents
i.e. no longer able to drive
Cognitive development in the older adult
Perception changes due tot he loss of neurons and a decrease in blood flow to the brain

Brain metabolism slows
What is the leading cause of death among the older adult population
Heart disease, stroke, pneumonia/influenza, COPD, cancer
What % of falls occur among the older adult population
What % of the older adult population suffers from alcoholism
Other health problems with the older adult
Chronic illness
Drug misuse
elder abuse
True or False
The tests and screenings recommendations for the older adult are the same as the middle age adult
What are some areas of health promotion for safety of the older adult
prevent falls
pedestrian accidents
What are some areas of health promotion for nutrition and exercise of the older adult
well-balanced nutrition
fewer calories (b/c decreases metabolism)
Calcium and Vitamin D
CV disease prevention
What are (3) common elimination problems with the older adult
1. adequate fiber
2. exercise
3. fluid
Mr. Smith is a 58 year old man who is unhappy with his life. Little interests him; he purchases a red corvette hoping it will bring him some joy in life. Mr. Smith is experiencing Erikson's developmental stage of:
A. Intimacy vs Isolation
B. Generativity vs Stagnation
C. Integrity vs Despair
D. Death
B. Generativity vs Stagnation

Stagnation because he is unhappy with his life
Which of the following would you recommend to a 25 year old female regarding health promotion?
A. Testicular exam monthly
B. Breast self exam weekly
C. Physical exam every 1-3 years
D. Annual Colonoscopy
C. Physical exam every 1-3 years
Which statement by the nurse regarding the physical changes of aging in the middle aged adult indicates a need for further learning?
A. the hair becomes thicker and gray
B. hormone levels change
C. loss of elasticity of blood vessels begins
D. metabolism decreases
A. The hair becomes THINNER and gray
Which of the following are concerns of the older adult?
A. retirement
B. economic change
C. relocation
D. independence
All of them