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20 Cards in this Set

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In the Poetics, Aristotle maintains that tragedy, the noblest form of Greek art, originated with the ___________, the choral ode sung in honor of the god Dionysus.
From the dithyrambic chorus, ______ was the first to insert dialogue into the performance, which is to say he introduced the first real dramatic element.
________, who is generally agreed to have been the father of ancient Greek tragedy, is believed to have introduced impersonation into the dialogue.
It is during the ______ century B.C. that Greek tragedy reached its peak with the three great Athenian tragedians, _______, ______, _______.
fifth, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides
Most of these stories date back to the remote past of the period, ________, the great Bronze Age civilization which flourished in Greece from about _____ __ _____ B.C.E. and, in all probability, these myths were handed down from generation to generation in an ______ tradition.
Mycenaean, 1600 to 1200, oral
The ancient Greek dramas were performed each year at Athens as part of the festival of ________, god of wine, vegetation, religious ecstasy, the mask and the theater.
his festival, held during ______ and ______ when the city was filled with visitors
March and April
The other Dionysiac festival was celebrated in Athens in ______ and ______, and its name is a derived from the word "______," referring to the women who were driven to ritual frenzy by Dionysus.
January and February, maenad
During these festivals, all the male citizens, and possibly their wives, along with foreign visitors, would assemble to watch ______ plays produced by ______ ______, each tragedian presenting ______ tragedies and a ______ play
twelve, three tragedians, three, satyr
The performance itself took place in the open-air theater of______, constructed on the hillside in the area of the god on the ______.
Dionysus, Acropolis
All the roles were played by ______ actors, wearing stylized masks and elaborate costumes, with a maximum of ______ actors only per play
male, three
The chorus is not necessarily presenting the ______ view but, rather another ______ ______within the play.
playwright's, dramatic character
The chorus exhibits a ______ background and understanding of the unfolding action.
There is no completely ______ life in the ancient world, the ______ fortunes are intimately and inextricably bound with that of each _______ ____.
private, city's, individual life
When and where was Sophocles born?
c.496 B.C. in Colonus, near Athens.
When did Sophocles die?
–406 B.C
Who were two playwright contemporaries of Sophocles?
younger contemporary of Aeschylus and older contemporary of Euripides
Sophocles was a _____ and a _____; after his death he was worshiped as a ______.
general, priest, hero
When was Antigone written?
Antigone (c.441)
When was Oedipus written?
Oedipus Tyrannus (c.429)