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59 Cards in this Set

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What are the Sacraments?


Anointing of the Sick

Holy Orders





What are the Sacraments of Initiation ?




What are the Sacraments of healing?


Anointing of the Sick

Which of the Sacraments can be rejected


Anointing of the Sick

Holy Orders



What is Baptism and what symbols are used in the process?

First step in becoming a catholic

Baptized into Faith community


Candle, White Garment, God Parents, water, oils, parents and the priest


oil: holy spirit

candle: be a light of God

white garment: Jesus

What is Anointing of the sick?

it is for the living to improve their spiritual health

1. Uniting the sick person with the sufferings of Jesus

2. Give the person peace, strength and courage to endure the suffering of old age

3. Impairing the forgiveness of sins(departing the forgiveness of sins)

4.Restoring health

5. Helping the sick in preparation for eternal life

2 Prayers:

1. Help heal this person

2. Give us the strength and courage to get through this

What is Marriage?

covenant relationship

sealed and strengthened by God

What does Pre-Cana mean?

before marriage

looks at all aspects of marriage

What is Eucharist?

Proclamation of Jesus Christ*called the sacrifice of the mass

Blood, body, soul and divinity of Christ


Bread: Christ's body

Wine: Christ's blood

- He gave out for many, for the forgiveness of sins

What is the difference between Venial and Mortal Sins?

Venial Sins: a relatively slight sin that that does not entail damnation of the soul. Ask God for forgiveness and mercy.

Mortal Sins: the knowing and willful violation of God's law in a serious matter

What is Reconciliation?

mending separation sin creates b/n us and God

priests welcome us back into faith (God's) Community

ask for forgiveness from priest who is the representative for the people of God

What is Confirmation?

completion of grace we received at baptism

Sacrament of Initiation

What are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

1. Knowledge

2. Right Judgment

3. Fear of the Lord

4. Wisdom

5. Understanding

6. Courage

7. Reverence

What is a theistic evolutionist?

one who believes in evolution and that the first form of life was created by God

What is Intimacy?

a close association or contact

What is a theist?

one who believes in God

What is a creed?

a set of principles and beliefs

What is a sin?

an act contrary to reason; an offense against God

What is a contextual reader?

a reader that moves beyond the literal word to understand greater meaning of text

What is an evolutionist?

one who believes in evolution

What is an agnostic?

One who is uncertain about Gods existence

What is a sign?

Contains inherent meaning without any extended or interpreted thought

What is a symbol?

a concrete object, act or event that represents a particular idea of quality

What is an atheist?

Someone who does not believe in God

What is an literalist?

one who interprets the bible word for word

What is a disciple?

a person of Christ must not only keep the faith and live on it, but also profess it, confidently bear witness to it, and spread it

What is Discipleship?

involves a loving relationship with Jesus sharing in his ministry, proclaiming the kingdom

What is integrity?

acting according to the values a person holds true. Integrity means being faithful to one's beliefs and values

What is Virtue?

refers to a good habit, an inner readiness to accomplish a moral good

What is a Vice?

a bad habit

What are the oppressed?

to burden with cruel or unjust impositions impositions or restraints. Subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power

What are the Dispossessed?

evicted as from a dwelling or land- w/o property status; rootless - having suffered the loss of expectations

Where does Gospel come from?

Godspell meaning good news in latin

how many books are in the new testament?

27 books

how many books are in the old testament?

47 books

What does Envangelion?

the proclamation or announcement of good news

What is canonization?

an exacting and objective process that involves an investigation of every aspect of a persons life before declaring him/her a saint

What is Veneration?

A holy person under investigation

What is a Prophet?

calls the attention of the community to an injustice in their midst

What are the stages of the family life cycle?

Beginning Families- Married couples w/o children

Childbearing Families - Oldest Child: 30 months - 6 years

Families with Pre-Schooling Children: 30 months - 6 years

Families with School Children- Oldest Child: 6-13 years

Families with teenagers- oldest child: 13-20 years

Families as Launching Centers- From the first child gone to the last child leaving home

Families in the Middle Years- Empty nest to retirement

Ageing Families- From retirement to death of both spouses

What are the forms of prayer?

Adoration: Worshiping the greatness of the lord. Paying homage to the creator from the created

Blessing:Mans response to God's gift: b/c God blesses, the human heart can in return bless the one who is the source of every blessing

Petition:Asking God for help, guidance, wisdom and courage. Making a request to God for yourself

Intercession: Asking God on behalf of another, looking to the interests of others

Thanksgiving: offering gratitude to God for creation or favorable circumstances

Praise: Recognizing God for His glory, not for what He does for you but what He is

What are the fruits of the Spirit?













Difference in Stages of Adolescences

Early: age 11-14, self-conscious, impulsive, moody and inconsistent


Late: focused, idealistic, rational

True Prophets vs Fake Prophets


Basic Relationship patterns

Attraction and Infatuation

confrontation of faults and differences

Crisis of disappointment/dissatisfaction

Acceptance or separation/ Abandonment of relationship



Characteristics of a healthy relationship

1. Intimacy

2. A sense of Humor

3. Honest Communication

4. A common sense of mission and purpse

5. Equality

6. sense of adventure

7. Shared Experience

8.Respect for the other persons feeling and wishes

9. Passion

10.Sharing in Domestic duties

infallible teachings about mother mary

Virgin Birth

Immaculate Conception


What is the annunciation?

when an angel came to Mary and told her she would bear a son

What is the visitation?

When the angel came to Mary and told her Elizabeth was pregnant

How was Jesus portrayed in Matthew?

Jesus- The Messiah of the Jews:

wrote for the Jews

Brings the teaching of Moses to fulfillment

The teaching Savior

How was Jesus portrayed in Mark?

The human Jesus:

stressed the suffering of Jesus

wrote to Christians suffering under Roman Persecution

How was Jesus portrayed in Luke?

The compassionate Saviour

wrote to non-jews (getniles), poor & outcasts

stressed Jesus' concern for second-class citizens of society

How was Jesus portrayed in John?

The Divine Son of God

made for all christians

makes the lives of all people richer and fuller

Life-giving Saviour

What is the difference between Good and Bad communication?


offensive language

cheap shots

attack others




appreciating others viewpoints

Communications: Verbal vs Non-Verbal


use affirming language

positive feedback

rewarding discussion

Non-Verbal :

eye contact

body posture

rate of speech

personal space


facial expression

What are the media's propaganda techniques?

1. slogan: easily remembered

2. Sex Appeal: help sell products

3. Testimonials

4. Facts & Statistics

5. Exotic Places

6. Bandwagon

What are the different types of intimacy?**

Aesthetic: beautiful scenery, art and music

Emotional: share feelings

Crisis: share disaster situations

Love of God: Love anyone; we love God

Spiritual: b/n people who share a similar sense of life's meaning

Work: when people bond over tasks

Creative: making things together

Intellectual: people share opinions

Recreational: doing something fun

Common Cause: share an ideal or cause

Relationship levels

Level 1- deals with facts

Level 2- deals with other people's opinions

Level 3 - I think

Level 4 - I feel

Level 5- exposes whole being

4 types of family structure

Single Parent Family

Blended Family

Community Family

Traditional Nuclear Family