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76 Cards in this Set

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abate - v
to lessen in intensity or degree
accolade - n
an expression of praise; an award
adulation - n
excessive praise, intense adoration
aesthetic - adj
dealing with, appreciative of, or responsive to art
ameliorate - v
to make better or more tolerable
ascetic - n
one who practices rigid self denial, especially for religious purposes. One who lives an austerely simple life.
avarice - n
greed for wealth
axiom - n
a universally recognized principle
burgeon - v
to grow rapidly, to flourish
bucolic - adj
characteristic of idyllic rural life
cacophony - n
harsh, jarring, discordant sound
canon - n
an established set of principles, often religious
castigation - n
severe punishment or criticism
catalyst - n
something that induces change
caustic - adj
burning or stinging; causing corrosion
chary - adj
cautious, wary; choosy
cogent - adj
appealing to the mind or reason; convincing
complaisance - n
willingness to comply
contentious - adj
argumentative, quarrelsome
contrite - adj
regretful, seeking forgiveness
culpable - adj
deserving blame
dearth - n
famine, scarcity, lack, penury
demur - v
to question or oppose
didactic - adj
intended to teach or instruct
discretion - n
cautious reserve in speech; ability to make good decisions.
disinterested - adj
impartial, free of bias; listless
dogmatic - adj
expressing rigid opinion based on unproved and/or unprovable principles
ebullience - n
the quality of enthusiastic expression of feelings and thoughts
eclectic - adj
composed of elements from a variety of sources
elegy - n
a mournful poem; a lament for the dead
emollient - adj/n
smoothing, especially to the skin. something that smooths the skin, especially an ointment or cream
empirical - adj
based on observation or experiment
enigmatic - adj
mysterious, obscure, difficult to understand
ephemeral - adj
brief, fleeting
esoteric - adj
intended for or understood by a small, specific group
eulogy - n
a speech honoring the dead
exonerate - v
to remove blame
facetious - adj
playful, humorous
fallacy - n
an invalid or incorrect notion of belief
furtive - adj
marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious
gregarious - adj
sociable, outgoing, enjoying the company of others
harangue - v/n
a long pompous speech. The delivery of such a speech
heretical - adj
violating accepted dogma or convention
hyperbole - n
an exaggerated statement
impecunious - adj
lacking funds, w/out money
incipient - adj
beginning to come into being or becoming apparent
inert - adj
unmoving, lethargic, sluggish; limited reactivity
innocuous - adj
harmless, causing no damage
intransigent - adj
refusing to compromise
inveigle - v
to obtain by deception and flattery
morose - adj
sad, sullen, melancholy
odious - adj
evoking intense aversion or dislike
opaque - adj
impenetrable by light; non reflective
oscillation - n
movement two and fro
penurious - adj
excessively thrifty, penny pinching
pernicious - adj
extremely harmful, potentially causing death
peruse - v
to read or examine in detail
pious - adj
showing strong religious devotion
precursor - n
one that precedes another
preen - v
to dress up with elaborate care
prodigious - adj
extraordinary, abundant in size, force, extent ext.
prolific - adj
putrefy - v
to rot or decay and give off a foul odor
quaff - v
to drink a beverage copiously with hearty enjoyment
quiescence - n
stillness, motionlessness, quality of being at rest
redoubtable - adj
worthy of honor; awe- inspiring
satire - n
a literary work that criticizes human vice
sanction - n/v
authoritative permission; a penalty to enforce compliance
squalid - adj
sordid; dirty from neglect
stoic - adj
steadfast; indifferent or unaffected by pleasure or pain
supplant - v
to take the place of, to supersede
torpid - adj
lethargic, sluggish, dormant, inert
ubiquitous - adj
widespread, present in all places at once
urbane - adj
sophisticated, refined, elegant
vilify - v
to defame, or characterize harshly
viscous - adj
thick, sticky