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190 Cards in this Set

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what type of joint is the sacroiliac joint?

plane synovial joint
what is the strongest joint in the body?
sacroiliac joint
what joint is in the line of weight transmission from spine to hip bone to femur?
sacroiliac joint
which part of the pelvic bone is involved in weight transmission from spine to hip bone to femur?
dorsal part
what is the function of the ventral part of the pelvic bone?
prevents ilia from being forced apart
how are the ligaments of the sacroiliac joint arranged?
allow small amount of movement
resist major displacement of the sacrum
from posterior sacrum

to posterior ilium
from anterior sacrum

to anterior ilium
where does the sacrospinous ligament run?
from ischial spine

to side of sacrum
what structure does the sacrospinous ligament create? from what?
greater sciatic foramen

from greater sciatic notch
where does the sacrotuberous ligament run?
from ischial tuberosity

to side of sacrum
what structure does the sacrotuberous ligament create? from what?
lesser sciatic foramen

from lesser sciatic notch
where does the iliolumbar ligament run?
from transverse process of L5

to posterior part of iliac crest
where does the obturator internus run?
from medial wall of pelvis

to greater trochanter of femur
what covers the obturator internus?
obturator fascia
what action does the obturator internus cause?
lateral rotation of the thigh
what innervates the obturator internus?
nerve to obturator internus

L5, S1, S2
what muscles make up the pelvic diaphragm?
levator ani
what is the function of the pelvic diaphragm?
to separate pelvis from ischiorectal fossa (perineal region)
what structures pass through the pelvic diaphragm?
what structures pass around the pelvic diaphragm?
pudendal nerve
pudendal vessels
what is the muscular floor of the pelvis which supports the viscera?
levator ani
where is the levator ani located?
from the back of the pubis, lateral to the symphysis
from the spine of the ischium

sweeps inferiorly, medially, and posteriorly
in a male, where do the most anterior fibers, of the levator ani, from the back of the pubis run?
posteriorly and inferiorly

just below the prostate gland

inserted into perineal body
in a female, where do the most anterior fibers, of the levator ani, from the back of the pubis run?
surround the vagina

form sphincter vaginae
where do intermediate fibers of the levator ani run?
around recto-anal junction

blends with fibers of anal sphincter
what forms the puborectalis (recto-anal sling)?
intermediate fibers of the levator ani muscle
what forms the anococcygeal raphe?
posterior (not the most posterior) fibers of the levator ani muscle
to form the anococcygeal raphe, fibers from the levator ani muscle must meet what structure?
opposite fibers of the levator ani muscle
where do the most posterior fibers of the levator ani muscle insert?
what structures are formed by the levator ani muscle?
sphincter vaginae
puborectalis (recto-anal sling)
anococcygeal raphe
what innervates the levator ani?
nerve to levator ani (S4)

inferior rectal nerve
where is the coccygeus muscle located?
deep to sacrospinous ligament

similar attachments to levator ani
(back of pubis, lateral to symphysis, and from spine of ischium, sweeping inferiorly, medially, and posteriorly)
what innervates the coccygeus?
what is the path of the piriformis?
from 3 middle pieces of sacrum

