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100 Cards in this Set

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How are laws passed?
The bill goes through five readings in the House of Commons. If they accept the bill they will pass it on to the Senate. The senate does the same thing. They both make provisions to it. Then they meet together for a second time reading. They then agree on something. If they accept the bill then it gets passed to royal assent.
How are MPs and senators selected?
MPs are voted into the House of Commons, Senators are selected into the senate
What is the role of the media in political issues?
They inform the citizens what is happening in the government.
How do the citizens participate in the justice system?
The government picks Canadians for jury duty, and they have to go unless they have a very important reason
What is the YCJA?
It is Canada’s governing system for youth 12-17. It focuses on rehabilitation instead of penalization.
What is the executive branch?
It is the Branch that includes the Prime minister and the cabinet.
What is the legislative branch?
The house of commons is Canada's major law making body. Members of parliment work in the house of commons.
Who is in the senate?
The members of the senate are called senators. They are appointed and not elected.
What is the judicial branch?
It includes all of Canada's courts. The supreme court of Canada is the highest court in Canada
Why are MPs and senators accountable for their actions?
The Federal Accountabilty Act was introduced in 2006. It makes Government officials accountable for what they did.
What is the role of lobby groups?
A lobbyist is someone hired by a group to influence MPs and government officials. They help inform MPs on the ideas of civilians.
What are the roles and responsibilities of citizens of Canada?
Canadian citizens have many rights. Along with these rights comes responsibilities. An example is along with the right to vote comes the responsibility to have a say in your government.
What are individual rights?
Individual rights are the rights given to Canadian citizens. There are many rights and they are supposed to protect you as a Canadian.
What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is Canada's constitution. It was made in 1982 to help protect the rights of Canadian citizen.
What are collective rights?
They are the rights that groups have. These groups include people who are of different races or languages.
What does propaganda mean?
information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
When were Canadian women given the ability to vote?
For more than fifty years until 1918 Canadian women were not allowed to vote.
What does reintegrate mean?
To bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
What does Identity mean?
The condition of being oneself or itself, and not another
What does apathetic mean?
Having or showing little or no emotion
What does rehabilitate mean?
To restore to a condition of good health, ability to work, or the like.
What does citizenship mean?
The state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.
What does lobbyists mean?
A person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest; a member of a lobby.
What are values?
Relative worth, merit, or importance
What is quality of life?
It is how good life is, depending on many factors.
What is the Indian Act?
It was created in 1876. The Canadian government made it without consulting the First Nations peoples.
How has the Indian Act been changed?
There have been many attempts to revise the Indian Act since its creation. In 1960 some major changes were made.
What are the two language groups that are under collective rights?
Anglophones and Francophones.
Why is justice blind?
Because justice never judges, you are innocent until proven guilty.
What are justice advocacy groups?
There are two major justice advocacy groups in Canada. They work with people who have broken the law.
How are youth justice and adult justice different?
There are many differences. The biggest ones are that most adult cases go to court
What are the numbered treaties?
They were created in 1763 along with the royal proclomation. It established the First Nations rights to land.
How has the charter affected Francophone education?
It has guarenteed Francophone schools for french speaking Canadians.
What is official bilingualism?
It is the two official languages of Canada, French and English.
What is Minority Language Rights?
The charter says that any Francophones and Anglophones of a sufficient size in a community have the right to a publicly funded school.
How did Louis Riel die?
He was hung for treason.
When were the Metis established as one of Canadas aboriginal people?
In 1982 under section 35 of the charter.
Did every youth go to court before the youth criminal justice system?
They always went to court. This caused the wait time to be very high because the courts were to busy.
What is the goals of the Youth Criminal Justice System?
To seperate youth from adults to remind them of their reduced maturity level, to rehabilitate teens and reintroduce them to society
What are portfolios?
They are the roles that government workers work as.
Who is the Prime minister?
He is the leader of the federal government. Stephan harper.
Were aboriginal people consulted in 1867?
No they were not consulted in 1867 when the confederation was made.
When was the BNA created?
In 1867.
Who won the popular vote in 2006?
The Conservatives.
What are democratic rights?
They are your right to vote for your government.
What are equality rights?
The right to be free of discrimintion based on race, religion, gender, age, etc
What does internment mean?
It is when a certain race gets taken to camps.
When did four ontario women launch a charter challenge?
In 2001.
Who was Olive Dickason?
