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56 Cards in this Set

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captious - (adj)

(cap·​tious | \ ˈkap-shəs )

1. faultfinding : marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections

2. calculated to confuse, entrap, or entangle in argument

He likes to ask captious questions.

carat - (n)

( car·​at | \ ˈker-ət )

unit of weight for precious things

Only a fool buys his fiancée a 2 carat engagement ring.

caricature - (n)

( car·​i·​ca·​ture | \ ˈker-i-kə-ˌchu̇r )

exaggeration by means of often ludicrous

distortion of parts or characteristics

distortion; burlesque

The caricatures he draws are hilarious.

carillon - (n)

( car·​il·​lon | \ ˈker-ə-ˌlän )

set of bells for playing

The carillon in the churches bell tower knelled.

carmine - (n)

car·​mine | \ ˈkär-mən

rich red

She had carmine hair.

carnage - (n)

(car·​nage | \ ˈkär-nij )

1: the flesh of slain animals or humans

2: great and usually bloody slaughter or injury (as in battle)

The carnage from chemical warfare is atrocious!

carnal - (adj)

( car·​nal | \ ˈkär-nᵊl )

1: relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites

2: marked by sexuality

He was interested in carnal pleasures.

irrelevant - (adj)

(ir·​rel·​e·​vant | \ i-ˈre-lə-vənt )

not applicable, unrelated

That statement is irrelevant.

irremediable - (adj)

(ir·​re·​me·​di·​a·​ble | \ ˌir-i-ˈmē-dē-ə-bəl )

incurable; uncorrectable

That error is irremediable.

irrevocable - (adj)

(ir·​rev·​o·​ca·​ble | \ i-ˈre-və-kə-bəl )


Cheating on a spouse is an irrevocable break in trust.

isotope - (n)

( iso·​tope | \ ˈī-sə-ˌtōp )

varying form of an element

Isotopes of uranium are radioactive.

iterate - (v)

( it·​er·​ate | \ ˈi-tə-ˌrāt )

utter a 2nd time; repeat

I will not iterate myself all day.

itinerant - (adj)

( itin·​er·​ant | \ ī-ˈti-nə-rənt )

wandering; traveling

He is an itinerant lover.

itinerary - (n)

( itin·​er·​ary | \ ī-ˈti-nə-ˌrer-ē )

plan of a trip

My itinerary is nonexistent!

garnish - (v)

( gar·​nish | \ ˈgär-nish )

1: decorate

2: to equip with accessories

Parsley was ineffectively used as a garnish on my plate.

garrulity - (n)

( gar·​ru·​li·​ty | \ gə-ˈrü-lə-tē )

talkativeness : pointlessly or annoyingly talkative

Trump often resorts to garrulity in an attempt to hide the fact that he has nothing worth saying.

garrulous - (n)

( gar·​ru·​lous | \ ˈger-ə-ləs )

given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity

We had a president that was quite garrulous in nature.


( gas·​co·​nade | gas·​ke·​naid | \ ga-skə-ˈnād )

boastfulness : bluster

If you believe the gasconade of Trump, you must think he is the smartest man alive.

gastronomy - (n)

( gas·​tron·​o·​my | \ ga-ˈsträ-nə-mē )

1: the art or science of preparing and serving good food

2: culinary custom or style (Chinese gastronomy)

I have never studied gastronomy.

gauche - (adj)

( ghosh | \ ˈgōsh )

1: lacking social experience or grace : clumsy : boorish

2: crudely made or done

It would be gauche for you to mention my diarrhea!

gauntlet - (n)

( gaunt·​let | \ ˈgȯnt-lət )

1: leather glove

2: a line, series, or assemblage, especially one that poses some sort of ordeal (gauntlet of reporters)

The falconer wore a gauntlet.

resuscitate - (v)

(re·​sus·​ci·​tate | \ ri-ˈsə-sə-ˌtāt )

to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness

My father tried to resuscitate his father.

retentive - (adj)

( re·​ten·​tive | \ ri-ˈten-tiv )

1: capable of retaining

2: retaining knowledge easily

I wish I had a more retentive mind.

reticence - (n)

( ret·​i·​cence | \ ˈre-tə-sən(t)s )

inclined to be silent

The republicans reticence on the January 6th insurrection will bring this country problems.

