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46 Cards in this Set

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what types of cells do muscles consist of


muscles give ___ to the body and provides___

form, heat

name the three types of muscles and if they are striated of not

1) skeletal (striated)

2)cardiac (striated)

3) smooth (non striated)

how much of your total body weight is compromised of muscle


muscles have two attachments, what are they called

origin (least moveable and usually proximal)

insertion (more moveable and usually distal)

by what system are the muscles controlled

somatic nervous system

muscles can only contract and pull things together (t/F)


in this class what type of muscle are we mainly dealing with


describe how skeletal muscle is made up

long , large, unbranched, cylindrical fibers

transverse sections arranged paralll

fibers are bound together by what?

connective tissue

what is the functional unit of a muscle

motor unit

do muscles produce movement by shortening or lengtingin


name the three types of contractions




define an isometric contraction

muscle remains same length, muscle force matches the load, no movement

define concentric contraction

muscle shortens as it contracts

define eccentric contraction

also known as controlled relaxation, the force generated is insufficient to overcome the external load on the muscle

the prime movers of muscles, also knows as what , do what

agonists, they are the main muslces activated during a specific movement

what does the antagonist do

opposes the action of the prime movers

what is a synergist

complement the action of the prime movers

what are fixators

steady the proximal part of a limb while the distal parts are moving

what are the ways to test skeletal muscle

1. examiner attempts to move

2. examiner adds resitance

in order for a muscle to exert maximum force, the joint should be positioned so that the muscle length is near this optimum


name the two shapes of skeletal muscles



describe pennate style muscles

featherlike arrangement, short and generate a long of power

describe parallel fibers

fibers set up to pull, they are long fibers that work best for speed and for long durations, however not great for power

name the structures associated with skeletal fibers

tendons, aponeuroses, synovial tendon sheaths, bursae

define tendons,

fibrous bands of dense tissue that attach muscles to bone or muscle to muscle

what is a aponeuroses

flat tendon that connects muscle to bone or muscle

what are synovial tendon sheaths

tubular sacs wrapped around tendons

what is a bursae

sac of synovial membrane that facilitate movemet by minimizing friction

what muscle is useful for climbing, rowing and swimming

lat dorsi

which muscle is called the boxers muscles

serratus anterior

what muscles elevate the scapula

superior fibers of trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor

which muscles depress the scapula

pec minor, serratus anterior , trapezius inferior part

which muscles deal with protraction of scapula

pec minor and serratus anterior

what muscles deal with the retraction of the scapulaq

rhomboids, trapezius middle, lat dorsi

what muscles deal with the superior movement/glenoid fassa

serratus anterior, trapezious superior and inferior

injury of what nerves affect abduction of the arm

axillary, suprascapular, and c5 c6 segments

what muscles are included in rotator cuff

(SITS) supraspinatur, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

what is the main function of the rotator cuff muscles

hold the head of humerous in glenoid cavity

what are main muscle actions for flexion of glenohumeral

1. pec major (deltoid)

extension of glenohumeral

1. lat dorsi (posterior deltoing

abduction of glenohumeral

deltoid (supraspinatus)

adduction of glenohumeral

lat dorsi and pec major (teres major)

medial rotation of glenohumeral

subscapularis and teres major (pec major, ant delt, lat dorsi)

lateral rotation of glenohumeral

infraspinatus and teres minor (posterior deltoid)