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67 Cards in this Set

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What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the external abdominal oblique?
O: lateral surface of ribs 4-12, thoracolumbar fascia
I: wide aponeurosis of linea alba and pecten ossis pubis
(abdominal pelvic tendons)
Inn: last intercostal nn and ventral brs of T13, L1-3
Action: compress abdominal viscera
What is the origin, insertion, innervation and action of the internal abdominal oblique?
O: tuber coxae, thoracolumbar fascia and inguinal ligament
I: costal arch, rectus abdominus, linea alba, prepubic tendon
Inn: last intercostal nn and ventral brs T12, L1-3
Action: compress/support abdominal viscera
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the transversus abdominus?
O: Medial surface of last ribs, transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
I: Linea alba
Inn: last intercostal nn and vetnral brs of T13, L1-3
Action: compress, support abdominal viscera
What is the origin, insertion, innervation, and action of the rectus abdominus?
Between costal cartilage/sternum and pecten ossis pubis
Inn: intercostal nn and ventral brs of T13, L1-3
A: compress/support abd viscera; move pelvis forward, flexion of back
What is the rectus sheath?
Formed by aponeurosis of ext/int abdonimal oblique and transervsus abdominus.

Forms a sleeve for the rectus abdominus.
What is the blood supply to the abdominal wall?
Cranial and caudal deep epigastric, cranial abdominal, and deep circumflex iliac
What lymph nodes drain the ventral half of the abdominal wall?
Superficial inguinal Lnn.
What do the superficial inguinal lymph nodes drain into?
medial iliac lymph nodes
What structures course through the ingunial canal?
External pudendal artery and vein; genitofemoral nerve; lymphatics, vaginal tunic (male) or vaginal process (female), and spermatic cord (male)
Describe the regional variation of the rectus sheath.
Thinner and more superficial in the caudal region.

Begins between internal abd aponeurosis
Moves between internal and transverse
Moves on top of transverse; sits just below the peritoneum
What are the boundries of the deep inguinal ring?
Medial: lateral edge of rectus abdominus
Cranial: Caudal edge of internal abdominal oblique
Caudal boundry: inquinal ligament (edge of external abdominal oblique)
What is the inguinal ligament?
Caudal border of external abdominal oblique; separates vascular lacuna from the inguinal canal
What is the vascular lacuna?
Vessels that supply the pelvic limb (femoral a/v)
Describe the lymphatics coursing through the inguinal canal.
Efferent vessels of superficial inguinal Lnn. form trunks that pass through the canal to the medial iliac Lnn
What is the vaginal process?
Parietal peritoneal exavation; opening of process forms a ring for the round ligament of the uterus
What is the vaginal ring?
Boundary between peritoneal cavity and vaginal cavity; wraps around the testis and spermatic cord
What is the clincal vaginal tunic?
Includes internal spermatic fascia and parietal vaginal tunic; incised during open castration
What is included in the spermatic cord?
Testicular n, a, v, and pampiniform plexus; lymphatics, ductus deferens, deferent a, v; internal cremaster m; mesofuniculum
What do the R and L tesiticular veins drain into?
R: caudal vena cava
L: L renal vein
Is the cremaster muscle included in the spermatid cord?
The internal cremaster m is but the cremaster m is not.
What is the function of the testis?
Sperm and hormone production
What is the function of the epididymis?
Storage and maturation of sperm
What are the layers of the scrotum and the testes?
-Skin fused with tunica dartos (smooth muscle)
-External spermatic fascia
-Internal spermatic fascia
-Parietal vaginal tunic (serous membrane)
-Vaginal cavity
-Visceral vaginal tunic (serous membrane)
-Tunica albuginea (white fascia around testicle)
-Testicular parenchyma
What is cut through in an open castration?
First: skin/tunica dartos, external and internal spertamic fascia, and prietal vaginal tunic

