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47 Cards in this Set

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List the 13 general guidelines to follow when writing a game program

1. Don't be afraid to use global variables

2. Use inline functions

3. Always use 32 bit variables

4. Comment the heck out of your code

5. Program in a RISC-like manner

6. Use binary shifts for simple multiplication of integers by powers of two

7. Write efficient algorithms

8. Don't optimize your code as you program

9. Don't write a lot of complex data structures for simple objects

10. Use c++ sparingly

11. If you see you are going down a rocky road, stop, back up, and take a detour

12. Back up your work regularly

13. Before you start on your game projects, be organized

The video game Frogger 3D would be considered what type of video game

Retro - based off the original Frogger

Arcade - 2D game made for 3D

Which three systems became available for consumers during the mid-to-late 70's?

TRS-80, Apple, Atari 800

When you create a video game, the first thing you need to do is get your idea on paper. Name three ways to do this.

Storyboard, design document, concept document

What's one of the hardest things about creating a video game?

Designing it

List the eight components of a game program

1. Initialize

2. Enter Game Loop

3. Retrieve Player Output

4. Perform Game and AI Logic

5. Render Next Frame

6. Synchronize Display

7. Loop

8. Shutdown

One of the first 3D games was DOOM. What was used to create it?

only software rasterization

The video game Pac-Man is considered what type of game?

Retro - it was around in the 70's

Arcade - where it was played in the 70's

Explain 2.5D

multiple bitmap images of 3D objects

Who is the author of the textbook for Game and Simulation programming?


What are the names of the two data structures available to hold windows class information?


List the five basic steps involved in creating a fully functional Windows program

1. Create a Window class

2. Create an event handler or WinProc

3. Register the Windows class with Windows

4. Create a window with the previously created class

5. Create a main loop event that retrieves and dispatches Windows messages to the event handler

All Windows programs begin execution with what function?


What is the handle used for the brush whenever a background is drawn or refreshed?


What declaration must be placed in front of WinMain() in the WinMain() function so that the starup code will pass parameters to the function correctly?


What is the name of the naming convention that Microsoft uses?

Hungarian notation

What was then name of the first DirectX version that came out in 1996?

Game SDK

Explain the differences between #define and const

#define is a simple preprocessed text replacement

const has the added property of retaining the type information making it like a variable. It also allows compiler type-checking and casting to occur

According to Hungarian Notation, what is the naming convention for a class?



Types and Constants



If you fail to generate a WM_QUIT message when a program closes, what will happen to the program?

The window will close, but the application will continue to run

What is the name of the function used to display messages with various icons, along with buttons?


What line of code instructs the compiler not to include extraneous MFC Overhead?


What style flag for a window creates a window that has a menu bar in its title?


List boxes, command buttons, text boxes, and dialog boxes are all known as a __________


Show the line of code you would write to make a circle that's center is 20,20 with a radius of 10

Ellipse(hdc, 10,10,30,30);

Which function would you call to set the current position to draw a line from (20,20) to (60,70)?


Which function is called when you are done using a pen?


Which function returns the number of milliseconds since Windows has started?


Which function is used to draw a circle?


Which function is used to determine screen resolution?


Which function is utilized specifically to draw a filled rectangle?


Which function is used to determine the number of processors located within the computer system?


Which object would you use to fill the interior of a rectangle?


Which function is used to select and GDI object into the graphics device context?


List five predefined resource types

Icons, Cursors, Strings, Bitmaps, and Sounds

Which function is used to obtain the client rectangle coordinates?


What does the keyword POPUP do when referring to a menu?

Indicates a menu is being defined with the ASCII name and menu items that follow

CLUT is an acronym for ______ _______ _______

Color LookUp Table

The text says that return 0 after each handler serves two purposes. What are they?

To exit WinProc and tells Windows that you handled the message

Which function is used to manipulate the window cursor at the window level?


Write the single line of code required to set the transparency mode of the variable myMode to OPAQUE.

myMode = SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE);

Write the single line of color that will set the current background color to white and save the old one in a variable called old_black

old_back = SetBkColor(hdc, RGB(255,255,255));

Write the one line of code that changes the foreground text color to blue


Name the two functions discussed in your text, which are used to display text on the computer screen



According to your text, what function is considered to be the workhorse of the main event loop?


Which macro is used for converting an integer into a string pointer, when working with program resources?


What is the name of the function you can use in your program to play a simple .wav sound?
