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48 Cards in this Set

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The principal determinants ofmean arterial pressure are (choose all that apply):

A cardiac output
B arterial compliance
C venous compliance
D peripheral resistance
E stroke volume
F duration of diastole
A Cardiac Output
D Peripheral Resistance
In metabolic regulation of blood flow (choose all that apply):

A. basal vascular tone is unchanged when tissue metabolism is altered.
B. autoregulation allows blood flow to remain relatively constant despite changes in
blood pressure.
C. blood flow is held constant during changes in tissue metabolism.
D. blood flow and tissue metabolism are inversely related
E. blood flow and arterial pressure are inversely related.
F. blood flow and tissue metabolism are directly related.
B. autoregulation allows blood flow to remain relatively constant despite changes in

F. blood flow and tissue metabolism are directly related.
The less compliant arterial system in old animals than in young animals (choose all that apply - is this even correct english?):

A allows blood to flow through the capillaries at a more steady rate.
B increases pulse pressure.
C requires the heart to expend more energy to pump a normal cardiac output.
D prevents the arterial systolic pressure from attaining excessively high values.
E increases the total blood volume.
F decreases the mean arterial blood pressure.
B increases pulse pressure. ~
C requires the heart to expend more energy to pump a normal cardiac output:~- .
If 2 L of fluids were administered intravenously to a normal dog, what influence would this fluid have on cardiac output? Increase Decrease, No change (Circle)
The mean systemic arterial pressure exceeds the mean pulmonary artery pressure because (choose all that apply):

A the blood flow through the systemic cirmilation exceeds the blood flow through
the pulmonary circulation / }....
B the number of systemic capillaries exceeds the number of pulmonary capillaries. ...;;(J'l
C the low oxygen tension in the pulmonary arterial blood causes the pulmonary
resistance vessels to dilate.
D the compliance is greater in the systemic than in the pulmonary arteries.
E the resistance to blood flow is much greater in the systemic than in the pulmonary
vascular bed. -.
F the effects of gravity on the pulmonary circulation cause the low-
E the resistance to blood flow is much greater in the systemic than in the pulmonary
vascular bed. -.
F the effects of gravity on the pulmonary circulation cause the low-
In a normal dog, most ofthe circulating blood is located in the (choose all that apply):

A systemic capillaries.
B systemic veins.
C pulmonary capillaries.
D pulmonary veins.
E systemic arteries and arterioles.
B systemic veins.
During exercise (choose all that apply):

A TPR decreases.
B cardiac output increases.
C stroke volume increases.
D heart rate increases.
E blood pressure is nearly normal.
F venous return decreases.
A TPR decreases.
B cardiac output increases.
C stroke volume increases.
D heart rate increases.
E blood pressure is nearly normal.
One half-hour after a brief but substantial hemorrhage (choose all that apply):

A. the hematocrit ratio of the blood has increaSed. ~
B. the renal tubular reabsorption of sodium has decreased:'
C. The blood level of angiotensin II has increased. .
D. the secretion of epinephrine from the adrenal medulla has decreased.
E. the secretion of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex has decreased.
F. the secretion of antidiuretic hormone has increased.
C. The blood level of angiotensin II has increased.
F. the secretion of antidiuretic hormone has increased.
In response to a substantial hemorrhage (choose all that apply):

A. the neural activity in the efferent vagus nerve fibers to the heart decreases.
B. the neural activity in the carotid sinus baroreceptor nerve fibers increases.
C. the neural activity in the efferent sympathetic nerve fibers to the heart decreases.
D. the release of renin from the kidney decreases.
E. the neural activity in the atrial volume baroreceptor nerve fibers decreases.
F. cardiac output decreases.
A. the neural activity in the efferent vagus nerve fibers to the heart decreases.
E. the neural activity in the atrial volume baroreceptor nerve fibers decreases.
F. cardiac output decreases.
Systemic veins (choose all that apply):