reticulate - (adj)

( re·​tic·​u·​late | \ ri-ˈti-kyə-lət )

resembling a net or network

A leaf with a pattern of veins that resembles a net is an example of a reticulate leaf.

retinue - (n)

( ret·​i·​nue | \ ˈre-tə-ˌnü )

a group of retainers or attendants

The queen's retinue was filled with eunuchs.

retraction - (n)

( re·​trac·​tion | \ ri-ˈtrak-shən )

with-drawl : act of recanting

He dropped his libel suit against the newspaper once it published a retraction of the erroneous statements made against him and his family.

retribution - (n)

( ret·​ri·​bu·​tion | re-trə-ˈbyü-shən )

the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter

My God does not extract retribution from sinners.

desideratum - (n)

(de·sid·er·a·tum | dəˌzidəˈrädəm )

that which is desired : something that is needed or wanted

Our first desideratum must be the establishment of peace.

despoil - (v)

( de·​spoil )

plunder : to strip of belongings, possessions, or value

The enemy despoiled the village.

despotism - (n)

( des·​po·​tism | ˈde-spə-ˌti-zəm )

tyranny : oppressive absolute power and authority exerted by government

The Republican party is bringing the US toward despotism.

destitute - (n)

( des·​ti·​tute )

extremely poor : lacking something needed or desirable

The father's illness left the family destitute.

desuetude - (n)

( de·​sue·​tude | ˈde-swi-ˌtüd )

disused condition : discontinuance from use or exercise

Despite the long years of desuetude, the old manual typewriter seemed to work just fine.

desultory - (adj)

( des·​ul·​to·​ry | ˈde-səl-ˌtȯr-ē )

1. aimless: jumping around

2. marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose

3. not connected with the main subject

4. disappointing in progress, performance, or quality

a desultory wine

detraction - (n)

( de·​trac·​tion | di-ˈtrak-shən )

1. slandering : aspersion

2. a lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism

Her inevitable detraction of every new idea is annoying to the other club members.

tepid - (adj)

tep·id | [ˈtepəd]

1. lukewarm

2. showing little enthusiasm

I do not like to drink tepid beer.

tergiversation - (n)

ter·​gi·​ver·​sa·​tion ˌ


1: evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement

2: desertion of a cause, position, party, or faith

I can't understand your tergiversation...

termagant - (n)

a harsh-tempered or overbearing woman;

a shrew

I hope I don't marry another termagant

terminus - (n)



1. a final point in space or time; an end or extremity

2. last stop of a railroad

terrestrial - (adj)



of, on, or relating to the earth

We are better explorers of the terrestrial

regions on earth than the aquatic regions.

terse - (adj)

concise, abrupt, pithy

She gave a terse reply to my compliments.

tertiary - (adj)


The tertiary person in line is me.

apprise - (v)



inform or tell (someone)

I will not apprise my wife of my affair.

appurtenance - (n)



an accessory or other item associated with a

particular activity or style of living

"all the appurtenances of luxurious travel"

apropos - (adj & prep)



very appropriate to a particular situation

properly, with reference to

aptitude - (n)



a natural ability to do something

Lara has an aptitude for writing

aquiline - (adj)


[ˈakwəˌlīn, ˈakwələn]

(of a person's nose) hooked or curved like an eagle's beak

He has an aquiline nose.

arable - (adj)



fit for plowing

arbiter - (n)



a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter.

"The military acted as arbiter of conflicts between political groups."

prognathous - (adj)



having a projecting jaw

"Her chin was a little prognathous."

prognosis - (n)



the likely course of a disease or ailment

"The disease has a poor prognosis."

prognosticate - (v)



foretell or prophesy a future event

"I won't prognosticate and say whether this will lead to other mainstream roles."

proletarian - (n)



member of the working class (proletariat)

I do not want to be a proletarian.

prolific - (adj)



present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful

I want to be a prolific poet.

prolix - (adj)



(of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy.

"He found the narrative too prolix and discursive."

promiscuous - (adj)



having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships

"promiscuous teenagers"

demonstrating or implying an undiscriminating or unselective approach; indiscriminate or casual.