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10 Cards in this Set

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When you start a sentence with the word "However' and don't include a comma after, what does it mean? Ex: However Jake tried, eh could not get his mind off the ice cream.
It means to whatever extent.
Give an example of an imperitive sentence.
Run. The subject is the person you are assumed to be talking to.
When is a good time to use a hyphen?
When a compound word can be confusing. Example: Jake wanted a short-haired dog.
When do you use "who" versus "whom"? Example: Who loves you?
Use who when referring to the subject of the clause, and you use whom when you are referring to the object of the clause.
What does the menomic FANBOYS stand for?
The coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.
Are nicknames capitalized?
Yes. How's Mom these days.
Are titles that come after names capitalized?
No. Mr. James, president of UT, came to dinner.
When do you use "that" versus "who".
Use "who" when you are talking about a person and "that" when you are talking about an object.
Can you sent a sentence with a preposition?
Yes, but not when it is not needed. Such as: Where is she at?
When do you use semi-colons?
Two separate two main clauses. However, don't use them when you are using a coordinating conjunction such as "and" or "or".