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93 Cards in this Set

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In order to use javascript, what tag must be used?
Media Query
allows you to target CSS rules based on screen size, device orientation or display density
"use this css for this job"
Java script and J Query
javascript= language
j query= library of functions
-written in javascript, allows us to refer to something using ID or class
Document Object Model
-JS uses DOM to define things
-shows how the elements interact with eachother
can use only once
can use multiple times
JQ example
fatten box
$('#box4').height () +10
left: '-=300'}
can javascript be disabled on a browser
API Documentation
shows all comands
# or $ or .
# means ID selector
$= jquery
.= class/element/selector
div tag
The <div> tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document.

The <div> tag is used to group block-elements to format them with CSS.
Cross Media
encompasses multiple medi formatting
-onlines games, fbook, twitter, tv,
QR Codes
uses urls
-can track how many people visited website
Personalized URLs
-goes to certain page customized for you
-track and up sell
-improve customer profile
Data Mining
capture and analyze data to build customer profile
ex. air miles
Email Marketing
-HTML3, 1996
-table based layout for consistency
the medium is the message
Marshall McLuhan
Cross Media Marketing Campaign Channels
1. Digital
2. print
3. social
4. experimental
how to center in css
margin: 0 (auto)
**second value effects horizontal positioning left to right
examples of pseudo selectors
CSS pseudo-classes are used to add special effects to some selectors
ex. hover, visited
Div= block
span= inline
augmented reality
overlaying info in real time using a phone or glasses
whats new in HTML5
aside section
The <aside> tag defines some content aside from the content it is placed in.
The aside content should be related to the surrounding content.
3 uses of XML and what it is
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language.
XML is designed to transport and store data.
XML is important to know, and very easy to learn.Google maps
MS Office
in this html, <a href="page.html"> text </a) what is condsidered the element, attribute, and value
element= a
attribute - h ref
value= page.html
difference between hash and hashtag
hashtag= tag embedded in a message when blogging
hash= sign that helps you target things in HTML
Search Engine Optimization
html= structure
css= style content
js= enables interaction w content
Meta Element
Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata.
-always with head tags
- gives info to spiders
A computer program that searches the Internet for web pages. Common web spiders are the one used by search engines like Google to index the web. Web spiders are also called web robots or wanderers
4 file formats for image optimization
png8 - 256 colours, has transparency, compared to gifs
png 24- 16 mill., transparency, can be compared to jpegs
jpeg- same as png24 without transparency, does shading well, good compression
gif- same as png8, stair cassey
RSS feeds
Really Simple Syndication, Rich site summary
RSS defines an easy way to share and view headlines and content
language used= xml
paragraph, class of red
attribute= class
value= red
div, id of 'junk'
element= div
attribute= id
value= junk
Nesting in HTML
have div elements with other info inside it
open source video compression format
server side optimization technique
zips individual images, browser unzips images to page
what type of protocal do we use to connect to the STW server
Safe File Transfer Protocol
If you havent included a style sheet, what controls your page?
CSS browser defaults
relative link
showing that the file is one level above the current file folder
set of files that change the appearance of a wordpress site
wordpress theme
problems with javascript?
accessibilty. especailly with drop down menu's
vendor preflixes in css
CSS Reset does...
resets all the browsers styles
Browsers make assumptions. They all have built in style sheets. A CSS reset is used to level the playing field. Reset first and then begin cascading
1140 grid
css framework
what does the matte option do when saving an optimized image with transparency
chooses a colour to rest-on
optimization technique for large amounts of code
modifying code
4 positions available in CSS
relative, static, fixed, absolute
What is the SVG file format used for?
used for XML-based Vector image
Is it necessary to include a class or ID in every div element on your website? (explain why, don't say yes or no)
not necessary but useful. Organization (of code) and targeting are the main reasons.
In what case would you use SVG over GIF or PNG-8
two-dimensional graphics that has support for interactivity and animation. They can scale bitmap images while gifs can't
Which panel is used to setup FTP in Dreamweaver?
manage sites > edit site > server. Then fill in respective information.
When linking a CSS file, what does media="screen" target?
the way the website is seen on a screen/monitor.
Name a tag similar to DIV
Span--the difference being a span is inline and div is block”
<header> or <footer> or <p>
In CSS shorthand, what does the first, second and third bit/number represent in a hex colour? For example #FFF.
first - r value, second - g value , third b -value
What's the quickest way to determine which HTML specification is used to make webpage?
Which file format would you use to optimize an image with many shades?
PNG-24 has the best colour preservation but JPEG has good colour w/ lossy compression
What 2 technologies can be used to create open-source animation on websites?
JS and CSS can be used to implement open-source animations.
What is the primary difference between XHTML and HTML5
is it that XHTML follows XML syntax, and HTML5 doesn't
What JavaScript library did we use in our labs
J Query
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics.