A. have a lower compliance than systemic arteries.
B. constrict in response to activation of alpha adrenoreceptors.
C. are the main resistance element in the circulation.
D. contain valves that promote venous return during muscle activity.
E. contain valves that help reduce venous pressure in foot veins during muscle activity.
B. constrict in response to activation of alpha adrenoreceptors.
D. contain valves that promote venous return during muscle activity.
E. contain valves that help reduce venous pressure in foot veins during muscle activity.
Sympathetic nerves (choose all that apply):

A. increase heart rate by acting on alpha-2 adrenoreceptors.
B. reduce cardiac filling pressure by increasing peripheral resistance.
C. arise from lumbosacral spinal cord segments.
D. release norepinephrine at Beta-2 receptors on coronary arterioles.
E. are activated by increased baroreceptor activity.
This person put A and D but got 3 of 5 points. I think D and E are correctt, personally.
The following would increase net outward capillary filtration in the foot (choose all that apply):

A. An increase in interstitial hydrostatic pressure.
B. A decrease in plasma albumin concentration.
C. An increase in capillary permeability.
D. An increase in pulse pressure.
E. Arteriolar constriction.
B. A decrease in plasma albumin concentration
C. An increase in capillary permeability.
Regarding parasympathetic nerves (choose all that apply):

A. They cause arteriolar dilatation in the penis, leading to erection.
B. Their transmitter has a negative chronotropic effect in the heart.
C. Their transmitter has a negative inotropic effect in the heart.
D. They activate muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the heart.
E. They play an important role in controlling peripheral resistance (TPR).
A. They cause arteriolar dilatation in the penis, leading to erection.
B. Their transmitter has a negative chronotropic effect in the heart.
D. They activate muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the heart.

I think that C is true as well but whateva!
Arterial pressure (choose all that apply):

A. tends to decrease with age because of a fall in cardiac output.
B. is lower in the pulmonary than the systemic circulation because pulmonary vascular resistance is lower.
C. is kept constant over weeks to years mainly by the action of the baroreceptors.
D. is maintained relatively constant by the process of autoregulation.
E. falls when blood volume is reduced because cardiac filling pressure is reduced.
B. is lower in the pulmonary than the systemic circulation because pulmonary vascular resistance is lower.
E. falls when blood volume is reduced because cardiac filling pressure is reduced.
Blood flow (choose all that apply):

A. to the skin is largely under local metabolic control.
B. to the brain is largely under autonomic nervous control.
C. to the left ventricle is maximal during cardiac systole, when arterial pressure is highest.
D. may be increased locally by hypoxia.
E. is inversely proportional to vascular resistance.
Might just be D and E but tough to tell on the paper.
A pharmacologist injects a drug into a dog and finds that it produces a prompt (within minutes) increase in mean arterial pressure. Which ofthe following are mechanisms by which it could be acting to produce this increase (choose all that apply)?

A. Increase in heart rate.
B. Increase in contractility.
C. Increase in systemic vascular resistance.
D. Increase in ADH secretion.
E. Inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme.
A. Increase in heart rate.
B. Increase in contractility.
C. Increase in systemic vascular resistance.
Which one of the following is incorrectly paired?

A. Ventilation-perfusion mismatch: hypoxic vasoconstriction
B. Increased cardiac output : exercise
C. Vessels in parallel : increased resistance
D. Decreased total peripheral resistance: decreased blood pressure
E. Renal artery constriction : increased blood pressure
C. Vessels in parallel : increased resistance
Which one of the following would you expect to decrease in a normal individual who stands quietly in the same position for 1 hour (choose all that apply)?

