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71 Cards in this Set

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Stages of Play Development
(Age Characteristics)
- Exploratory (Holding toys) 0-1yr
- Imitation (Toys as adult tools) 1-7yrs
- Games and Hobbies 8-12yrs
Stages of Play Development
(Social Characteristics)
- Solitary Play: Infancy
- Parallel Play (plays alongside): Toddler
- Associative Play (often follows leader): Preschool
- Cooperative play (Organized, ruled, leadership): School age
Denver Development Screening Test
Evaluates in 4 skill areas
- Personal social
- Fine Motor
- Language
- Gross Motor
(ages 0-6)
(DDSC) Age adjusted for prematurity...
by subtracting the number of months preterm
Trust vs. Mistrust
Pos: Trusts self and others
Neg: Inability to trust, withdrawal, isolation
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Pos: Exercises self control and influences the environment directly
Neg: Demonstrates negativism and defiance
Initiative vs. Guilt
3-6 yrs
Pos: Begins to evaluate own behavior, learns limits on influencing the environment
Neg: Fearful, pessimistic behavior, lacks self confidence
Industry vs. Inferiority
6-12 yrs
School age
Pos: Sense of confidence, uses creative energies to influence the environment
Neg: Dem. feeling of inadequacy, and self doubt
Identity vs. Role Diffusion
12-20 yrs
Pos: Dvlps a coherent sense of self, plans for future
Neg: Dem inability to develop personal and vocational identity
Intimacy vs. Isolation
20-45 yrs
Early adulthood
Pos: Dvlps connections to work and intimate relations
Neg: Dem avoidance of intimacy and vocational career commitments
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Middle Adulthood
Pos: Involved with established family, expands personal creativity and productivity
Neg: Lack of interest, commitments. Preoccupation with self centered concerns
Integrity vs. Despair
65+ yrs
Late adulthood
Pos: Identifies life as meaningful
Neg: Fear of death, life lacks meaning
Usual order of the foods given in the first year
cereal, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, meat, egg, orange juice
(least allergic to more allergic)
Phases of Seperation Anxiety
Protest: cries, inconsolable by others
Despair: less active, disinterest, security object if available
Denial: ignores parent when returns
Growth and Development
1 month
- Head sags
- Early crawling movements
Growth and Development
2 Month
- Closing of the posterior fontanelle
- Turns side to back
- Diminished Moro and tonic neck reflex
- Eyes follows objects
- First social smile
Growth and Development
3 Month
- Head held erect
- Can bring things to mouth
- Smiles at mothers presence
- Laughs audible
- Binocular vision
Growth and Development
4 Month
- Appearance of thumb apposition
- Enjoys social contact
- Absent tonic neck reflex
- Absent Moro reflex 3 to 4 months
- Drooling
Growth and Development
5 Month
- Birth weight DOUBLED
- Takes things presented
Growth and Development
6 Month
- Early ability to distinguish strangers
- 4oz/week gain in second 6 months
- Teething may begin (lower central insicion)
- Can turn from back to stomach
Growth and Development
7 Month
- Sits short periods
- Grasps toy with hand (partially successful)
- Fear of strangers
- Abrupt mood shifts
Growth and Development
8 months
- Anxiety with strangers
Growth and Development
9 Month
- Elevates self to sitting position
- Expressions like "dada" may be heard
- Immitates expressions
- Responds to partial anger
Growth and Development
10 Months
- Crawls well
- Pulls self to standing position w support
- vocabulary of 1 or 2 words
- Brings hands together
Growth and Development
11 Month
- Erect standing posture with support
Growth and Development
12 Month
- Birth weight TRIPLED
- Needs help walking
- 2 more words additional to mama dada
- Able to sit from Standing position
- Eats with fingers
Age Appropriate Toys (Infant)
2-4 Mo
- Rattles, cradle gym
Age Appropriate Toys (Infant)
4-6 Mo
Brightly colored toys (small to grasp, large enough for safety)
Age Appropriate Toys (Infant)
6-9 Mo
Large toys with colors, movable parts, noisemakers
Age Appropriate Toys (Infant)
9-12 Mo
Books with large pictures, push pull toys, teddy bears
Toddler Growth and Development
15 mo
- Walks alone
- Names common place objects
- Builds 2 block towers
- Grasps spoon
Toddler Growth and Development
18 Mo
- Anterior fontanel is usually closed
- Builds 3 block tower
- 10 word vocabulary
- Walks backward, climbs stairs
- Scribbles
- Thumb sucking
Toddler Growth and Development
24 Mo
- Early efforts of jumping
- Builds 5-6 block towers
- 300 word vocabulary
- Obeys easy commands
Toddler Growth and Development
30 Mo
- Walks on tiptoe
- Builds 7-8 block tower
- Stands on one foot
- Toilet training
Age Appropriate Toys (Toddler)
Push pull toys
Low rocking horses
Stuffed animals
Preschool Growth and Development
3 yrs
- Copies a circle
- Builds bridge w 3 cubes
- Less negativity, less tantrums
- Learns from experience
- Rides tricycle
- Walks backward and down the stairs w/o assistance
- Undresses with help
- 900 vocabulary
- Imaginary friend
Preschool Growth and Development
4 yrs
- Climbs jumps well
- laces shoes
- Brushes teeth