through greater sciatic foramen

to greater trochanter of femur
what travels through the greater sciatic foramen with the piriformis?
sciatic nerve
superior gluteal artery & vein
inferior gluteal artery & vein
superior gluteal nerve
inferior gluteal nerve
what three pelvic muscles are wrapped in a single fascia?
levator ani
which spinal nerves are involved in the sacral plexus?
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
fibers from which spinal nerves compose the lumbosacral trunk?
lower 1/2 of L4
all of L5
what spinal nerve does the lumbosacral trunk join with?
when does the lumbosacral trunk join with S1?
after crossing the brim of the pelvis
what are the two parts of the sciatic nerve?
common peroneal
what spinal nerves does the common peroneal part of the sciatic nerve originate from?
L4, L5, S1, S2
what spinal nerves does the tibial part of the sciatic nerve originate from?
L4, L5, S1, S2, S3
what spinal nerves does the superior gluteal nerve originate from?
L4, L5, S1
what spinal nerves does the inferior gluteal nerve originate from?
L5, S1, S2
what spinal nerves does the posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh originate from?
S1, S2, S3
what spinal nerves does the pudendal nerve originate from?
S2, S3, S4
what spinal nerves do the nerves to levator ani, coccygeus and anal sphincter originate from?
what spinal nerves does the nerve to quadratus femoris (and inferior gemellus) originate from?
L4, L5, S1
what spinal nerves does the nerve to obturator internus (and superior gemellus) originate from?
L5, S1, S2
what spinal nerves does the nerve to piriformis originate from?
S1, S2
what composes the pelvic viscera in a male?
male genital organs
what composes the pelvic viscera in a female?
female genital organs
is the pelvic viscera peritoneal or extraperitoneal?
covered by peritoneum in upper aspects

extraperitoneal inferiorly
how does the parietal peritoneum cover the bladder in the male?
covers superior portion when bladder is empty

peritoneum stripped away from anterior abdominal wall when bladder is full
how does the bladder move in the male when it is full?
rises above the pubic symphysis
where does the parietal peritoneum pass laterally in a male?
passes to the side walls of the pelvis
where does the parietal peritoneum go posteriorly in a male?
dips inferiorly over back of bladder and upper parts of seminal vesicles and then reflected onto rectum
what does the parietal peritoneum form when reflected onto the rectum of a male?
rectovesical pouch
in a female, what is formed when the parietal peritoneum dips inferiorly to the junction between the uterin body and the cervix?
uterovesical pouch
what is the pelvic fascia which separates the parietal peritoneum from the vagina?
in a female, what is formed by the reflection of the parietal peritoneum, posterior to the uterus, onto the rectum?
recto-uterine pouch
pouch of Douglas
where does the parietal peritoneum travel laterally in a female?
drapes over the uterine tubes and ovaries
what does the parietal peritoneum form as it travels laterally?
broad ligament of the uterus
suspensory ligament of the ovary
where is the bladder found?
between 2 levator ani muscles
what is the smooth muscle in the wall of the bladder?
detrusor muscle
how many layers are there in the detrusor muscle?
what type of epithelium lines the bladder?
transitional epithelium thrown into folds
what is the name of the portion of the bladder which is derived from the lower end of the mesonephric duct (mesoderm)?
which direction do the ureters open?

which direction does the urethra open?

in males, what structure in the urethral orifice prevents semen reflux during ejaculation?
sphincter vesicae
what is the name for the thickened pelvic fascia anterior to the bladder in a male?
puboprostatic ligament
what is the name for the thickened pelvic fascia anterior to the bladder in a female?
pubovesical ligament
where is the bladder surrounded by pelvic fascia?
below the peritoneum
what must the puboprostatic/pubovesical ligaments connect to to form lateral true ligaments?
obturator fascia
what innervates the bladder?
nervi erigentes
pudendal nerves
(S2,S3, S4)

