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22 Cards in this Set

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What was the western civ that Rome influenced.

Western Europe, United States, and Canada.

Was Architecture and entertainment an influenced factor of the wester world

True or false?

True what

What else did the Romans influence

Government,democracy, republic and laws

True or False?

Was education and religion influenced by the Romans for the western world


What type of geography did Greece have that Rome didn't

Greece was built on mountains

What type of geography did Rome have that Greece didn't

Near the Tiber River, had federal soil and had hills

What were some similarities of Roman and Greece geography

Mediterranean Sea, both were a peninsula and had vast trade routs.

How many people in the world are Christian

1/3 Of mankind

What slowed ideas to spread easily in the Roman world

Vast trade routs

What kinds of people did Romans crucify

Pirates, rebellious slaves and enmities of the state

How much grain did Rome need each year

Two hundred thousand tuns

What powers an aqueduct


What Roman achievements is the most impressive

Concrete , the aqueduct and sewage system. Police force and a postal service

What does Rome want from Britain

The gold, silver, copper, and lead found in the soil

Why was the Roman army so effective

50% of Rome's spending goes to the army. Armed with heavy duty equipment and shields. There battle tactics were practiced over and over again. They were also full time workers in the army

Why was silk making a secret

They wanted it to stay in high value and they wanted everyone to buy it form them(China)

How is trade a vehicle for cultural diffusion

People meat new people and learned about new cultures(human interaction) sharing and spreading of ideas.

Why was Paul a wanted man

For spreading that Christ was the Mashie ( he was refusing to honor the the Greek gods and "the empior"

How many miles of roads did the Romans build

A quarter of a million Milesians roads. Enough to rap around the world 10 times

Who did Christianity most appeal to wary on and why

Poor, women,slaves,

Why? In there after life they would be granted the gift of heaven if they acted right

What effect did the Romans have on the perciciton of Christians

As the Roma's killed the Christians the religion got more popularwhat dodo

Why did Rome fall

Rome fell because of an invasion of the empire that could never recover