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120 Cards in this Set

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Facilitative/Building Role
Adds to the functioning of a group in a positive and constructive way.
Maintenence Role
Contributes to the social-emotional bonding of members and the group's overall well-being. People who take on a maintenence role are social and emotionally oriented.
Blocking Role
An anti-group role.
Individuals play the role of a counselor's helper. They make sure that everyone is comfortable. They try to keep the focus off of themselves.
Individuals make sure that the group operates within its proposed norms. They act like the counselor's assistant and become hostile with other members become "too" active.
Standard/Goal Setter
Work to establish group norms and lofty goals, the are unsure of themselves.
Group mediators who seek to keep conflict to a minimum and emotionally control the group. They fear that the group will get out of hand emotionally.
Similar to the Harmonizer. Offer suggestions to reach calm/
Group Observer
Doesn't participate directly with the group, they analyze it rather than give their input, comment on other members' actions.
Express a lot of agreement with the group, unsure of themselves, do not offer their own opinions.
Prod the group to move and take action, can be seen as hasslers.
Information/Opinion Seekers
Gathers data about the other members, might push other members to disclose before they are ready.
Information/Opinion Givers
Seek to give information, advice, opinions to others in the group. Can be annoying but are often what moves the group forward.
Elaborator and/or Coordinator
Reality oriented, make sure that the group is also reality oriented. Logic sometimes gets in the way of creativity.
Acts as the group's judge in evaluating how well it is doing in achieving its tasks.
Procedural Technician
Taken by one or more of the followers in the group. They concentrate on the achievement of group goals.
Disagrees with most of the group members' ideas and behaviors. Might try and impose their own beliefs on others.
Have very rigid beliefs about what should be discussed, often resist the wishes of the total group and impede its progress.
Recognition Seeker
Bragging and calling attention to self at the expense of others and the group in general.
Nonchalant, cynical in regards to the group, lets the other group members know that they are not invested in the group.
Elicit sympathy from the group and are dependent. Rescuers meet their own needs, but do not really help other members function better.
Task incessantly because of their own anxiety, about issues that aren't really realted to the group, they alienate other group members.
The do-gooder wants to do what is right for other, the informer wants to share information about someone in the group outside the session. Both seek to enhance their image.
Withdrawn/Hostile Members
Seek to avoid group interaction and participation by being silent or intimidating. Self-protection.
A collection of two or more individuals, who meet face to face, interactions, interdependently, with the awareness that each belongs to the group and for the purpose of achieving mutually agreed-on goals.
Psychoeducational Group
Originally developed for use in educational settings (public schools). Premised on the idea that education is treatment. Psychoeducational group work emphasizes using education methods to aquire information and develop related meaning and skills. They can be preventative, growth oriented or remedial in their purpose and focus. Also used in hospitals, mental health agencies, social service agencies, and universities.
Size of a psychoeducational group
The size varies across settings but 20-40 individuals is the norm. Sub groups are used for discussions and to practice skills. Sub groups are usually 10-12 members, fewer if the members are children.
The psychoeducational group leader
The leader is in charge of managing the group as a whole, giving out information, breaking the group into subgroups.
Length and duration of a psychoeducational group
Varies across settings, but generally the group meets for 50 minutes-2 hours. The group works best when there is a regular meeting time. The average number of sessions is 8-10.
Life Skills Training
Focuses on helping persons identify and correct deficits in their life-coping responses and learn new, appropriate behaviors.
Counseling Groups
Preventative, growth oriented, and remedial. The focus on the group is on each person's behvior and development or change within the group. There is an emphasis on group dynamics and interpersonal relationships. More selective. Ideal for individuals experiencing "usual, but often difficult, problems of living" that information alone cannot solve. The topic is usually less specfic than in a psychoeducational group. Conducted in schools or agencies with clients who want or need to focus on a developmental or situational problematic aspect of their lives.
Size of a counseling group
Size range from 3-4 in a children's group to 8-12 in an adult group.
Duration and length of a counseling group
The groups usually lasts 6-16 sessions, with each session usually lasting 50-90 minutes.
Psychotherapy Group
The group emphasizes helping people with serious psychological problems of long duration. This group is most often found in mental health facilities, such as clinic and hospitals. It can be open ended or close ended. It is not effective to include only individuals with personality disorders or diagnosable mental disorders, a variety of individuals works the best.
Length and duration of a psychotherapy group
The group generally spans months or even years. Long duration, 90 minutes - 2 hours.
