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42 Cards in this Set

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what happens in the first week

1. ovulation

2. fertilization

3. development during embryo transport (pre implantaion )

ovulation process

1.the ovum (secondary oocyte) is released from a mature ovarian follicle

2. ovum, surrounded by zona pellucida (mucopolysaccharide shell) and corona radiata (follicular cells of cumulus oophorus) is swept through peritoneal cavity and into uterine tube

fertilizaiton process

def: joining of sperm and egg

usual site of fertilization is the ampulla of the uterine tube

penetration of external barriers of ovum ( zona pellucida and corona radiata ) by sperm , followed by the union of pronuclei

Main results for this :

- restoration of diplaoid number of chromosomes

-determines sex

-and initiation of clevage

pre implantaion process

at day 4 the morula forms :

- cleavage is happening

-a 12- 16 cell stage

- cells called blastomeres

- resemble mulberry ( hence the name)

- surrounded by zona pellucida

at day 5 the blastocyte forms :

- intercelluar clefts coalesce to form central cavity

- blastocyst cavity enclosed by blastomeres

- zona pellucida dissapears ( hatching)

- two cell types are distinguishable = earliest cell differentiation

the two cell types that are distinguishable in the blastocyte are

1. trophoblast= outer cell layer

- flattened epithlioid cells

- form wall of blastocyst cavity

- will form fetal componenet of placenta

2. embryoblast= inner cell mass

- cuboidal cells

- located at one pole of blastocyst

- will form the body of the embryo

what happens in the second week

1. implantaion

2. subdivions of the trophoblast

3. inner cell mass forms bilaminar disk

4. amnion

5. primary umbilical vesicle

6. extraembryonic mesoderm

7. extraembryonic coelom

implantaion process

by day 12 COMPLETE :

def= process by which the free-floating blastocyst adheres to and penetrates the endometrial lining of the uterus

duration = day 6- day 12

process =

1. trophoblastic blastomeres are sticky

2. trophoblast destroys endometrial cells

3. trophoblast proliferates and invades

subdivions of trophoblast process

subdivides into :

1. cytotrophoblast

2. syncytiotrophoblast

features of the cytotrophoblast

-mononucleated epithelial cells

-seperated by distinct cel boundaries

- surrounds blastocyst cavity

features of the syncytiotrophblast

- multinucleated protplasmic mass

- lacks complete cell boundaries

- extends outward from cytotrophoblast

inner cell mass forms bilaminar disk process

splits and forms :

1. epiblast - tall columnar cells , which give rise to body of embryo and to amnion

2. hypoblast- cuboidal cells, which give rise to endoderm of umbilical vesicle

amnion process

1. intercellualr clefts appear within the epiblast

2. clefts coalesce to form amniotic cavity DAY 8

primary umbilical vesicle process

1. outgrowth of flattened cells from the periphery of hypoblast

2. lines blastocyst cavity

3. converted to secodary umbilical vesicle ( definitive yolk sac)

extraembryonic mesoderm process

1. loose array of cells initialy derived from the hypoblast

2. situated external to amnion and to yolk sac

extraembryonic coelom

- clefts develope between extraembryonic mesodermal cells

- clefts coalesce to form a cavity, lined by extraembryonic mesodem , will eventually be obliterated by growth of fetus

what happens in the third week

- formation of trilaminar disk

- further development of trilaminar disk

during the formation of the trilaminar disk what happenes

1. primitive streak forms ( day 15 )

2. gastrulation

primitive streak process

- appears as median groove at caudal (tail) end of epiblast

- primitive node is expanded cranial(head) end of primitive streak

grastrulation process

- epiblast cells migrate and invaginate at primitive groove and primative pit

-epiblast cells that invaginate through primitive groove and primitive pit become :

1. embryonic endoderm-laterally displaces

cells of the hypoblast , will form

epithelium of the primitive gut

2. embryonic mesoderm- occupies space

between epiblast and endoderm, migrate

laterally and cranially from primitive


- epiblast cellls that do not invaginate become embryonic ectoderm

1. develops into nervous system and


2. surrounds mesoderm and endoderm

what happens with further development of the trimalminar disk

1. precordal plate is formed ( day 14 )

