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12 Cards in this Set

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The 'starting point' or 'ruling principle' of a thing. Aristotle uses the term in reference to the Milesians' competing views of the single basic material substance
the indefinite, indeterminate, or unlimited thing. The term is used by Anaximander to refer to the basic substance that produces, surrounds, and controls all things
'word' 'account' 'explanation' and (later) 'reason' or 'rational faculty.' The Ionian thinkers sought to give a correct logos of all things. Heraclitus' logos was both his 'word' and the larger 'rational structure' of the universe
'order,' 'ordered world'. In Homer, the verb kosmeo meant 'to order or arrange'. For the Ionian thinkers generally, and for the Pythagoras and Heraclitus in particular, the kosmos is the order evident in the arrangement of nature as a whole
'viewing' or 'contemplation'. The activity identified by the Pythagoreans as the key to living well
'Inquiry' or 'knowledge gained by inquiry.' Probably the term used by the Ionian thinkers to refer to the acquiring of knowledge through travel and direct observation
'penalty', 'justice', or 'custom.' In Anaximander, it is the 'penalty' that must be paid by each overreaching opposite. In Heraclitus, it is the force that imposes order on the cosmos.
In Homer it is a person's 'mind' 'intention' or 'clever intelligence'. In Heraclitus, it becomes the 'wisdom' or 'deep understanding' of the structure of the cosmos (as contrasted with a superficial familiarity gained through sense perception)
to atomon
literally: the uncuttable. In the 5th century BC, Leucippus and Democritus developed the idea of to atomon in part as a solution to the problems generated by the arguments of Parmenides.
'love or pursuit of wisdom.' an expression coined by the Pythagoreans to refer to the way of life taught to them by their master- a life devoted to perfecting the psyche by means of historia and theoria of the kosmos
the pythagorean name for the sum of the first four numbers; also the representation of these numbers in a triangle, as well as the various 'four-fold progressions' (point, line, surface, solid, etc)
The 'soul' or 'life spirit' in a person. In Homer the ____ is simply the 'breath' or 'spirit' in a person that goes out of the body at the moment of death; the ___ becomes an object of interest for the Pythagoreans and Heraclitus; Socrates equates it with the whole person.