Size of a psychotherapy group
Generally the group has from 2/3-12 members.
Open Ended Group
Members can join at anytime
Close Ended Group
New members will not be admitted after the first meeting.
Task/Work Groups
Promote efficient and effective accomplishment of group tasks among people who are gathered to accomplish group task goals. Volunteer groups, mission groups, goal groups and working groups are the main examples.
Size of a task/work group
Groups should be no larger than 12 people because unintentional subgrouping will not occur.
Differences between task/work groups and other groups
Task groups disband abruptly afer acomplishing the goal. Members and leaders of a task/work group have considerable contact with others in an organization in which the group is housed, feedback is needed from non-goup members.
Mixed groups
encompass multiple ways of working with members and may change the emphasis at different times in the development of the group.
Group Process
The interaction of group members with one another.
A member's behavior elicits group interaction and reaction.
Matters onvolving conflict usually revolve around significant issues in people's lives, such as authority, intimacy, growth, change, autonomy, power and loss. All group members and leaders experience conflict during the life of a group.
Anxiety is a mobilizer of group process, to cope with the discomfort of some emotions, members will employ a restrictive solution or an enabling solution.
Restrictive Solution
Changing the subject, attacking a group member, intellectualizing, detaching from the group, or ignoring a group member.
Enabling Solutions
Revolve around open listening and discussion about the anxiety that is present.
Consensual Validation
Checking one's behaviors with a group of other people, in this interaction, people are questioned, confronted, or affirmed either individually or within the group.
Knowing that others (within the group) have similar experiences and feelings, enables group members to identify and unify with one another.
Family Reenactment
Families of origin continue to influence people throughout their lives.
Instillation of Hope
It is vital that group members be helped to come to terms with their own issues and have hope that they can overcome their issues.
Group Interaction
the way members relate to one another. It consists verbal and non verbal behaviors and the attitudes that go with them. Group interaction exists on a continuum, from extremely nondirective to highly directive.
Nonverbal Behaviors
Make up more than 50% of the messages communicated in social relationships, and are usually percieved as more honest and less subject to manipulation than verbal behaviors. There are body behaviors, interaction with the environment, speech and physical appearance.
Sit squarely
Open posture
Lean forward
Eye contact
Verbal Behavior
Verbal messages, behavior and feelings.
Role Collision
When there is comflict between the role an individual plays in the outside world and the role expected within the group.
Role Incompatibility
when a person is given a role within the group that they neither want nor is comfortable exercising.
Authoritarian group leader
rigid in their beliefs, believe themselves to be an expert in the field, give advice, interpret, control the group, want the group to be obedient and conform. Very effective in times of crisis.
Laissez-Faire Group Leader
Very little direction and structure, ember centered group. The leader shifts the responsibility of goal setting to the group.
Democratic Leader
Less directive than an authoritarian leader and more directive than a laissez-faire leader. The facilitator trusts the group to schieve goals. They share the responsibilities with the group members, and collaborates with the group. Probably the best way to lead a counseling group.
Dealing with conflict Withdrawl/Avoidance
the leader distances themselves from the conflict andn lets the members handle it.
Dealing with conflict
the leader plays down the conflict, especially when it is minor.
Dealing with conflict
The leader collects eceryone's perception of the conflict, and identifies points of agreement.
Dealing with conflict
Each group member gives up a little to obtain a part of what they wanted and aviod further conflict.
Dealing with conflict
The leader uses their position o restore resolution.
5 main ethical priciples
3.non-maleficence (do no harm)
Ethical Principles
People can choose their own direction in life.
Ethical Principles
Try and do good.
Ethical Principles
Non-maleficence (do no harm)
making sure that people do not fall into harmful situations.
Ethical Principles
fairness and equality in treatment
Ethical Principles
honesty, promise keeping, honoring commitments.
Everything stays within the group, when drugs and alcohol come up with a minor you have to make the decision to break confidentiality or not.
Dual Relationships
2 or more conflicting roles [counselor, friend, romantic relationship] Don't do it.
keep records, they should be observations of what is happening and facts, not your opinion. They should be stored somewhere where the ordinary person cannot get to them, if your files are on your computer, make sure that you back up religiously.
you have to be able to handle a situation where someone brings up something completely against your values, you also have to be able to help group members through their own reactions. values aren't right or wrong. Self awareness will help you to be able to be open to what group members say/believe/value.