- 1500 vocabulary
- skips hops on one foot
- Throws overhead
Preschool Growth and Development
5 yrs
- Runs well
- Jumps rope
- dresses w/o help
- 2100 vocabulary
- Tolerates seperation
- Gender specific behavior
- Skip on alternate feet
- Ties shoes
age appropriate toys (Preschool)
Adult patterns and roles, playground materials, housekeeping toys, coloring books, tricycles, helmet
General characteristics of the Preschooler
- Intensive periods of industry and productivity
- logical patterns and thoughts
- Peer relation important
- Likes and dislikes established
Growth and Development
- Sexual maturity
- Rapid Alterations in height and weight
- Acne is related to sebaceaus gland activity
- Increased sweat production
- Weight gain is proportionally grater than height gain during early stages
- Clumsiness, problems in coordination
- Fatigue related to rapid growth
- Preoccupation with physical appearance
- Onset may be related to hypothalamic activity which influences pituitary to secret hormones affecting testes and ovaries
- Testes and ovaries produce androgen and estrogen that determine development of secondary sexual characteristics
Growth and Development
Male changes
- Increase in genital size
- Breast swelling
- pubic, axillary, facial, chest hair
- Deepening voice
- Production of functional sperm
- Nocturnal emissions
Growth and Development
female changes
- Increase in pelvic diameter
- Breast development
- Altered nature of vaginal secretions
- Axillary and pubic hair
- Menarche
Physical Development
- More complete development of secondary characteristics
- Improved motor coordination
- Wisdom teeth appear
Psychosexual Development
- Masturbation, expression of sexual tension
- Fantasies
- Experimental intercourse
Psychosocial Development
- Preoccupied with body changes (what is normal)
- Conformity to peer pressure
- Moody
- Daydreaming
- Increased independence
- Moving towards mature sexual identity
Highlights of Adolescent Phase
- body image very important
- peer relations very important
- Identity / autonomy
- Self esteem disturbance
- health maintenance altered
- Adolescent pregnancy
- Drug alcohol abuse
- aids
- dropout
- violance
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Decreased hero worship
- Increased reality
- Independent from parents
- Possible marriage partnership
- realization of "gray" areas in life
- Hopes for future hope
- Peak intelligence, memory
- Maximum problem solving ability
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Discovery and rediscovery of goals and interests
- Increased sense of urgency
- Life more serious
- Plateasus at work and marriage
- Sense of satisfaction
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Self questioning
- Fear of aging
- Reappraises the past
- Disregards unrealistic goals
- Potential change of work, marriage
- "sandwich" generation; children and aging parents
- Increased awareness of mortality
- Potential loss of sign. others
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Gray hair, wrinkling skin
- Pain, muscle aches
- Reassessment
- Realization
- Menopause
- Decr. sensory acuity
- Powerful, policy makers, leaders
- Relates to older younger generations
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Evaluates past
- Sets new goals
- Defines value of life
- Assesses legacies
- Accepts changes of aging
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Increasing physical decline
- Increasingly forgetful
- Accepts limitations
- Modification of life style
- Decreased power
- Retirement
- Less restricted time, able to choose activities
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Physical decline
- Loss of sign others
- Appraisal of life
- Appearance of chronic diseases
- Changing in social roles
Growth and Development
Early Adulthood
- Evident signs of aging
- Few significant relationships
- Withdrawal
- Self concern
- Accepting death
- Decreased ability
Mild Retardation
IQ 55-70
Slow to walk, feed self or talk
Mild Retardation
IQ 55-70
School / Education
With special ed. can learn reading and math skills for 3rd to 6th grade level
Mild Retardation
IQ 55-70
Adult Social Level
Can achieve social / vocational self maintenance
May need occasional psych support
Moderate Retardation
IQ 40-55
Delays in motor development
Can do some self activities
Moderate Retardation
IQ 40-55
School / Ed.
Responds to training
Does not progress with reading and math
Poor communication skills
Moderate Retardation
IQ 40-55
Sheltered, usually incapable of self maintenance
Severe Retardation
IQ 25-40
Marked delays in development
May be helpful to self minimally
Severe Retardation
IQ 25-40
School / Ed
Can profit from habit training
Has some understanding of speech
Severe Retardation
IQ 25-40
Dependent on others
Can conform to routine
Profound Retardation
IQ under 25
Gross retardation
Minimal capacity of functioning
Profound Retardation
IQ under 25
May respond to skillful training
Shows basic emotional responses
Profound Retardation
IQ under 25
Needs nursing care
Newborn Vitals
R: 30-60
HR: 120-160 (180 when crying)
BP: 65/41
1-4 yrs Vitals
R: 20-40
HR: 80-140
BP: 90-99/60-65
5-12 yrs Vitals
R: 15-25
HR: 70-115
BP: 100-110/56-60
R: 12-20
HR: 60-100
BP: <120/80