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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the name and date?
Kouros Figure, 600 B.C.
What material is the Kouros figure made of? What is it's purpose?
Marble, Grave marker
What are the special features of the Kouros figure?
Archaic smile, Ideal male, Stylized
What is the name?
Kore Figure
What was the purpose of the Parthenon? Where and when was it built?
Temple to Athena, Acropolis in Athens, 448-432 B.C.
What are special features about the Parthenon?
There are no straight lines, floor rises 12 cm in the middle, 1:2 proportion
What are the types of columns?
Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian
What is a pediment?
The triangular set of sculptures that were at the the top of the front and back of the Parthenon.
What is a frieze?
The strip of relief sculptures around a building.
What is the name for the relief sculptures inside the frieze?
Who built the Parthenon?
Iktinus and Kallikrates
Where was this statue located? What was it made of?
Inside the Parthenon, ivory and gold
Who was Athena?
God of wisdom and battle strategy.
What is a relief sculpture?
3-D forms project from a flat background.
What is the name and date?
The Porch of Maidens at the Erechtheum, 421-405
What is the type of statue that the Maidens at Erechtheum are?
When was the Theater at Epidaurus made? What is significant about it?
350 B.C., Still used today because of excellent acoustics
What is the name and date?
Kritios Boy, 480 B.C.
What is significant about Kritios boy?
More realistic, freestanding
What is contrapposto?
When the all of the weight is on one leg, natural, s curve
What is the name and date?
The Discus Thrower, 450 B.C.
What is the name, date and material?
Charioteer of Delphi, 470 B.C., Cast bronze
What emotions is the Charioteer of Delphi displaying?
Calm and composed, Rigid pose
What are the 3 ages of Greek art?
Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic
What is the name, date, and significance?
Dying Gaul, 230-220 B.C., depicts a strong soldier dying because of the Greeks
What are some special features about Dying Gaul?
Has the Torc, Wounded, Roman copy
What is the name, date and story behind this?
Laocoon, 175-150 B.C., Father and son battling snake sent by gods
What is special about the bodies in Laocoon?
The motion of the human body, strong musculature
What is the name and date?
Nike of Samothrace, 200 B.C.
What was the purpose of Nike of Samothrace?
To celebrate the defeat of the Persians
What are some special features about Nike of Samothrace?
Wet drapery, highly realistic, looks like she's about to tale flight, probably placed on a cliff overlook where the battle took place
What so the difference between a Roman and a Greek sculpture?
Romans could not do free standing sculptures.