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88 Cards in this Set

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what are two seas that surrounded greece?
the Aegean sea and the Ionian sea
How did their location "around a sea" affect them?
they were important transportation routes and seaways linked parts of greece with over countries and they could travel place to place easily.
How did rugged mountains affect them?
It divided the land into smaller regions and they developed small independent communities instead of one single gov. It also made inland traveling difficult.
How did little fertile farmland affect them?
they could not have a large population because they couldn't grow enough food for all of them
how did their moderate climate affect them?
it supported an outdoor life for many greek citizens and they spent much of their leisure time doing outdoor activities.
How did the Mycenaean invasions affect them?
they wre in war against troy for 10 years .
who were the Mycenaeans
the indo-europeans who migrated to Europe were later called Mycenaean.
how did the mycenaeans find out about seaborne trade?
they ran into the Minoan civilization and from the contact they saw the value and soon siled throughout the eastern Mediterranean.
What was the trojan war?
it was a ten year war against troy which was in anatolia and for years this war was thought to be fictional but later was proved to be reall.
How did the Mycenaean civilization collapse?
sea raiders attacked and burned many of their cities.
Who moved in after the Mycenaean cilvilization collapsed?
The Dorians moved into the war torn countryside.
what are some tragedies that had happened during the Dorian Period.?
The economy collapsed and trade eventually came to a standstill soon after they arrived. The also appeared to lost the art of writing during the period and so not written records existed which as a result little is known about this age.
How did the greeks learn about their history during the Dorian Age?
through spoken word
Who was Homer?
the greatest storyteller who was a blind man and wrote epics which were poems celebrating heroic deeds such as the iliad
What was the iliad about?
The Trojan war
traditional stories about their gods.
what was Theogony
sources of greek mythology including the Iliad
Oedipus Complex
(Elektra Complex)
when you love your mom or dad but want to kill the other parent
A man who unknowingly killed his father and married mother.
Pandora's Box
It means that you started something bad.
Achilles Heel
Weak Point. ( A man got shot in the heel which was his only weak spot)
Herculean Task
a task that requires god-like strength
A greek city state
fortified hiltop in a greek city
a gov't in which a single person called a king ruled
a gov't ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families.
A gov't ruled by a couple of powerful people.
a powerful individual who gained control of the city states gov by appealing to the poor by support
who moved towards a direct democracy
a type of gov where the people help rule
Who was Draco?
took the first step towards democracy and developed a legal code based on the idea that alHl Athenians were equal under the law. He also made the punishment death for almost every single crime.
Who was solon?
he stated that no citizen should own another and all Athenian citizens were divided into four social classes according to wealth. Only top three could hold political office.
Who was Cleithenes?
Organized citizens into ten groups in terms of where they lived rather than wealth. Allowed all citizens to submit laws. Also created council of five hundred
What was the Council of 500
proposed laws and counciled assembly
Who were allowed to vote in Athens?
free adult male property owners born in athens (citizens)
who were not allowed to vote
slaves, women, foreigners,
What did Athens mainly focus on?
what kind of state of sparta?
military state
what are helots?
peasants that were forced to stay on the land they worked on
Why did the messenians break away from sparta?
because of their resentful harsh rule of demanding half of their crops.
what kind of government was sparta?
They had an oligarchy which was when a few powerful leaders took control of the gov't.
What did the spartans value and what did they not?
They valued duty, strength, individuality, and did not value arts, literature, or other artistic pursuits.
what was very important to spartans?
military, being there for their land , obedience, strength, toughness. etc.
what is a phalanx.
The most powerful fighting force n the ancient world.
Between who and where were the Persian wars?
the were between greece and the persian empire and it begain in ionia on the coast of anatoli.
who won the persian wars?
the greeks
who was xerxes?
darius the greats son and successor who assembled an enormous invasion force to crush Athens.
what was the delian league?
an alliance formed by several polis that continued to press the war against the persians for several more years.
Effects of the persian war.
Polis felt confident and free. Athens ended up being the leader of the League and athens also began to used its power to control other league members. The leaguew as moved to athens .
what peninsula is ancient greece in
balkan peninsula
what is an "idiot"
someone who cannot participate in gov
direct democracy
a form of gov in which citizens propose and vote on laws directly
indirect democracy
a form of gov in which citizen vote for representatives to propose and vote on laws.
what was athens golden age also called
the page of pericles
who was pericles
he dominated athens
what was pericles 3 goals
to strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens.
why was the parthenon made?
it was a temple made by pericles to honor the goddess athena ( the goddess of protector and wisdom of Athens)
how were sculptures like in athens?
they were idealistic
a serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal
tragic flaw that caused the hero's downall.
how did pericles strengthen the athenian navy
he used money from the delian league to build up the navy
Who was herodotus?
he wrote a book on the persian wars and is considered the first work of history.
what was the peloponnesian War
war between athens and sparta.
How did pericles die?
a plague swept through the city nd he died.
Who won the peloponnesian war?
who are philosophers??
"lovers of wisdom"
Who was Socrates?
He was a critic of the Sophists and believed that absolute standards did not exist for truth and justice.
Who was Plato?
Socrates student and he wrote down the conversations he had with socrates and wrote them in his book the republic.
How did plato believe the ideal society should be?
he believed that the citizens should fall naturally into three groups: farmers and artisans, warriors, and the ruling class.
who was aristotle?
Platos student whos works are basis of scientific method today. He taight Alexander, King philip II
who is sappho
female poet who wrote of love and friendship .
what is the most ornate column
who was philip II?
He became king of Macedonia and had a very strong army made of phalanxes.
how did philip die?
Athens and Thebes joined forces to fight philip and he was stabbed at his daughteres wedding
who was alexander?
He was phillip IIs son
What culture did alexander create?
he created hellenism which was a culture of all the places he conquered combined
How did alexander die?
He died on his way back home .
What happened after alexanders death?
his empire got divided into three sections
controlled greece and macedonia
controlled persian empire
controlled egypt and developed geocentric theory
what are some of attractions in alexandria?
The alexandrian library and alexander's elaborate coffin.
developed heliocentric theory
Got earths circumference
Wrote the elements
what is the winged nike at samontha
sculpture created to commemorate a greek naval victory.
what was the colossus of rhode
largest known Hellenistic statue on the island of Rhodes.
what is oligarchy of the intelligent
smartest should be the leader