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16 Cards in this Set

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Problem Solving

3 Stages

1. Problem Finding

2. Idea Finding

3. Solution Finding

Problem Finding

- Observations

- Feelings

- impressions about the situation

Idea Finding

Coming up with different ways of solving the problem

- Be creative!

- Sometimes the craziest ideas become the best ones

Solution Finding

- Not complete until you have tried a solution and the problem has been solved

- if an idea doesn't turn out how you expected, try a different idea.

Lateral Thinking

- Means to "think outside the box"

- Generate ideas by being flexible and creative

- Look at a problem from a different perspective

- It is also called "sideways thinking"

Six Thinking Hats

1. The White Hat

Is concerned with gathering the facts, figures and objective information

- Do not let your feelings interfere

- Look only at the facts, without emotion

- Think like a computer

Sounds like:

- Give me the facts and figures please

- how much, how often, when

- What is the problem

- what are the needs

Six Thinking Hats

2. The Red Hat

- Recognizes emotions and intuition influence thinking

- Follow your "gut feeling",hunches and feelings to generate information without judgements or logic

Sounds like:

- I have a hunch about this

- This is how I feel

- I think this is terrible

Six Thinking Hats

3. The Green Hat

- indicates lateral thinking, creativity, alternatives, and proposals

- Encourages provocations and change

- Green represents nature and things that grow - "seeds of ideas"

Sounds like:

- Aha! I've got an idea

- How else can this be done

- So that's what you mean

Six Thinking Hats

4. The Black Hat

- Represents the use of judgment and caution

- Presents a logical case against the idea

- Provides negative feedback that is objective and free from emotions.

Sounds like:

- This idea wont work because..

- This could cause a problem

- Yes, but...

Six Thinking Hats

5. The Yellow Hat

- Logical, in a constructive way

- Looks for positive outcomes, reasons why the idea will work

- Put on the yellow hat when asses the benefits of a situation

Sounds like:

- This fits well together

- I want to explore further

- The idea has some value

Six Thinking Hats

6. The Blue Hat

- Think about how the hats are working together to solve the problem

- Don't think about the problem itself

- Pulls all the other hats together and is used to lead and make things happen

Sounds like:

- Let's get started!

- Focus on doing this

- its your turn

What does it mean to be empowered?

- To be empowered means to be inspired because you feel some sense of control over your own behavior and decisions

- This means taking responsibility for your decisions

Decision Making Styles

1. Inactive decision - making style

- you fail to make choices, and this failure determines what will happen.

- end up having to deal with whatever happens.

- do not gain the self-confidence they would have if they had made a decision and been accountable for it.

Decision Making Styles

2. Reactive decision-making style

- when you allow others to make your decisions.

- being easily influenced by what others think ,do, or suggest, lacking self-confidence, and having a need to be liked by others.

Decision Making Styles

3. Proactive decision-making style

- you examine the decision to be made, identify and evaluate actions you might take, select an action, and take responsibility for the consequences of this action.

Resistance Skills

- skills that are used when you want to say no to an action or to leave a situation.

- peer pressure is influence that people of similar age or status place on others to encourage them to make certain decisions or to behave in certain ways.

- peer pressure can be either negative or positive because peers may pressure you to make the right or wrong decision.