A. Hematocrit
B. Diameter of the thigh
C. Plasma renin activity
D. Plasma vasopressin concentration
E. Central venous pressure
E. Central venous pressure (I think...not entirely sure)
Is Hydrostatic pressure in venules at the level of the heart greater than, the same, or less than Hydrostatic pressure in veins at the level of the heart.?
Is the Permeability of capillaries in the lungs greater than, the same, or less than the Permeability of capillaries in
the liver?
Is Blood pressure during daytime greater than, the same, or less than Blood pressure at night?
Is the Interstitial fluid volume in exercising muscle greater than, the same, or less than the Interstitial fluid volume in
resting muscle?
T or F:
Gallop rhythms are detectable on an ECG rhythm strip.
T or F:
Most arrhythmias can be diagnosed on auscultation.
T or F:
S3 and S4 heart sounds are considered normal in the bovine.
T or F:
Mitral and tricuspid insufficiency and ventricular septal defects all cause systolic
False (I thought that this was true, personally)
T or F:
S2 is normally louder than S1 at the base of the heart.
T or F:
During inspiration, blood flow to the right ventricle is increased.
T or F:
A low pitch S3 may be heard in association with mitral regurgitation.
True (I don't get this one either. I think that mitral regurg is a systolic murmur and S3 is due to ventricular filling and, thus, is diastolic)
T or F:
The murmur oftricuspid regurgitation is accentuated on inspiration.
T or F:
The murmur of mitral regurgitation is heard best at the right apex during systole.
T or F:
Atrial fibrillation is characterized by a rapid irregular rhythm with variable
loudness of the heart sounds.
Which substance is mainly responsible for the oncotic pressure of plasma?

An orangutan, after prolonged standing, develops slight ankle swelling but no ecchymoses (ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue) in his feet. Why do the capillaries in his feet not rupture when standing?

A. Arterioles reflexly constrict and prevent exposure of the capillaries to high pressure.
B. The tissue pressure rises and opposes an increase in the capillary pressure.
C. The total capillary cross-sectional area is large enough to distribute the pressure and thereby compensate for the high intracapillary pressure.
D. The capillary diameter is so small that the capillary wall tension is low.
E. Capillaries constrict via a myogenic mechanism.
B. The tissue pressure rises and opposes an increase in the capillary pressure.
C. The total capillary cross-sectional area is large enough to distribute the pressure and thereby compensate for the high intracapillary pressure.
How would acute blood loss from a duodenal ulcer affect the patient?

A. Decrease central venous pressure and increase cardiac output.
B. Increase central venous pressure and decrease mean arterial pressure.
C. Decrease central venous pressure and decrease cardiac output.
D. Increase mean arterial pressure and decrease cardiac output.
E. Decrease central venous pressure and increase aortic pulse pressure.
C. Decrease central venous pressure and decrease cardiac output.
The active hyperemia in a working skeletal muscle that is undergoing light exercise (choose all that apply):

A. is due to intrinsic control mechanisms.
B. is due to an increase in metabolites acting on the arterioles of that bed.
C. must be accompanied by an equal decrease in blood flow to other organs.
D. causes an increase in total peripheral resistance.
E. is due to an increased number of open capillaries.
A. is due to intrinsic control mechanisms.
B. is due to an increase in metabolites acting on the arterioles of that bed.
E. is due to an increased number of open capillaries.
Following acute hemorrhage, which of the following compensatory mechanisms would be expected in the minutes to hours time frame (choose all that apply):

A. Vasoconstriction mediated by aldosterone
B. Reabsorption of urine from the kidney collecting ducts under the influence of antidiuretic hormone
C. Glomerulotubular balance
D. CNS ischemic response
E. Capillary fluid shift
B. Reabsorption of urine from the kidney collecting ducts under the influence of antidiuretic hormone
E. Capillary fluid shift
When a patient is in a normal sinus rhythm, what would preoperative administration of a medication that antagonizes the muscarinic cholinergic receptors do (choose all that apply)?

A. Abolish or dampen any rhythmic changes in heart rate that occur at the patient's respiratory frequency.
B. Weaken the contractions of the atrial myocytes.
C. Delay AV conduction
D. Decrease the action potential duration in atrial myocytes.
E. Hyperpolarize the atrial myocytes during the resting phase (phase 4) of the action potential.
B. Weaken the contractions of the atrial myocytes.
C. Delay AV conduction
(not entirely sure but I know that A and D are WRONG)
Sympathetic nerves (choose all that apply):

