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61 Cards in this Set

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What was Eros's other name?
What was cupid called?
the god of Love
What was cupid's task?
he gave gifts to man
Who was cupid's mother?
Aphrodite (though she might have been her companion)
What was he represented as?
he was represented as being blindfolded
Who was Hebe?
the goddess of Youth
What was Hebe's job?
she was the cupbearer to the gods
what makes Hebe known?
there are no stories about her except for that she was married to hercules
Who was Iris?
the goddess of the rainbow
What was Iris's job?
she was messenger to the gods (along with Hermes)
Who were the Graces?
they were 3 sisters who danced to Apollo's lyre
Along with who were the Graces the "queens of song"?
the muses
What were the Grace's names?
Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia
How were the Graces depicted?
they were full of grace and beauty.
Who were the Muses?
they were 9 of them
Who were the muses the daughters of?
they were the daughters of Mnemosyne (Memory)
Who was Pan's father?
how do people describe Pan?
he was a noisy, merry, and ugly guy
What did pan look like?
he had goat hoofs and horns
What type of instrument did Pan play?
pan played the reeds, he was a musician.
Who was Silenus related to?
he was Pan's son/ brother
How do people describe Silenus?
he was old, fat, and drunk so he always rode a donkey
who were castor and pollux?
they were a pair of brothers
where did castpor and pollux live?
the lived half on earth and half in heaven
Who were castor and pollux the sons of?
they were the songs of Leda
who did castor and pollux protect?
Where were castor and pollux worshipped?
in rome
what did castor and pollux ride and what did they have that represented them?
they had two stars

they rode snow-white horses
what were the sileni?
they were part man and part horse, but they walked on two feet
how were the sileni part horse?
they had horse's tails, feet, and ears
where were the sileni mostly seen?
on greek vases
who was demeter?
the goddess of the corn
who was dionysus
god of the vine
what was dionysus also called?
why were dionysus and demeter so important?
they're stories are found all over, because they were the ones that had to do with farming and agriculture
who were th satrys?
they were goat men
how were the satrys described?
Who were the Oreads?
they were nymphs of teh mountains
how were the oreads described?
beautiful maiden forms
who were the dryads?
they were nymphs of the trees
why were tress so important for the dryads?
their lifes were bound up with their tree
what was another name for the dryads?
who was aeolus?
he was teh king of the winds
where did aeolus live?
he lived on earth
where was aolus's home?
what was aeolus?
he was viceroy tot eh gods
what were centaurs?
they were half man half horse, more beastlike than human.
how were centaurs described?
they were savage
who were the gorgons?
there were 3 of them- 2 were immortal.
where did the gorgon's live?
they lived on earth
what did the gorgons look like?
they were dragon like- they had wings
what power did the gorgons possess?
they could turn man into stone
who was the gorgons father?
phorcys- son of sea and earth
who were the sisters of the gorgons?
they were the Graiae
how many graiae were there?
there were three
how did people describe the graiae?
they were grey women who shared one eye
what did the sirens do?
they sung luring sailors to their deaths
where did the sirens live?
they lived on an island in teh sea
what did the sirens look like?
their appearance isn't known
who were the fates?
they were very important 3 of them who gave men at birth their good and evil
where did the fates live?
they had no home