SVG defines graphics in XML format.
Attributes typically consisted of words such as class (refers to one or more classnames of an element, e.g. style sheet), id (unique “id” or name), style (in line CSS), and title (extra information about an element).
ordered and unordered list
Unordered lists are typically used for navigation menus (no bullet marks), versus Ordered lists create bullet marks
absolute path
Links to a specific location, typically using the domain.
relative path
Links to within your directory. <a href=“docs/file.pdf”>Link</a>
Contains only a directory or file name. Continues to work when moving site from server to server, reference files within your project
example of inline (span)
Inline: a, strong, em, td, input, span,img.
example of block (div)
ul/ol, table, form, h1, blockquote, canvas
special characters use...
ex. &iquest;
(invert question mark)
Document Type Definition
It tells you browser what language a document is written in. For example: XHTML, XML, HTML...
where should javascript be positioned
should be in footer.
multiple form list of options
radio button
single form list of options
server side
Validates after data received by server. But is slower due to submitting and waiting. Reliable because server interprets data, more secure.
client side
Validates before data is sent, and relies on browser (JS). Can be turned off by client which can create problems. Uses OnSubmit or OnBlur.
Webpages within webpages
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
The last property to be applied is the one that will take effect. External < Internal < Inline !Important overrides.
float property
Allows block elements to stack horizontally. Always specify a width. Moves elements to edge of the container. Float: left, right
position property
Absolute: position relative to container
Relative: position from element origin
Fixed: position which moves with page
Static: normal flow (not moved from element origin)
Minifying Code
Removing all unnecessary characters from source code.
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group
GIF: Graphic Interchange File:
PNG: Portabe Network Graphic: (8-24 bit)
• Controls user-content interactions
• Client-Side
• Open-Source
• Made by Netscape
• One of the first browsers that were open source, this code used to create Mozilla Firefox.
Asynchronous Javascript Extensible Markup Language
Javascript Object Notation
Content Management System
Used to publish, organize, and maintain information. Centralizes content for easy access.
•Web CMS is a piece of software installed on a server. Info can be stored in different formats.
•Tag and/or categorize, Search Features. Powerful systems can format info according to needs.
•WordPress is a CMS, Tumblr is not.
27 of top blogs use WordPress, 16 use TypePad
why word press
1-click installer, fully customizable, open source. Themes & plug-ins, ease of use and Wordpress.com Can come with hosting, free.
technologies Used: php, jQUERY, MySQL, CSS3, HTML5, XML, RSS
php: Hypertext Preprocessor
▪ Can call functions within itself
MySQL: Database Function
Both are open source
order of operations
1. HTTP request sent to server
2. Server uses PHP to query Database for content
3. MySQL database sends content
4. PHP interprets content and adds theme
5. PHP responds with HTML, CSS, and JS code
6. User interacts with page
7. Jquery runs interaction and may send AJAX call
wordpress plugins and themes
• Translation, E-Commerce, Social networks, Email Marketing, Automatic backups, Jquery enhancements, Forms Generators, Caching, Widgets, Security, SEO
• HTML layout, visual appearance, Semantic structure, often have plug-ins within, free and premium, template pages, define widgets and menu areas, often require customization, PHP+HTML+CSS+JS
search engine optimization
• 99% visits to sites come from search engines, Google has 87% market share
• Robots crawl through links, index's analyzing content, ranks accordingly.
• Can create separate robot.txt file found in root directory to help search engine find things.
controlling spiders
Simple text file which specifies what should be accessed.
Honour system, placed in root directory of site.
Control which spiders have access, blocked items do not appear in results.
• Relative Links
sitemap in xml
Filename: sitemap.xml
Submitted to search engines, often created server-side. Online tools help create XML.
▪ Specifies page priority, location, modification date, title, frequency of updates.