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64 Cards in this Set

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Goddess of Harvest
Daughter is Persephone
Parents are: Kronos and Rhea
Symbols: Cornucopia, winged serpent, wheat
Sacred animals: Pigs and Snakes
depicted with crown and holding torch

Abduction of her daughter Persephone by Hades caused Demeter not to eat for 9 days or drink and bathe. She roamed the earth and on the 10th day Helius seen her and explained what happened to her daughter.
Now that she knew the truth her grief was intensified and wandered amongst mortals.
Demeter come to Eleusis-king Celeus and queen Metaneira had 4 daughters. Callidice (most beautiful of all daughters)
her Human form (DOSO)

Promised to Nurse their son (Demophoon) Demeter wanted to make their son immortal but was interrupted when the mother saw what she was doing. Demeter then identified herself, and orders instructions for the futher of Eleusis. build for her a great temple and an altar below the town on the rising hill above the well Kallichoron;

Demeter contunied to grief and Zeus took notice and ordered
God of travel and messengers
Messenger of the Gods "Guides souls to the dead"
son of Zeus and Maia
Symbols: Wand of Caduceus 'Heralds Staff', winged sandals and travellers cup
Sacred animal: Tortoise, ram and hawk

Meets a tortoise, cuts up tortoise to use hollow shell, reeds and ox's hide and string of sheep to make the 1st seven stringed LYRE.
Began singing songs for mom and dad
Stole cattle of Apollo, cut off fifty heads and made them walk backwards, their heads facing him.
Hermes makes sacrifice-divided cattle into 12 portions offers it to the gods, he as one of the god could not eat meat but enjoy the aroma.
Apollo tracks down HERMES, questions him, Hermes denies everything, sought Zeus for justice.
Zeus does not believe Hermes and orders him to show Apollo where he placed the hidden cattle
He followed the directions of Zeus and Apollo and Hermes Reconciled
Hermes started playing his lyre, Apollo was interested, and claimed this skill was worth 5O COWS. he promised Hermes he would becom
Goddess of wisdom, warfare and reason.
Born from Zeus' head after he swallowed her mother Metis
Depicted with crested helmet, armed with shield and spear
Symbol: Olive tree
Sacred animal: Owl
Virgin GoDdess of hunt, wilderness, animals, young girls and childbirth
Associated with the moon
Daughter of Zeus and Leto
Twin brother is Apollo
Depicted as a young women wth hunting bow and arrows
Symbols: Bow, spears and deer
Scared animals: deer, bears and boars
God of the Sea, river, floods, earthquakes and storms
Son of Kronos and Rhea
symbols: Three pronged spear (trident)
Sacred animals: Dolphin and horse

Goddess of love and beauty and desire
daughter of Zeus and Dione
Son was
Born when Kronos cut the genitals of Uranus and through them in the sea, and from the sea foam came Aphrodite
Son: Eros (known as cupid, god of love)
Depicted as a beautiful woman
Symbols: Girdle, mirror, scallop shell, Myrtle
Sacred animals: Dove, sparrow, dolphin, and swan
Husband was Hephaestus
Lovers: Ares,
God of light, sun, healing, music, and poetry and plague
Born on the island of Delos
he would entertain the other gods by playing the lyre, and he was also a brilliant archer and runner
son of Zeus and Leto
Father to Asclepius(god of medicine)
Twin sister is Artemis
symbols: Lyre, laurel wreath, bows and arrows
Sacred animals: Python, and raven
Oracle God at Delphi
associated with Medicine and healing
Hermes created the lyre for Apollo
Apollo accidentily kills his young lover with a discus (Hyacinthos) - Was then turned into a flower
Saved mother Leto from Python snake sent by Hera. Apollo threw an arrow to Python, piercing him right on its forehead. death of the Python filled Apollo with joy, so he happily took his lyre and started playing a song of victory, giving joy to people all around. This was the moment where Apollo became the god of the Music. Apollo had committed a crime and, according to the laws of Mount Olympus, he needed to be purified. Therefore, Zeus ordered from Apollo to in
God of War, violence and civil order
Son of Zeus and Hera
Symbols: Spear, Helmet, chariot
Sacred Animals: Dog, boar
Queen of the Gods (heavens), marriage, women and childbirth
Wife and sister of Zeus
Daughter of Kronus and Rhea
Symbols: pomegranate, Crown (Diadem), viel and holding a lotus hipped staff
sacred animal: Peacock
God of the Underworld and dead
Wife was Persephone
oldest male child of Kronos and Rhea
Symbols: Cerberus (three headed dog), key, and drinking horn, sceptre (wand or rod)
God or grape harvest, winemaking, and wine
Symbols: Thyrsus (fennel staff, tipped with a pine-cone), grape vine
Sacred animals: Leopard skin, tiger, panther

