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29 Cards in this Set

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اسکناس ده پوندی دارید؟

Do you have A ten-pound note?

بدشانسی بود

It was bad luck.

یک دانه برنج

A grain of rice

موز میخوای؟

You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/my etc.):

Do you want a banana

من در کل موز دوست دارم

You can use plural countable nouns alone:

I like bananas. (= bananas in genera

یه صدایی نشنیدی الان؟

Did you hear a noise just now?

(A specific noise)

من نمیتونم کار کنم. خیلی سروصداست.

I can't work. There's too much noise.

(= noise in general)

من یه روزنامه گرفتم که بخونم.

I bought a paper to read.

من یکم برگه نیاز دارم که بنویسم.

(= material for writing on)

I need some paper to read.

یک دونه مو توی سوپ منه

There's a hair in my soup

(= one single hair)

موهای خیلی بلندی داری

You’ve got very long hair. (not hairs)

(= all the hair on your head)

این اتاق خوبیه.

نمیشه اینجا بشینی. جا نیست

This is a nice room.

You can’t sit here. There isn’t room.


اوقات خوبی داشته باشی

Have a great time

وقت ندارم

I don't have timr

دوتا قهوه و یک آب پرتقال لطفا

Two coffees and an orange juice, please.

Coffee/tea/juice/beer etc. (drinks) are normally uncountable: I don’t like coffee very much.But you can say a coffee (= a cup of coffee), two coffees (= two cups) etc.

یک نون

a loaf of bread. (not a bread)

امیدوارم‌ هوا خوب باشه

I hope you have good weather.

Not a good weather

همه اسباب اثاثیه‌هات رو کجا میخوای بزاری؟

Where are you going to put all your furniture? (not furnitures)

اخبار غیر منتظره بودن

The news was unexpected. (not The news were)

پول زیادی برای سفر خرج کردند.

They spend a lot of money on travel.

Not on a travel

ما یک سفر خیلی خوب داشتیم

We had a very good trip/journey. (not a good travel)

من دنبال کار میگردم

I'm looking for a job.

I'm looking for work.

چه منظره قشنگی

What a beautiful view.

What beautiful scenery

چه هوای خوبی

What nice weather

ما یه عالمه کیف و چمدون داشتیم.

We had a lot of bags.

We had a lot of baggage/luggage.

این مبلمان مال من هستند.

This furniture is mine

پیشنهاد خوبیه.

نصیحت خوبیه

That's a good suggestion.

That's good advice.

ترافیک زیاد بود.

There was a lot of traffic.

امروز زیاد شانس نداری، مگه نه؟

You’re not having much luck today, are you?