once in the vaginal cavity, to expose the testicle: cut the visceral vaginal tunic, and tunica albuginea
What is the gubernaculum and what does it become?
Mesenchymal tissue (causes testicles to drop); it becomes the proper ligament of the testis and the ligament of the tail of the epidiymis (male) and the round ligament of the uterus (female)
What is the peritoneum?
Serous membrane; made of parietal and visceral peritoneum
What is the peritoneal cavity?
Located between parietal and visceral peritoneum
What is connecting peritoneum?
double sheets of peritoneum that extend between organs or connect them to parietal peritoneum (mesentary, omentum, ligament)
What are ligaments are remnants of the ventral primitive mesentary?
Falicoform ligament and median ligament of the bladder
What is contained in the superficial leaf of the omentum?
What is contained in the deep leaf of the omentum?
Left limb of the pancreas
What fetal structure remnant is found in the median ligament of the bladder?
Urachus (carried waste to placenta)
What is the fetal remnant of umbilical veins?
Round ligament of the liver
What is the fetal remnant of umbilical arteries?
Round ligament of the bladder
What courses through the openings in the diaphragm and where are they?
Aortic hiatus: aorta, azygous v, thoracic duct - dorsally

esophogeal hitus: esophogus, dorsa/ventral vagal trunks, esophogeal vessels - in the middle of the diaphragm

caval foramen: caual vena cava - kinda ventrally just a little left lateral
What is the function of the liver?
Metabolism of carbs, fats, proteins; produces bile; store and filter blood; excrete bilirubin; detoxify foreign substances
Function of hepatic artery.
Carry oxygen rich blood to liver
Function of portal vein
Carry nutrient rich blood to liver (from GI)
Function of hepatic vein
carry blood from liver to caudal vena cava
What is the function of the gall bladder?
store bile
What is the function of the spleen?
RBC storage, destruction, immune system, filtration
What quadrants is the spleen located dorsal/left and right lateral recumbancy?
Dorsal/left lateral recumbancy: left cranial/caudal quadrants

Right lateral recumbancy: left cranial, left caudal, and right cranial
Why do you need to know where the spleen is in right or left lateral recumbancy?
For radiographs - it is NOT a foreign body; in right lateral recumbancy the spleen will appear in the right cranial quad.
What divides the body of the stomach from the pyloric region?
angular inscisure
What quadrants is the stomach in?
Left and right cranial quadrants
What quad. is the cardia located?
Left cranial
What quad is the fundus located
left cranial
What quad is the body located?
left cranial
What quad is the pyloric antrum located?
Dog: right cranial
Cat: left cranial
What quad is the pylorus located in?
Dog: right cranial
Cat: midline; perhaps slightly left
Rotation of the intestine during fetal development
causes the duodenum to course from right to left in the caudal quadrants; colon courses from left to right in the cranial quadrants
What are the quadrants of the small intestine?
Cranial duodenal flexure: right cranial quadrant

descending part: right cranial/caudal quadrants

caudal duodenal flexure: right and left caudal quadrants

Ascending part: left caudal quadrant

Duodenojejunal flexure: left caudal quadrant
What quad is the ileum located in?
Left and right caudal quads
What quad is the cecum located?
Right caudal quadrant
What quads are the parts of the colon located?
Ascending: right caudal/cranial quadrants

R colic flexure: R cranial quad

Transverse colon: right and left cranial quad

Left colic flexure: left cranial quad

Descending: left cranial and caudal
Where is the cecum located?
Right caudal quadrant
What is the function of the pancreas?
Exocrine: produce digestive proenzymes

Endocrine: produces insulin, glucagon, gastrin
Where is the pancreas located?
Body (near pylorus) right cranial quad

Right lobe (w/ in
mesoduodenum) right cranial and caudal quad

Left lobe (w/in deep greater omentum) R and L cranial quads
What is the function of the kidneys?
Remove toxins from the bloodstream and produce urine
Where are the kidneys located?
R cranial/caudal quads (more cranially)
L cranial/caudal quads (more caudally)
What size are the kidneys?
Dog: 2.5 - 3.5 times the length of L2
Cat: 2 -3 times the length of L2
What is different in the feline kidney vs the canine?
Feline kidneys have subcapsular veins
What is the function of adrenal glands?
Cortex: corticosteroids and sex hormones

Medulla: epinephrine and norepinephrine
Functon of the ovaries
produce ova and hormones
Location of ovaries in relationship to each other.
R more cranial than L
What are the ligaments of the ovaries?
Proper ligament of the ovary: courses betwen ovary and uterine horn

Suspensory ligament of the ovary
What is the blood supply to the ovaries and uterus?
Ovarian a, v
Uterine a, v