Mother: Semele who was killed when she saw the true divinity of Zeus.
unborn child was saved by Zeus, who sewed him in own thigh to be born again.
Brought up by Nymphs and Semele's sister (Nysa)
Dionysus feared for his mother and wanted to go to hades to rescue her. He bypassed the God of Death (Thanatos) returning Semele back to Mount Olmpus. He is an example of a dying god
Friend was Silenus who went missing and found by Midas.Brought him back to Dionysus and offered him anything he wanted. Midas asked for the touch of gold.
Apollo gave her the gift of 'Prophecy'.
She was captured and removed from temple of athena which made athena cause shipwrecks and loss of life to greek who were returning home
Cassandra was cursed to never be believed when she saw terrible things in the future
King of Troy
His sons were Hector and Paris
He was killed after trojan war
Helen of TROY
Most beautiful women in the world
daughter of Zeus and Leda
Her Abduction from Paris caused the Trojan War
King of Mycenae
Brother of Menelaus
Husband of Clytemnestra
Father of Electra and Orestes
He led greeks against Troy in Trojan WAR
Murdered by his wife and her lover Aegisthus
Priest in Troy during Trojan War
Killed by snakes sent by Poseidon
Was Archilles best and lover
he was killed by Hector when pretended to be Archilles
King of Mycenaean (Sparta)
Husband of Helen
Brother was Agamemnon
King of Ithaca
Husband of Penelope
Father of Telemachus
Known for 10 yr journey of returning home after 10 yrs of trojan war
Famous for Trojan horse Trick
Cunning and intelligent
Blinded (Polyphemus Cyclopes) SON OF POSEIDON
The Enchantress of Aeaea
Daughter of Helios
Known for her vast knowledge of drugs and herbs
The loveliest of all immortals
Murdered her husband (Colchis)
Turned people into Swine (pigs) if they looked at her
Turned Odysseus' men into pigs but not him because he used the holy herb (moly) given to him my Hermes
Although, said she would turn them back if Odysseus slept with her
The bag of Aeolus
God of the winds
Gives bag to Odysseus to sail home safe to Ithaca
While asleep Odysseus' men look inside the bag and let out a wind that causes a storm which sends them right back to Aeolus
Tribe of Giant cannibals
Visited by Odysseus during journey back to Ithaca
ate many of Odysseus' men and destroyed 11 of his 12 ships by launching rocks from a cliff
Odysseus ships was not destroyed
Polyphemus (cyclopes)
Gigantic one eyed son of Poseidon trapped Odysseus and some of his companions in a cave, from which they escaped by putting out his one eye while he slept.
They escaped by strapping themselves to the bellies of the sheep while Polyphemus let them out to graze
granddaughter of PONTUS-a female sea monster who devoured sailors when they tried to navigate the narrow channel between her cave and the whirlpool Charybdis.
AMPHITRITE was jealous because her husband would make “advances” and threw MAGIC HERBS in her BATHING PLACE and turned her into VICIOUS MONSTER encircles with a ring of DOG;S head. - she lived in a cave between Sicily and Italy- daughter of Phorcys and Hecate;
daughter of Poseidon and GAIA- sea monster menace to heroes such as ODYSSEUS- a dangerous whirlpool in a narrow channel of the sea,
Beautiful descendant of PONTUS and GAIA
Fleet-footed and winged
Goodness of the rainbow (meaning of her name)
Like HERMES a messenger of the gods (particular servant to HERA)
Three daughters of Phorcys and Ceto: Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa.
Three daughters of Phorcys and Ceto; their name means "aged ones."
Children of Thaumas and Electra; their name means "snatchers."
Famed hero who cuts off the head of the Gorgon Medusa
Mother was Danae, who was trapped in underground chamber, because her father Acrisius was told by an oracle that his daughters baby would one day kill him.
but Zeus lay with her, entering in the form of a shower of gold.Their child was PERSEUS. Her father locked them both up in a chest and cast them out to sea.
they got safely to the island of Seriphos where Polydectes was king.

