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50 Cards in this Set

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Isabella was offended by the sardonic way in which her date made fun of her ideas and opinions.
cynical, scornfully mocking
acerbic, caustic, sarcastic, satirical, snide

The sick child had a wan face, in contrast to her rosy-cheeked sister.
sickly pale
ashen, sickly

As Joey waited in line to audition for the diaper commercial, he realized he had reached the nadir of his acting career.
lowest point
bottom, depth, pit

THe clerc was so lethargic that, even when business was slow, he always had a long line in front of him.
acting in a different or slow, sluggish manner
apathetic, lackadaisical, languid, listless, torpid

Kari parried every question the army officers fired at her, much to their frustration.
to ward off or deflect, especially by a quick witted answer
avoid, evade, repel

Edda, a fashion maven, knew instantly that her friend's new Kate Spade bag was really an ersatz version purchased on the street.
artificial, dummy, false, imitation, mock, sham, simulated, spurious, substitute

Ellen dithered around her apartment, uncertain how to tackle the family crisis.
to act confusedly, or without clear purpose
falter, hesitate, vacillate, waffle, waver

When scientific authorities claimed that all of the planets revolved around the Earth, Galileo with his superior understanding of the situation was force to demur.
to express doubts or objections
dissent, expostulate, kick, protest, remonstrate

The voluble man and his reserved wife proved the old saying that opposites attract.
talkative, speaking easily, glib
loquacious, verbose

The Bill of Rights attenuated the traditional power of government to change laws at will.
to reduce in force or degree, weaken
debilitate, devitalize, dilute, enervate, enfeeble, rarefy, sap, thin, undermine, undo, unnerve, water, weaken

With the help of a public relations firm, he was able to restore his sullied reputation.
to tarnish, taint
besmirch, defile

The garrulous parakeet distracted its owner with its continuous talking.
tending to talk alot
effusive, loquacious

Cognitive dissonance is the inner conflict produced when long standing beliefs are contradicted by new evidence.
a harsh and disagreeable combination, especially sounds
clash, contention, discord, dissension, dissent, friction, strife, variance

Bishop's ardor for landscape was evident when he passionately described the beauty of the scenic Hudson Valley.
intense and passionate feeling
devotion, enthusiasm, fervency, fervidity, fervor, fire, passion, zeal, zealous

The prodigal son quickly wasted all of his inheritance on a lavish lifestyle devoted to pleasure.
lavish, wasteful
extravagant, lavish, profligate, spendthrift, wasteful

The joke added needed levity to the otherwise serious meeting.
an inappropriate lack of seriousness, overly casual
amusement, humor

His volatile personality made it difficult to predict his reaction to anything.
easily aroused or changeable, lively or explosive
capricious, erratic, fickle, inconsistent, inconstant, mercurial, temperamental

A nominal but far from devoted member of the high school yearbook committee, she rarely attends meetings.
existing in name only, neglibible
minimal, titular

He began his career as a demagogue, giving fiery speeches at political rallies.
a leader or rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice
agitator, inciter, instigator

The professor was intransigent on the deadline, insisting that everyone turn the assignment in at the same time.
uncompromising, refusing to be reconciled
implacable, inexorable, irreconcilable, obdurate, obstinate, remoreseless, rigid, unbending, unrelenting, unyielding

The obsequious new associate made sure to compliment her supervisor's tie and agree with him on every issue.
overly submissive and eager to please
compliant, deferential, servile, subservient

The anodyne massage helped remove the knots from teh lawyer's tense shoulders.
something that calms or soothes pain
narcotic, nepenthe, opiate

Priscilla spent hours composing a romantic missive for Elvis.
a written note or letter

Tomas's passion for numismatics has resulted in an impressive collection of coins from all over the world.
coin collecting

Not wanting to spend alot of money up front, the myopic business owner would likely suffer the consequences later.
lacking foresight, having a narrow view or long-range perspective
short-sighted, unthinking