A. arise from the lumbar sacral spinal cord.
B. utilize acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter secreted by the preganglionic neurons, and as in somatic nerves, acetylcholine acts on nicotinic receptors.
C. innervate all arterioles and veins.
D. when stimulated result in quicker, stronger and shorter contractions.
E. receive input from the vasoconstrictor region of the vasomotor center.
B. utilize acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter secreted by the preganglionic neurons, and as in somatic nerves, acetylcholine acts on nicotinic receptors.
C. innervate all arterioles and veins.
D. when stimulated result in quicker, stronger and shorter contractions.
E. receive input from the vasoconstrictor region of the vasomotor center.
Blood is being pumped through an isolated artery. Total resistance to flow of blood
would be increased by the following (choose all that apply):

A. Addition of more red blood cells to the blood.
B. Contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the artery.
C. Addition of another artery in parallel such that the cross sectional area of the two arteries in parallel are twice that ofthe original artery.
D. A change in the pattern of flow from laminar to turbulent.
E. An increase in the pressure difference along the length ofthe artery, if flow remains constant.
A. Addition of more red blood cells to the blood.
B. Contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the artery.
D. A change in the pattern of flow from laminar to turbulent
E. An increase in the pressure difference along the length ofthe artery, if flow remains constant.
Compare/contrast pulmonic blood vessels from those in the systemic circulation. Circle the true statements.

A. Vascular resistance is lower in corresponding pulmonary vessels compared to those in the systemic circulation.
B. When cardiac output increases pulmonary vessels dilate as opposed to corresponding systemic vessels.
C. Both pulmonary and systemic vessels undergo hypoxic vasoconstriction.
D. Gravity affects pressure in dependent vessels in both pulmonary and systemic circulations in the horse.
A. Vascular resistance is lower in corresponding pulmonary vessels compared to those in the systemic circulation.
B. When cardiac output increases pulmonary vessels dilate as opposed to corresponding systemic vessels.
D. Gravity affects pressure in dependent vessels in both pulmonary and systemic circulations in the horse.
Why does the heart rate response to vagal activity disappear rapidly when neural activity in the vagus nerves suddenly ceases (choose all that apply)?

A. The cardiac cells gradually become more responsive to acetylcholine
B. The vagus nerve endings rapidly take up the released acetylcholine.
C. The cardiac myocytes rapidly take up the released acetylcholine.
D. The acetylcholine in the nerve endings is rapidly depleted.
E. The abundant acetylcholinesterase rapidly degrades the released acetylcholine.
E. The abundant acetylcholinesterase rapidly degrades the released acetylcholine.

Not sure. This person but B and E and got 0 out of 3 points (B was marked wrong but not E)
Cardiac decompensation is the result of (choose all that apply):

A. failure of the heart to pump sufficient blood to allow adequate renal function.
B. edema of the heart muscle.
C. more energy being required (greater wall tension) for the distended heart to eject the same volume of blood per beat than the normal undilated heart.
D. hypoxia depressing contractility.
E. uremia depressing contractility.
I think it's all 5. The person put A, B, D, and E, only got C marked wrong and got 4/5 points.
Which of the following constitute the safety factors that help to avoid edema in the tissues (choose all that apply)?

A. A rise in interstitial fluid pressure.
B. An increase in the osmotic pressure of the blood.
C. A fall in the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid.
D. An increase in lymph flow.
E. A decrease in arteriolar resistance.
A. A rise in interstitial fluid pressure.
C. A fall in the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid.
D. An increase in lymph flow.
If an opossum were pretreated with atropine, which blocks muscarinic receptors, would it still faint in response to a threatenIng or emotional situatIon? yes/no
Which receptors cause vasodilation when stimulated?
Where are these receptors located?
B2 - sympathetic dilation of coronary arterioles
M3 - parasympathetic dilation of coronary arterioles (minor), and of genitals. Sympathetic stimulation of skeletal arterioles.
T or F:
All muscarinic receptors are innervated by parasympathetic neurons.
Some M3 receptors receive ACH from sympathetic neurons (skeletal muscle arterioles for vasodilation).
Which receptors directly effect the heart when stimulated?
B1 - sympathetic - increases HR, SV, and CO
M2 - parasympathetic - opposite of B1. Also tones down sympathetic effects.