The kings brother (fisherman Dictys). found them
Polydectes wanted her to marry him but she rejected him.
Perseus was standing in his way.
He ordered the men of Seriphos (including Perseus, now grown) each to give him a horse. When Perseus said, “I can as easily give you the Gorgon’s head,” Polydectes ordered him to perform this task, expecting to get rid of them.

Hermes and athena helped Perseus by giving him (winged sandals and the sickle) and (shield to reflect the image of Medusa)
Nymphs of the North gave him the Cap of invisibilty which has the power to make it
Old man of seas, could also foretell the future
Could change shape at will also
Son of Pontus and GAIA
Son of Oceanus and Tethys; father of the Nereids; an old man of the sea
Mated with OCEANIDS (Doris) and became father of fifty daughters (NEREIDS)
They were beautiful and sometimes depicted as mermaids and can also change their shape
HANDSOME son of a sea nymph-transformed into a river deity
Galatea -fell in love with ACIS
Polyphemus- son of Poseidon -turned on the two lovers and pursued ACIS
Zeus learned that Thetis would bear a son mightier then his father so he avoided her
Peleus won her
Thetis could change into many things (trees, tigress, a bird)
Their son was ACHILLES (hero of Trojan War)
Their wedding was one of the most famous in mythology
Son of Poseidon and AMPHITRITE
He was a MERMAN, (human above the waist fish shaped below
Blew on a CONCH SHELL (is known for trumpeter of the sea)
Became attendant or son of Poseidon and Amphitrite
Old man who could foretell the future
Could change his shape at will
The stream or ocean
Mate was TETHYS who produced thousands of children (oceanids)
a god of flocks and herds, typically represented with the horns, ears, and legs of a goat on a man's body. His sudden appearance was supposed to cause terror similar to that of a frightened and stampeding herd, and the word panic is derived from his name.
“panpipe,” a lovely nymph devoted to Artemis, ran from the advances of Pan and was transformed into a bed of marsh reeds. The wind produced such a beautiful sound as it blew through the reeds that Pan was inspired to cut two, fasten them together with wax, and fashion his own musical instrument, the pan-pipe.

(“strangler”), a monster that was part woman, part lion, and part bird. It killed those who could not answer its riddle,
a nymph deprived of speech by Hera in order to stop her chatter, and left able only to repeat what others had said.
More famous is Echo’s love for NARCISSUS
Narcissus had reached the age of sixteen and was so extraordinarily beautiful that many youths and many maidens desired him, but they did not dare even to touch him because of his fierce pride
Echo saw Narcissus as he was hunting, she burned with an insatiable passion.
Narcissus came upon a pool of glistening clear water, he was captivated as he gazed upon his own beauty, and he fell hopelessly in love with his insubstantial reflection. Gradually he was so weakened and consumed by love of his own reflection that he wasted away and died. While he was dying, poor Echo watched and felt sorry for him as she repeated his cries of woe and his last farewell.
his body had disappeared, and in its place was a yellow flower with white petals in its center.
The Sinners.
The first group from out of the earth wept as they recounted their torments, which lasted one thousand years. Everyone had to suffer an appropriate penalty for each sin, ten times over. Those who were extraordinarily wicked (such as the evil tyrant Ardiaeus), guilty of many murders and other unholy deeds were never allowed to return out of the earth; but wild men of fiery aspect seized and flayed them and hurled them down into Tartarus.
The Virtuous
. The second group, on the other hand, who had descended from the opening in the sky, told of the great happiness that they had felt and the sights of indescribable beauty that they had seen as they completed their cycle of one thousand years.
the river of “forgetfulness,” where it was necessary that they drink a certain amount (some were unwise and drank too much). As they drank, they became forgetful of everything and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, amidst thunder and an earthquake, suddenly they were carried upward just like shooting stars, each in a different direction, to be reborn.
Tartarus (Hell)
place of punishment for sinners
One of the dread Furies stands guard.