sympathetic nerves
where does the internal urethral orifice lead in a male?
directly to the prostatic urethra
where is the prostate located?
immediately below the bladder in a male
how many ducts are present in the prostate?
what structure do the prostatic ducts open into?
prostatic urethra
what structure surrounds the prostate?
prostatic venous plexus
what does the prostate have?
large amount of smooth muscle
2 lateral lobes
middle lobe
where is the site of carcinoma in a prostate, which can be felt through the rectum?
2 lateral lobes
where is the site of benign hypertrophy in a prostate?
upper part of middle lobe
onto what structure do the ejaculatory ducts open?
colliculus seminalis
where is the colliculus seminalis?
on the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra
what is another name for the colliculus seminalis?
through what structure does the vas deferens enter the pelvis?
deep inguinal ring
where does the vas deferens run within the pelvis?
on the side wall of pelvis
hooks over ureter
posterior to bladder
approaches other vas deferens
ducts from which structure join the vas deferens to form the ejaculatory ducts?
seminal vesicles
what is the purpose of the seminal vesicles?
to secrete a fluid which contributes to semen
what is the indentation of the prostatic urethra on the verumontanum called?
prostatic utricle
what is the prostatic utricle a remnant of?
paramesonephric ducts
what happens to the prostatic utricle in pseudohermaphroditism?
enlarges to form a mini-uterus and vagina
what are the parts of the uterus?
uterine/fallopian tubes
what happens to the smooth muscle of the uterus during pregnancy which makes them very powerful?
what is the name for the constriction between the lumen of the cervix and the lumen of the body?
internal os
what is the name for the opening of the cervix into the vagina?
external os
what is the shape of the external os?
circular until birth of first child
transverse slit after birth of first child
where is the vaginal portion of the cervix located?
protruding into the vagina
what surrounds the vaginal portion of the cervix?
anterior, posterior, and lateral vaginal fornices
where is the supravaginal portion of the cervix located?
above the level of the vagina
what surrounds the supravaginal portion of the cervix?
pelvic connective tissue (parametrium)
what is the name for uterine muscle?
what is the name for the mucosa lining the uterus?
what is the name for the pelvic connective tissue of the uterus?
what happens to the cervix in the first stage of labor?
upper 1/3 is taken up into the uterus
what is referred to as the lower uterine segment?
upper 1/3 of the cervix
how is the uterus positioned in a female's body?
anteflexed and anteverted

