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50 Cards in this Set

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simpatico (adj)
pleasant, congenial, compatible
hirsute (n)
hairy, shaggy,
noisome (adj)
offensive or disgusting,harmful or injurious
artless (adj)
free from deceit, cunning or craftiness, lacking art, knowledge or skill, crude, simple
ignoble (adj)
of low character, of humble descent or rank, base
excoriate (v)
to denounce or berate severely "excoriated for his mistakes"
repatriate (v)
to bring or send back a person to country of origin, "repatriate after 20 years abroad"
censure (v) or (n)
official reprimand, strong or vehement expression of disapproval
obfuscate (v)
to confuse, bewilder, stupefy,to obscure, or unclear
splenetic (adj)
irritable, peevish, spiteful
churlish (adj)
difficult to work or deal with, mean, boorish, rude
abstruse (adj)
hard to understand, recondite, secret
recondite (adj)
little known, obscure, dealing with very profound difficult manner,
periphrasis (n)
to use of an unnecessarily roundabout or long expression,
dysphemisms (n)
substitution of a harsh disparaging or unpleasant expression for a more neutral manner
somnolence (n)
sleepy, dreamy, causing sleep
incognizance (n)
without knowledge or awareness
acumen (n)
keen insight, shrewdness,
esculent (adj)
edible, suitable for use as food
comestible (adj)
smelt (v)
to fuse or melt metal to refine
disinter (v)
to bring from obscurity into view,
espy (v)
to see at a distance, catch sight of
tendentious (adj)
expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view especially a controversial one
apolitical (adj)
not interested or involved in politics
compendium (n)
collection of concise but detailed info about a particular subject
impugn (v)
dispute the truth, validity or honesty, "the father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother"
parry (v)
ward off (blow or attack), answer a question evasively
defalcate (v)
embezzle funds to which one has been entrusted "they were charged with defalcating government money"
apposite (adj)
apt in the circumstances or in relation to something
obstreperous (adj)
noisy and difficult to control
prefigure (v)
to imagine beforehand
umbrage (n)
offense or annoyance "she took umbrage at his remarks"
idiosyncratic (adj)
strange, peculiar
nigh (adj)
near, approaching "evening is nigh"
circumscribe (v)
to draw line around, define, limit or confine "his social activities were circumscribed by regulations"
natty (adj)
neatly or trimly smart in appearance,
adumbrate (v)
to outline or sketch, to prefigure, to darken or conceal
recondite (adj)
obscure, profound or difficult subject manner, beyond ordinary understanding
welter (v)
to roll, toss or heave, wallow around in, to become extensively involved
panegyric (n)
a lofty oration in praise of something, formal or elaborate praise
sententious (v)
given to excessive moralizing, self-righteous, given to or using pithy maxims
profligate (adj)
recklessly extravagant or prodigal, shamelessly immoral
cogency (n)
convincingly logical or persuasive, "the cogency of the argument was irrefutable"
prescience (n)
knowledge of things before they exist or happen, foreknowledge
asseverate (v)
to declare earnestly, or solemnly, affirm positively
limn (v)
to represent in drawing and painting, to portray in words
arcadian (adj)
rural, rustic simplistic in nature,
jingoism (v)
bellicose chauvinism, professes patriotism,
egregious (adj)
extremely bad, glaring, flagrant "an egregious liar"