Erebus. The darkness of Tartarus, or another name for Tartarus itself.
Elysium or the Elysian Fields (Paradise)
happy places, the pleasant glades of the woods of the Fortunate,
Paradise in the Underworld.
The Three Judges.
MINOS , RHADAMANTHYS and AEACUS [ee'a-kus], They pass sentence on the just and unjust souls.
The Five Rivers.
STYX the river “of hate
ACHERON “of woe”
LETHE “of forgetfulness”
COCYTUS “of wailing”
The Furies.
were born from the blood that fell onto the earth after the castration of Uranus, or are the daughters
of Night. They are the pitiless and just avengers of crime, especially murder and blood-guilt within the family. They act as the avenging spirits of those who have been slain. Allecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone
he god of marriage
his beloved EURYDICE
Eurydice is bitten on the ankle by a snake and dies
Orpheus is sad and decided to go to the underworld and appeal his love to Hades in a song sung with a lyre. He asks for his love to be returned to him in life if not he chooses to stay in hell. The king and queen are moved and grant his request under one condition, Orpheus must not look back to look at Eurydice until he had left the underworld. As he is about to exist, anxious, he turns back and in his gaze Eurydice is pulled back into hell and dies again. He tried to get her again but is denied access. he is in a forest and id pulled apart by bacchic women and dies and is reunited with Eurydice in the underworld and live happily ever after together.
Who was abducted by ZEUS (IN THE FORM A BULL) and taken to crete to become the mother of Minos?
who was Cadmus?
Brother of Europa
Introduced writing and other arts of civilization at Thebes
married to HARMONIA daughter of APHRODITE AND ARES
Amphion and Zethus
. These twin brothers became rulers of Cadmeia and sent Laius into exile. They built walls for the city, whose stones were moved into place by the music of Amphion's lyre. Amphion married Niobe and Zethus married THEBE [thee'bee], after whom the name of Cadmeia was changed to THEBES [theebz].

ask the oracle at Delphi who his parents were. He was warned that he was destined to kill his father and marry his mother.
Oedipus therefore did not return to Corinth, and at a crossroad that led to Thebes, he killed a regal old man in a chariot who had struck him and driven him off the road. The old man, whom he did not recognize, was Laius.
Oedipus became king of Thebes in place of the dead Laius, and took the widowed queen, Jocasta, as wife.
the son of Daedalus, who escaped from Crete using wings made by his father but was killed when he flew too near the sun and the wax attaching his wings melted.
the son of Aeolus, punished in Hades for his misdeeds in life by being condemned to the eternal task of rolling a large stone to the top of a hill, from which it always rolled down again.
a giant and hunter who was changed into a constellation at his death.
Jason, Medea, and the Argonauts
argonauts relates to the quest of the golden fleece by Jason and the crew of ARGO. including many of the greek heroes. as a group they were called (MINYEA).

The Golden Fleece:
Athamas of Thebes: Married Nephele: They bore: Phrixus and Helle, later returning to the sky.
Athamas then married: INO, jealous of stepchildren and started a famine. (daughter of Cadmus)
Jason:son to Aeson was sent to the to educated by a Chiron for 20 years. after 20 yrs he would travel across the river carrying an old woman (Hera) which then favoured Jason, to reclaim family throne.
Pelias: Son f poseidon and Tyro, was warned about a man with missing shoe. as a price of giving up throne, Jason was order to fetch the golden fleece.
Argo: First ship built by Argos.
Its Crew: Included 50 best greek heroes.
Aeëtes set Jason a series of impossible tasks before he would let him take the Golden Fleece:
yoke a pair of brazen-footed,
fire-breathing bulls (the gift of Hephaestus to Aeëtes)
and plo
A priestess of Hecate, MEDEA was as skilled in magic as her aunt, Circe. Hera and Aphrodite made her fall in love with Jason, to whom she gave a magic ointment to protect him from fire and iron, and drugs to tranquillize the serpent that guarded the fleece.
a sorceress, daughter of Aeetes king of Colchis, who helped Jason to obtain the Golden Fleece and married him. When Jason deserted her for Creusa, the daughter of King Creon of Corinth, she took revenge by killing Creon, Creusa, and her own children, and fled to Athens.
Aea mean mean?
With whom did Polydeuces have to compete in a boxing match?
Who was the queen of the Lemnian women
The golden fleece was guarded by a
she was the personification of order and justice,