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37 Cards in this Set

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What is a complete sentence?

A complete sentence is a group of words that contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought.

What is the grammatical term for a complete sentence?

The grammatical term for a complete sentence is independent clause.

What is an incomplete sentence?

If a group of words does not contain a subject, a verb, or a complete thought it is an incomplete sentence.

What is the grammatical term for an incomplete sentence?

The grammatical term for an incomplete sentence is Fragment.

Occasionally what types of words do you find at the beginning of a fragment?

Incomplete sentences begin with one of the following types of words: after, although, because, before, if, unless, until, and when.

What are some examples of subordinating conjunctions?

Beginning a sentence with After, although, because, etc.

the sentences that they begin with require extra information to be complete.

What are three ways to correct Fragments?

1. Complete the sentence by combining word groups.

2. Remove subordinating conjunctions.

3. Rewrite the fragment.

What is a comma splice?

If two independent clauses are joined with a comma that is not followed by a coordinating conjunction, the sentence is called a comma splice.

You may place a comma between independent clauses as long as the comma is followed by a coordinating conjunction.


What is a sentence Fuse?

Two independent clauses are joined with neither punctuation nor a coordinating conjunction, the sentence is called a sentence fuse.

What are the seven coordinating conjunctions in the English language?

The seven coordinating conjunctions are: and, or, nor, but, for, so, yet.

How do you use a coordinating conjunction to join two independent clauses?

Use a comma with a coordinating conjunction to join together two independent clauses.

When do you use a semicolon to join together two independent clause?

Join together independent clauses with a semicolon if the independent clauses are closely related.

Ex. My wife and I work in the yard every evening; the work releases the days stress.

When do you use a colon to join together two independent clauses?

Join together independent clauses with a colon if the second indepent clause summarizes or explains the first independent clause.

Ex. During the summer months, the dogs dig holes under the sequoias and fall asleep: the cold dirt soothes their panting hearts throughout the afternoon.

When do you use a dash to join together two independent clauses?

Join together independent clauses with a dash to add emphasis to the second independent clause of it contains emotional significance or makes an especially important point.

Ex. The blackberry vines are bursting with blossoms- the fruit on our breakfast table will be sweet and plentiful.

What is rule one for using a comma?

Use the comma after introductory word groups, such as subordinate clauses, prepositional phrases, and participle phrases that are followed by independent clauses.

What is a subordinate clause?

Subordinate clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions like although, because, if, unless, until, and when and contain a subject and verb.

What is a prepositional phrase?

Prepositional phrases begin with prepositions, such as but not limited to, above, after,before, from, in, on, out, over, through, and under and end with a noun or noun equivalent (a noun equivalent is a word or group of words functioning as a noun)

What is a participle phrase?

Participle phrases begin with a present or past tense verbal that describes a noun or pronoun in the main part of the sentences,which is an independent clause.

Ex. Stuck (past tense) is a snowstorm in the middle of a grapevine,my brother couldn’t make it to Thanksgiving dinner.

What is rule two for using the comma?

Use the comma with a coordinating conjunction (fanboys) to join independent clauses.

Ex. After school, I drove home and took a nap, for I was exhausted.

What is rule three for using a comma?

Use the comma to join items in a series. A series includes at least three items. Place the comma between all items to prevent confusion.

Ex. After school, I drove home, took a nap, and ate dinner.

How many items make a series?

A series includes at least three items.

What is rule four for using a comma?

Use commas between coordinate adjectives but not cumulative adjectives. Coordinate adjectives describe a noun or pronoun separately from one another. You know the adjectives are coordinate if you can place the word “and” between each one and rearrange them while maintaining fluidity and clarity.

What are coordinate adjectives?

Coordinate adjectives describe a noun or pronoun separately from one another. You know the adjectives are coordinate if you can place “and” between each one and rearrange them while maintaining fluidity and clarity.

What are cumulative adjectives?

Cumulative adjectives, on the other hand, will not make sense with the word “and” between them and cannot be rearranged.

What is comma rule five?

Use commas to set off parenthetical information. Parenthetical informations appears in the middle of a sentence.

What is parenthetical information?

Parenthetical information appears in the middle of a sentence. The information is parenthetical if it can be removed without changing the meaning of the sentence. If removing the information changes the sentences main point or the sentence just doesn’t make sense, the information is not parenthetical, so do not use commas.

What is rule six for using a comma?

Use the comma to set off nonessential information that begins with “especially”, “who,” “whom” and “whose. Nonessential information may appear in the middle or at the end of an independent clause.

What words set off nonessential information?

“Especially,” “such as,” “which,” “who,” “whom,” and “whose.”

What is rule seven for using a comma?

Use the comma to set off separate sharply contrasting elements.

What words separate sharply contrasting elements?

Sharply contrasting elements are often defined by the words “not” and “unlike”

Ex. I want to go home and study, not sleep.

What is rule eight for using a comma?

Use commas after or around conjunctive adverbs or transitional phrases.

What are some examples of conjunctive adverbs?

Conjunctive adverbs include also, finally, however, Instead, next, still, and thus.

What are some examples of transitional phrases?

Transitional phrases include “as a matter of fact” “as a result” “ in addition” “in fact” “ in other words” and “in the first place”

What is rule nine for using a comma?

Use a comma after a signal phrase introducing a short direct quotation.

What makes a short quotation of prose?

It is considered a short quotation of prose if it contains four lines or less.

What makes a short quotation of poetry?

If the quotation contains poetry, it is considered short of it contains three lines or less.

What musta signal phrase contain?

Signal phrases contain the name of the author or speaker and a signal word such as said, says, believed, thinks, or thought.