When the townspeople heard the knell from the church belfry, they knew that their mayor had died.
sound of a funeral bell, omen of death or failure
chime, peal, toll

After the stock market crashed, many former millionares found themselves impecunious.
poor, having no money
destitute, impoverished, indigent, needy, penniless

The cook's hands were sore after she pared hundreds of potatoes for the banquet.
to trim off excess, reduce
clip, peel

The countess trained her daughters in teh finer points of decorous behavior, hoping they would make a good impression when she presented them at court.
proper, tasteful, socially correct
appropriate, comme il faut, courteous, polite

The large corporation just released a press statement announcing its plans to bifurcate.
to divide into two parts

The child discovered that he could antagonize the cat by pulling its tail.
to annoy or provoke to anger
clash, conflict, incite, irritate, oppose, pester, provoke, vex

Before making his decision, Jacob asked the waiter to enumerate the different varieties of ice cream that the restaurant carried.
to count, list, or itemize
catalog, index, tabulate

She was so lavish with her puppy that it soon became overweight and spoiled.
extremely generous or extravagant, giving unsparingly
bestow confer, extravagant, exuberant, luxubriant, opulent, prodigal, profuse, superabundant

As predicted, a bevy of teenagers surrounded the rock star's limousine.
band, bunch, gang, pack, troop

THe filmmaker eschewed artificial light for her actors, resulting in a stark movie style.
to shun, to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful)
avoid, bilk, elude, escape, evade, shun, shy

The casino's meretricious decor horrified the cultivated interior designer.
gaudy, falsely attractive
flashy, insincere, loud, specious, tawdry

At Napolean's investiture, he grabbed the crown from teh Pope's hands and placed it on his head himself.
ceremony conferring authority
inaugural, inauguration, induction, initiation, installation

Queen Elizabeth I was quite capricious, her courtiers could never be sure which one would catch her fancy.
changing one's mind quickly and often
arbitrary, chance, changeable, erratic, fickle, inconstant, mercurial, random, whimsical, willful

The ballet was whimsical, delighting the children with its imaginative characters and unpredictable sets.
lightly acting in a fanciful or capricious manner, unpredictable
capricious, erratic, flippant, frivolous

The park was bathed in luminous sunshine that warmed the bodies and the souls of the visitors.
bright, brilliant, glowing
incandescent, lucent, lustrous, radiant, resplendent

After surgery, the patient's torpor lasted several hours until teh anesthesia wore off.
extreme mental and physical sluggishness
apathy, languor

After the wall was torn down, the students began to deface the statues of Communist leaders of the former Eastern Bloc.
to mar the appearance of , vandalize
disfigure, impair, spoil

Athena had a desultory academic record, she had changed majors 12 times in 3 years.
jumping from one thing to another, disconnected
aimless, disconnected, erratic, haphazard, indiscriminate, objectless, purposeless, random, stray, unconsidered, unplanned

To find all the clues at the crime scene, the meticulous investigators examined every inch of the area.
extremely careful, fastidious, painstaking
finicky, fussy, picky, precise, punctilious, scrupulous

If you waver too long before making a decision about which testing site to register for, you may not get your first choice.
to fluctuate between choices
dither, falter, fluctuate, oscillate, vacillate

The monotony of the sound of the dripping faucet almost drove the research assistant crazy.
no variation, tediously the same
drone, tedium

He wandered deep into the verdant woods in search of mushrooms and other edible flora.
green with vegetation, inexperienced
grassy, leafy, wooded

The teacher was forced to refer to various tomes to find the answer to the advanced student's question.
book, usually large and academic
codex, volume

Cali's liberal parents trusted her and allowed her to manage her own affairs to a large extent.
tolerant or broad-minded, generous or lavish
bounteous, latitudinarian, munificent, permissive, progressive

Bea basked in teh balmy vernal breezes, happy that winter was coming to an end.
related to spring, fresh
springlike, youthful