Values, behaviors, beliefs held by a group of people, its more than religion, ethiniciy, region, heritage, gender and sexual orientation.
Problem Behaviors
The member focuses on thoughts rather than feelings.
Problem Behaviors
The member questions a speaking member in order to keep the focus off of themselves.
Problem Behaviors
Advice Giving
Telling other members what they should do, rather than focusing on their own problems.
Problem Behaviors
Try to fix the bad emotions, they're afraid of them, try to cover them up.
Problem Behaviors
The member agrees with other group members, not risking giving their own opinion, don't want to share, they protect themselves.
Problem Behavior
Group Leader Attacker
Question or attack the group leader, trying to shift the attention off of themselves.
Problem Behavior
Think that their opinions are the correct one, they steer the conversation to their own beliefs, they like the whole session to be all about themselves.
Group Collusion
cooperating with others unconsciously or consciously to reinforce prevailing attitudes, values, behaviors, or norms. This is a self protection behavior, and the goal is to maintain the status quo within the group.
Task Processing
ways of accomplishing specfic goals in a group.
Task Processes
everyone has a chance to talk/share about what is going on. Make sure that you start this exercise with ehough time that you get to everything and have time to process and terminate the group.
Task Processes
Role Playing
allows members to try out a new behavior in a safe environment.
Task Processes
Give Homework
You don't want to focus on the negative fact that someone didn't complete their homework, talk with them about why, and how they feel about not finishing the assignment.
Problem Behavior
Sarcastic Member
The member expresses themself through sarcasm to mask their feelings.
Verbal Techniques
the process by which members connect with one another mentally and physically. It requires that the leader and members take the time to get to know one another. This can happen in may ways an icebreaker is one of the best ways. Includes goal setting
Verbal Techniques
the process of conencting persons with one another by pointing out to them what they share in common. It strenghtens the bonds between individuals and the group as a whole.
Verbal Techniques
Cutting Off
Making sure that new material is not introduced into the session too late, when there is not enough time to cover it, it also prevents group members from rambling.
Verbal Techniques
Drawing Out
The opposite of Cutting Off, the leader purposefully askes more silent members to speak to anyone in the group or the group as a whole, about anything.
Verbal Techniques
Used when a member brings up a topic that is not appropriate for early sessions, the leader clarifies the purpose of the group with the individuals and the group, the stage the session has reached and/or which behavioral interactions are appropriate.
Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Address the problem immediatly,subgroups can be detrimental to the group as a whole. Tell the members that it is not accpetable/appropriate.
Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Reframing: give them what they need but not what they want, and don't hurt the group to do this. OR Blocking; ok so???
Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Ask them to participate, but don't REQUIRE it, it will put them on the defense.
Problem Behaviors
Resist talking about themselves.
Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Ask the group for feed back on the monopolizers behavior so that they can see how other people react to them, or you can cut them off.
Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Silent Member
Draw them out, make eye contact, smile, invite them in, ask them directly what they think.
Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Call on them, ask them their opinion, ask the group for feedback on their behavior.
Problem Behaviors
Self appointed leader healper, they focus on everyone but themselves, they don't want to give their own opinions.
Verbal Techniques
putting oneself in another's place in reagard to subjective perception and emition while keeping one's objectivity.
Verbal Techniques
the act of encouraging and reinforcing others.
Verbal Techniques
involves using clear and direct sommunication channels among individuals.
Verbal Techniques
revealing to group members information about onself of which they were previously unaware.
Verbal Techniques
Play the Delvil's Advocate
The leader questions group members about their statements in a duscussion to promote open discussion and prevent group collusion.
Theater of Spontinaity
the cause of current problems comes from past experiences, to act out or work out those experiences will help you to get better.
Yalom's 11 theraputic factors
1.installation of hope
3.imparting information
5.reliving an early experience & catharsis
6. social learning
8.interdependent learning
9.group cohesiveness
11.existential factors
Theraputic Factors
Installation of Hope
Group members having the hope that they can work through their problems will go a long way.
Theraputic Factors
you're not alone with your problem
Theraputic Factors
Imparting information
giving out information
Theraputic Factors
teaching group members to help each other
Theraputic Factors
Reliving and early experience & catharsis
reliving an important event and learn from it
Theraputic Factors
Social learning
development of social skills
Theraputic Factors
Immitative behavior learn from others
theraputic factors
Interpersonal learning
other people can "call" you on your bad behaviors.
theraputic factors
getting at your feelings
theraputic factors
existential factors
not everything will be solved. reality.