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25 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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At the close of the French and
Indian War, who was the most
powerful kingdom in the world?
England allowed her colonists
_______ (more, less) freedom
than France allowed hers.
Why had England become a poor
country with very little money?
She had just fought 4 expensive
wars with France.
Who was the king of England
after the end of the French
and Indian War?
King George III
What was the unfair law that
England first passed to collect
money from the colonists?
the Stamp Act
Define 'tax'.
Money that people pay to help
run their government.
Define 'representative'.
Men chosen by the people to make
decisions for them about taxes.
How did the colonists protest
against the Stamp Act?
They refused to buy the stamps.
What did King George III do
after he was forced to drop
the Stamp Act?
He placed a tax on glass, paper,
paint, and tea sold in the colonies.
What two nicknames did the colonists
call the British soldiers that
England sent to Boston?
redcoats, and
What was it called when British
soldiers killed 5 colonists in Boston?
the Boston Massacre
What was the name of the
black patriot who was killed
in the Boston Massacre?
Crispus Attucks
Define 'massacre'.
a cruel killing of many
people at one time
After the colonists protested,
what one thing did England
still keep a tax upon?
Who did the colonists dress
up like when they dumped
England's tea into the water?
What was it called when the
colonists dumped England's
tea into the water?
the Boston Tea Party
What was it called when 50
men met in Philadelphia in
September 1774 and decided
not to buy goods from England?
the First Continental Congress
What did the men from Massachusetts
who trained to fight the
British call themselves?
Who was the man from Virginia
who said, "give me liberty or
give me death"?
Patrick Henry
What were those who, like
Patrick Henry, wanted to be
free from England called?
What 2 names were the colonists
who wanted to remain loyal
to England called?
Loyalists, or
Who was the famous patriot
from Boston who rode through
the countryside warning, "The
British are coming."?
Paul Revere
In what town was the first
shot fired that started the
War for Independence?
Lexington, Massachusetts
State (use complete sentences)
two important facts about the Stamp Act.
1. The colonists had to buy a stamp
every time they bought a newspaper.
2. The stamps were really a tax
that the colonists had to pay.
State (use full sentences) two
facts about the Boston Tea Party.
1. The colonists dressed up
like Indians when they dumped
England's tea into the harbor.
2. England closed Boston harbor
after the Boston tea Party.