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83 Cards in this Set

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What years were the great Depression?
What was speculation?
Buying land or stock for a low price and waiting when the price goes up to sell for a quick profit.
What was On margin?
A form of credit.
What were margin calls?
When a broker wanted his money back.
What was a Bull market?
When many people were buying and selling stock - and prices were rising.
What was the opposite of a bull market?
A bear market.
What was a Bear Market?
People were buying and selling stock but prices were going down.
When did Stock market prices begin to drop?
Black Thursday - October 24th, 1929
When did the stock market crash?
Tuesday October 29th, 1929.
How many shares of stock were sold on the day the stock market crashed?
16 million shares.
What were the signs of an economic slump?
1. Automobile sales went down.
2. Home construction went down.
3. More good were being made than could be sold for profit.
4. European countries borrowed money from the US but couldn't pay it back.
5. Farm problems
6. Bad credit from too much installment buying.
What happened when farmers defaulted?
They couldn't pay off land debts.
What were the worst years of the Depression?
How many people were unemployed during the worst depression years (1929-1933)?
12-13 million.
What could people stand in to receive food?
Soup/bread lines.
What would people sell on the corners?
Apples for $0.05
What was the song representing the poor?
"Brother can you spare a dime"
Where did the poor live?
Shantytowns - "Hoovervilles"
What did Hoover tell the country?
"Prosperity is just around the corner."
What were business leaders urged to do?
Enlarge companies, and not fire workers.
What is relief?
Aid to needy from churches and charities.
What did Hoover encourage cities and states to create?
Jobs by construction (Public works_
What was the RFC?
Reconstruction finance corporation
What did the RFC do?
It provided loans to banks, businesses, and local government.
Did the RFC work? If no, why not?
No, because the banks kept the money.
What was the direct relief idea?
When the federal government gave money or jobs directly to people.
Did Hoover accept the idea of Direct Relief? Why or why not?
No. He felt private groups should help.
Who were bonus marchers?
Vets from WWI that wanted bonuses promised in 1945 paid in 1932.
How many vets arrived in Washington demanding their bonus?
A total of 20,000.
Why was Hoover opposed to paying the bonus?
It was a threat to balanced budget.
Who were the two people that took part in chasing the Vets out of Washington?
Two future generals - Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton.
George Patton helped who chase vets out of Washington?
General Douglas MacArthur?
What was Roosevelt's "Brain Trust"?
College professors as advisers.
Who was Frances Perkins?
1st woman cabinet member - secretary of Labor
What was Roosevelt's New Deal plan?
Relief, recover, reform, 3 R's.
What did Roosevelt's New Deal plan to do?
1. Give immediate aid to unemployed
2. Restore the economy
3. New laws to prevent a sever depression in the future
What was Roosevelt's famous quote at his Inaugural Address?
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
What was the bank holiday?
Roosevelt closed every bank in the US for four days and only banks on solid ground would be allowed to reopen.
What form of communication did Roosevelt like to use?
What were fireside chats?
When Roosevelt would inform the public once a week.
Who was Fala?
Roosevelt's Scottish Terrier.
Whose face is on the dime and why?
Roosevelt's - March of dimes
What was a nickname for New Deal programs?
Alphabet programs
What was the CCC?
Civilian Conservation Corps
What did the CCC do?
18-25 young men, Conserve natural resources. Paid $30 a month, but $25 had to be sent home.
What was the FERA?
Rederal Emergency Relief Act
What did the FERA do?
Money provided for local and state welfare
What was the AAA?
Agricultural Adjustment Act.
What did the AAA do?
Paid farmers to destroy crops and not to plant others.
What was the TVA?
Tennessee Valley Authority - Still around today.
What did the TVA do?
Control floods, provide electricity.
What was the NRA?
National Recovery Administration
What did the NRA do?
Reduced unemployment, raised wages, reduce work hours.
What was the symbol of the NRA?
Blue Eagle.
What was the PWA?
Public works administration.
What did the PWA do?
Public works projects
What was the FDIC?
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - still around today.
What did the FDIC do?
Insures savings accounts.
What was the SEC?
Securities and exchange commission
What did the SEC do?
Regulate the sale of bonds and stocks.
Women held jobs for _____ pay then men.
Many men thought Jobs that ______ held should go to ____.
Women, men.
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?
Roosevelt's wife FDR's "Eyes and ears". Best known woman in America.
Where was the Dust bowl?
Extended from Texas to North Dakota.
Where did many farmers go during the Dust Bowl?
Who were the hardest hit in the Depression?
1. African Americans "First fired last hired."
2. Hispanics - asked to leave & return to Mexico.
Who was Mary McLeod Bethune?
She served as an adviser for FDR - African American.
What movies were popular?
Shirley Temple, King Kong
What literature was popular?
John Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath"
Margaret Mitchell's "Gone with the Wind"
What was popular on the radio?
Soap operas, Burns & Allen, Lone Ranger
Who was a popular photographer during the depression?
Dorthea Lange
Who was against New Deal?
Senator Huey Long "The Kingfish"
Father Charles Coughlin "Radio Priest"
Dr. Francis Townsend
Second new deal included a WPA that did?
Unemployed built schools, parks, roads, paid artists, writers.
What was the SS?
Social Security Act.
The SS was the most important piece of legislation and was the _____ piece.
What did the SS do?
Pension for elderly
Support for handicapped and dependent children
Where did the money come from in the SSA?
Taxes on workers and their employers.
Who was John L. Lewis?
Head of mine workers.
What did John L. Lewis favor?
Industrial unions that would represent every worker in an industry
What did John L. Lewis start?
CIO - Congress of industrial organizations
What was the Wagner Act and who made it?
Senator Robert Wagner
Workers were guaranteed the right to join unions and practice collective bargaining
What was the Supreme court doing to most of FDR's legislation?
Ruling them to be unconstitutional.
What did FDR want to do to pack the supreme court?
Add 1 new judge for everyone over 70 that didn't retire