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17 Cards in this Set

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Who was the famous African American
who founded Tuskegee Institute?
Booker T. Washington
Who was the famous African American
that Booker T. Washington
hired to teach chemistry?
George Washington Carver
Who was the African American
who found hundreds of uses for
sweet potatoes and peanuts?
George Washington Carver
By the mid 1800's the _______
_________ remained the last
frontier to be settled.
Great Plains
What important animal did the
Indians depend on for food,
shelter, and clothing?
the buffalo
What were the pieces of land
called that the United States
set aside for the Indians?
A _________________ railroad
was built that would cross the
continent from coast to coast.
The two railroad conpanies that
built the transcontinental
railroad were the __________
Pacific Company and the
__________ Pacific Company.
Union Pacific and Central Pacific
When was the transcontinental
railroad completed?
May 10, 1869
Where was the transcontinental
railroad completed?
Promontory Point, Utah
What were the men called whom
ranchers hired to take care
of their cattle?
American cowboys
Why did cowboys move cattle
several hundred miles on what
was called the "long drive"?
to reach the nearest cow town
that had a railroad
What was it called when a loud
noise caused the cattle herd
to run wild?
a stampede
What did the cowboys often do
at night to soothe the cows
and prevent stampedes?
they sang soft songs
What law was passed where the
government would give 160
acres of land to settlers?
the Homestead Act
What territory did the government
originally give to the
Indians as their land?
What is the name of the man who
invented the first mechanical reaper?
Cyrus McCormick