She was a proffesor at the U of A that challenged their right to make her retire when she turns 65.
What are treaties?
Treaties are nation to nation agreements.
What are the factors of production?
Land, Labour, Capital.
What is an entrepeneur?
Somebody who initiates or finances new commercial enterprises.
What is a market economy?
This economy is more focused on the consumers, rather than having government involement. The goal is equilibrium. Eg: U.S
What is a mixed economy?
This is a mix between government envolement and leaving it to consumers. Eg: Canada
What is a planned economy?
This is when the economy is controlled by the government. They produce the goods and services.
What are crown corporations?
They are corporations owned by the government.
What is a monopoly?
This is when one company is controlling the market, being able to choose ther prices.
What are workers unions?
They are unions that workers belong to. They help protect the rights of workers.
What is scarcity?
Unlimited wants and limited resources lead to scarcity. Scarcity exists because people want more than their society is able to produce with the resources available to it.
Why does consumerism affect quality of life?
Consumerism can be either good or bad. If you are lucky you can get very rich off of consumerism, but if you aren't you can have a terrible quality of life.
What is the economy?
The system of production, distribution, and consumption
What is a union?
An organisation formed to bargain with the employer
How do unions play a role in the economy
They play a role because they can influence peoples decision making of what they should and shouldn't buy and if they don't buy certain things then it will definently play a role in the economy
What are some contributors to impacting consumers?
Commercials because they make you think you need something when you don't
Who is sponsoring the product e.g. Kobe sponsoring Nike shoes because he is the best basketball player
When would the government get involved in the economy?
When the country is in an economic crisis and certain companies need loans to be sustained and create capital for the country e.g. GMC when they were going to go bankrupt the government gave them money because if GMC went out of business then the country would lose to much money
The public good and cooperation
Some people believe that individuals must consider each other and set aside their individual interest to achieve what best for society. This worldview values equality: responding to others in a way that recognizes their needs and circumstances.
The public good and individualism
Some people believe that whats best for each person individually adds up to whats best for society. This worldview values individual creativity and independence.
When there is more than one company fighting for business so the prices get dropped and the quality goes up.
Shift left
a shift on the economic continuum towards more government involvement in the economy. A shift left is usually described as taking a more liberal position.
Shift right
a shift on the economic continuum towards less government involvement in the economy. A shift right is usually describes as taking a more conservative position
when the government gives money to people or organizations to help canada as a whole.
What are the 3 main economies?
Command, mixed, market
When will price go up on a product?
It will go up when the demand for a product goes up
A measure of how well off the people of a county are
Green House Gasses. These are pollutants put into the air.
Kyoto Protocol
Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change aimed at fighting global warming.
Unemplyment Rate
The percentage of the work force that does not have jobs
Sales Tax
Tax paid at the time of purchasing a good or service
Carbon Tax
Incorporate a price for greenhouse gas emissions in every good and service in Canada
A decision by consumers to stop buying a product or service
How many refugees are in the world?
12 million, and 45% of them are under 18
Where do the immigrants go to most in canada?
Toronto. Vancouver, and montreal
what is an under ground economy?
It is when goods and services are payed for without the government knowing.
What percentage of refugees are under 18?
What are the 3 basic economic questions?
What will be produced, how should they be produced, and who should get the products
What is a push factor?
It is when people leave there country because of government conflict, or lack of basic needs and poor standard of living.
What is a pull factor?
A pull factor is when people want to come to other contries because of good things like promice of land and upgrading there quality of life, or possibly finding a better job.
What is economic immigrant?
They are immigrants that are skilled workers that are coming to a country for job reasons
What is family class?
These are immigrants that come to a different country because they have family in that country
What is a refugee?
They are people who include people who are seeking to escape persecution, torture, or cruel and unusual punishment.
What is the other class?
this class includes people who are accepted for humanitarian or compassionate reasons
Corporate Tax
Tax imposed on entities that are taxed at the entity level in a particular jurisdiction
Private Health Care
Health care paid for by individuals
Public Health Care
Health care paid for by taxes that is free for everyone.
what is a social program?
it is something offerd to the public like health care
The resources and processes involved in the distribution, production and consumption of goods and services
The study of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
Canada Health Act
Specifies the conditions and criteria with which the provincial and territorial health insurance programs must conform in order to receive federal transfer payments under the Canada Health Transfer
Tax Base
All the economic activity in a society when government taxes pay for the services
The number and variety of plants and animals on earth