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29 Cards in this Set

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Define a Binary Operation *
Let S be a non-empty set. A binary operation  on S is a rule for combining two
elements of S to produce another element of S; given a, b 'in' S we write a  b for the
element produced by combining a with b.
Important things to remember for a Binary Operation *
(i) a*b must be uniquely de fined for all a,b in S;
(ii) a*b must itself be an element of S for all a,b in S.
* is called commutative if
For all a,b 'in' S.

a*b = b*a
* is called associative if
For all a,b and c 'in' S.

a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c
* has an identity if
an element e exists such that
For all a 'in' S,
(a*e = a = e*a)
If a binary operation has an identity, it is unique.
If * is a binary operation and e1 and e2 are both identities, then e1*e2 = e2 as e1 is an identity. And e2*e1 =e1 as e2 is an identity. So e1=e2
The element of b is called an INVERSE of a if...
Let the binary operation * on the set S have an identity e, and take a 'in' S. The element b is called an inverse of a if a*b = e = b*a; if such an element exists, we
say that a has an inverse.
Define: A Group
A group is a set G with a binary operation * such that the following conditions are satis ed:
(i) * is associative
(ii) * has an identity
(iii) every element of G has an inverse
Define: Abelian
A group whose binary operation is commutative is called COMMUTATIVE or ABELIAN
Proposition 1.3.1.
If G is a group, then each element of G has a unique inverse
Suppose that b and c are inverses of a; then we have

b = be = b(ac) = (ba)c = ec = c.
Proposition 1.3.2.
If G is a group and a,b 'in' G, then the equation ax = b has the unique solution x = a^-1 b. similarly the equation xa = b has the unique solution x = b a^-1.
Proposition 1.3.3.
If G is a group and a,b,c 'in' G with ab = ac or ba = ca, then b = c
If G is a group with identity e, and a,b 'in' G with ab = e, then b = a^-1
and a = b^-1.
Corollary 1.3.5.
Given an element a of a group G, as x runs through the elements of G, the elements ax are just the elements of G in some order, without repetitions; the same is true of the elements xa.
IMPORTANT Proposition 1.3.6.
If a and b are elements of a group G, then
(ab)^-1 = (b^-1a^-1)
A Permuatation of A is
a bijection from a to itself
If f and g are bijections
then so is f composed g. f o g.
S_n is closed under composition of functions,
A map f : X ->Y of sets has a (well-defi ned) inverse map...
is and only if f is a bijection.
We call S_n the group of permutations or...
the symmetric group (on n letters)
As we noted earlier... |S_n|=n!
S_3 is a...
non-abelian group. More generally, S_n is non abelian for any n greater than or equal to 3.
The symmetries of F are...
the "motions" of the plane which fix F as a whole.

A motion means a transformation of R^2
The group D8
The symmetry group of the square has eight elements,
Here a is the rotation anticlockwise by pi/2 and b is the reflection in the vertical axis of symmetry. These elements satisfy: (i) a^4 = e (ii) b^2 =e (iii) (a^i)b =ba^-i for any i.
The Group D2n
The symmetry group of the regular n-gon has 2n elements: e,a,...,a^n-1,b,ba,...,ba^n-1.
Here a is the rotation anticlockwise by 2pi/n and b is the reflection in the vertical axis of symmetry. These elements satisfy: (i) a^n=e, (ii)b^2=e (iii) (a^i)b=ba^-i for any i.
The Viergruppe what is it?
the symmetry group of the rectangle.
Here there are four elements: the identity e, the rotation a by pi, the reflection b in the vertical axis and the reflection c in the horizontal axis.
The Viergruppe Summary:
is a group with 4 elements:
e , a , b , c
(i)a^2 = b^2 = c^2 = e
(ii)The product of any 2 a,b,c is the third one.
i.e. ab=ba=c ac=b etc...
Equivalence Relations:
We say that R is REFLEXIVE if...
For all a 'in' S.

Equivalence Relations:
We say that R is SYMMETRIC if...
For all a,b 'in' S
Equivalence Relations:
We say that R is TRANSITIVE if...
For all a,b,c 'in' S
((aRb & bRc) IMPLIES aRc)