2. notochord

3. initiation of neural development

4. subdivision of mesoderm

5. intraembryonic coelom

6. body folding

precordal plate

formed DAY 14 :

-circular area of firm attachement of ectoderm and endoderm

- identifies cranial end of embryo

- precursor of buccopharyngeal membrane and primitive mouth

- secretes molecular signals required to pattern head of embryo

look at chart

of how hypoblast and epiblast form

notochord is formed how and does what

it is a median mesodrmal "rod" that forms from the cells invaginating through the primitive pit

it identifies the cranial and caudal axis of embryo

it breaks up into segments to form core ( nucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs

and it seretes molecular signlas required to initiate development of nervous system

what are formed during the initiation of neural development

1. morphogenisis of the neural tube (neurulation)

2. differentiation of the neural tube at level f spinal cord

process of morphogenisis of the neural tube ( neuralation )

1. the nueral plate formation

2. neural groove formation

3. neural tube formation

4. nerual crest formation

neural plate

forms from ectoderm cells that proliferate and change shape

elevated edges form the neural folds

induced by underlying notochord

neural groove

produced by folding of neural plate

median v shaped , axial depresion in neural plate

neural tube

formed by midline fusion of the neural folds

seperates from the adjacent surface ectoderm

forms central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord)

neurual crest

cells derived from neural folds as the neural tube closes

derivatives of the neural crest

- neurons of dorsal root and cranial sensory ganglia

- schwann and satallite cells of peripheral nerves and ganglia

- neurons of sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia

- bone and cartilage derivatives of pharyngeal arches

differentiation of the neural tube at level of spinal cord layers and thier derivatives

1. neuroeipthelium - ependyma

2. mantle layer- gray matter

3. marginal layer- white matter

differntiation of the neural tube at level of spinal cord plates and thier derivatives

1.roof plate

2. alar plate- sensory (afferent)

3. basal plate - motor ( efferent)

4. floor plate

subdivisions of the mesoderm

1. paraxial mesoderm

2. intermediate mesoderm

3. lateral plate mesoderm

what does thr paraxial mesoderm do

1. breaks into paired segmental blocks called somites

2. forms adjacent to notochord

3. somites form vertebrae , dermis of the skin of the back , and most skeletal muscles of the body

what does the intermediate mesoderm do

1. cels immediatly lateral to somites

2. forms nephrogenic cord and genital ridge

what does the lateral plate mesoderm do

1. somatic or parietal layer - associated with ectoderm , "outer" lining of body cavity

2. splanchinic or visceral layer - associated with endoderm , "inner" lining of body cavity

the intraembryonic coelom is

the cavity between somatic and splanchinic mesoderm . will be subdivided into pleural , pericardial , and peritoneal cavities

how and when does body folding work

beings late in the third week , cephalo-caudla (cranial-caudal) and later , results in tubualr embryo (tube within a tube ) . yold stalk is progressivly reduced in size , essentially complete by six week

tubualr embyro forms

1. alimentary tract ( gut tube)

2. body cavity

3. body wall

derivatives of germ layers for the ectoderm

- central nervous system

-peripheral ns and adrenal medulla ( nerual crest)

-sensory epithelia of ear, nose and eye

- epidermis ( including hair and nails)

- mammary gland, pituitary gladn, and subcutaneous glands

-enamel of teeth

- dentin and pulp of teeth , pdl (nerual crest)

drivatives of germ layer of the mesoderm

- CT(including cartilage and bone)

- all muscle , both striated and smooth

- heart , blood and lymph vessels , and blood and lymph cells

- kidney , gonads, and thier ducts

- serous membranes lining the pericardial , pleural , and peritoneal cavities

- spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes and cortex of adrenal gland

derivatives of germ layer of the endoderm

- eipthelial lining of gastrointestinal and respitory tracts

- parenchyma of thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, liver , and pancreas

-epithelial linig of tympanic cavity and auditory tube

-epithelial lining of unrinary bladder and urethrea