less anteverted when bladder is full
when passing laterally, in what does the uterine tube lie?
broad ligament
what are the parts of the uterine tubes?
over what does the ovarian end of the uterine tube pass?
over the upper pole of the ovary
where does the ovarian end of the uterine tube travel?
down the posterior surface of the ovary with fimbriae covering the medial surface of the ovary
what are the three divisions of the broad ligaments?
what forms the broad ligament?
parietal peritoneum
what is another name for the suspensory ligament of the ovary?
infundibulopelvic ligament
what forms the suspensory ligament of the ovary?
a fold of peritoneum
what is the purpose of the suspensory ligament of the ovary?
connect ovary and end of uterine tube to side wall of pelvis
what is located between the layers of the broad ligament?
round ligament of the uterus
ligament of the ovary
what is the female equivalent of the gubernaculum?
ligament of the ovary
where does the uterine artery travel?
near the base of the broad ligament
ascends between layers of the broad ligament
ascends along the side of the uterus
where are transverse cervical ligaments located?
in the base of the broad ligament
what is a prolapsed uterus?
abnormally descended uterus bulging into the vagina
what causes a prolapsed uterus?
difficult vaginal delivery
what provides the integrity of the pelvic floor?
perineal body
what structure maintains the uterus in the anteverted position?
round ligament
what forms the lateral boundaries of the rectouterine pouch?
uterosacral ligaments
where are the uterosacral ligaments?
between cervix and sacrum
enclosed in rectouterine fold
what are the other names for the transverse cervical ligament?
cardinal ligament
Mackenrodt's ligament
what structures form pubocervical ligaments as the pass posteriorly?
pubovesical ligaments
what five structures support the uterus?
perineal body
round ligament
uterosacral ligaments
transverse cervical ligament
pubovesical ligaments
where are ovaries located before first pregnancy?
side wall of pelvis
in the angle between external iliac vessels and internal iliac arteries and ureter
what attaches the ovary to the upper surface of the broad ligament?
what surrounds the ovary?
layer of germinal epithelium
where does an egg travel when its Graafian follicle ruptures?
follicle -> peritoneal cavity (momentarily) -> fimbriae -> infundibulum -> ampulla ->isthmus
where is the tunica albuginea in an ovary?
beneath the germinal epithelium
what causes irregularities in the surface of mature ovaries?
presence of immature follicles, corpora lutea, and scars of old corpora lutea
where does the vagina pass?
superiorly and posteriorly
from vestibule to cervix
what type of epithelium lines the vagina?
stratified squamous epithelium
when does the lining of the vagina undergo minor variations?
during menstrual cycle
what are the two layers of smooth muscle in the vagina?
outer, longitudinal layer
inner, circular layer
what striated muscle reinforces the smooth muscle of the vagina?
what structure does the bulbospongiosus help form?
sphincter vaginae
from where is the lubrication of the vagina provided?
cervical mucus
what arteries supply the female internal genitalia?
uterine artery
vaginal artery
ovarian artery
from which artery does the uterine artery branch?
internal iliac artery
what artery provides the main blood supply of the uterus?
uterine artery
what artery to the female internal genitalia hypertrophies during pregnancy?
uterine artery
what structure does the uterine artery pass over?
what male equivalent does the vaginal artery usually replace?
inferior vesical artery
where does the vaginal artery pass?
below the ureter
what does the vaginal artery supply?
what artery does the ovarian artery branch from?
where does the ovarian artery pass from the side wall of the pelvis?
in the suspensory ligament
what artery anastomoses with the uterine artery?
ovarian artery
what does the ovarian artery supply?
ovary and part of uterine tube
where do common iliac arteries divide?
brim of pelvis
what do common iliac arteries branch into?
internal iliac arteries (posterior)
external iliac arteries (anterior)
what are the anterior branches of the internal iliac arteries?
superior vesical artery
obturator artery
inferior vesical artery (vaginal artery in females)
middle rectal artery
uterine artery (only in females)
what is the superior vesical artery attached to?
obliterated umbilical artery
what nerve does the obturator artery join?
obturator nerve
where does the obturator artery join the obturator nerve?
on the obturator internus
where do the obturator nerve and obturator artery leave the pelvis?
via the upper part of the obturator foramen
what variation is common in the obturator artery?
arise from inferior epigastric artery
run down posterior to pubis to join obturator nerve
during what procedure is the obturator artery vulnerable in its common variation?
hernia operation
why is the obturator artery vulnerable during a hernia operation in its common variation?
it lies posterior to the lacunar ligament
what two anterior branches commonly arise from a common trunk?
inferior vesical arteries
middle rectal arteries
what are the two terminal branches of the internal iliac artery?
internal pudendal artery
inferior gluteal artery
where do the two terminal branches of the internal iliac artery leave the pelvis?
greater sciatic notch below piriformis
what does the internal pudendal artery cross before reentering the ischiorectal fossa?
ischial spine
where does the internal pudendal artery cross the ischial spine?
gluteal region
where does the internal pudendal artery reenter the ischiorectal forssa?
below the levator ani
where does the inferior gluteal artery leave the pelvis?
between the first and second sacral nerves
what region does the inferior gluteal artery enter?
gluteal region
where is the posterior branch of the internal iliac artery directed?
to the upper part of the greater sciatic foramen
what are the three nonvisceral branches of the posterior branch of the internal iliac artery?
Iliolumbar artery
Lateral sacral artery
superior gluteal artery
where does the iliolumbar artery travel?
over brim
ascends in front of sacrum
anastomoses with lumbar arteries
where does the lateral sacral artery travel?
enters sacral foramina
what does the lateral sacral artery supply?
contents of sacral canal
what branch of the posterior branch of the internal iliac artery is commonly doubled?
lateral sacral artery
where does the superior gluteal artery travel?
through greater sciatic foramen
between lumbosacral trunk and S1
where does the ductus deferens enter the pelvis? in what relation to the inferior epigastric artery?
through deep ring

lateral to inferior epigastric artery
what does the ductus deferens cross in the pelvis?
obliterated umbilical artery
obturator artery
what structures are crossed by the ureter in the pelvis?
external iliac vessels
anterior branches of internal iliac artery
what is the path of the ureter?
close to internal iliac artery at first
later runs medially (passing superior to lateral fornix of vagina)
enters bladder
what is superior to the ovarian fossa?
external iliac vessels
what is anterior to the ovarian fossa?
obliterated umbilical artery
what is posterior to the ovarian fossa?
internal iliac vessels
what is lateral to the ovarian fossa?
obturator nerve
obturator vessels