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60 Cards in this Set

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What is the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs?
What are the 8 traits which geographers look at when studying a culture?
1.Social Groups, 2. Language,
3. religion, 4. daily life, 5. history,
6. arts, 7. government,
8. economy
What is a group of people who share a common culture, language, or history?
Ethnic Group
What is a type of government in which kings and queens inherit the right to rule?
What is the kind of government that is under the control of a person who took control of the country by military force and rules as they see fit?
What is the kind of government in which the people chose their leaders by voting for them?
What are the rules for how people decide what goods and services to produce and how they are exchanged?
Economic System
What are economic decisions that are based on customs and beliefs?
Traditional Economy
What is the kind of economy in which individuals make decisions about what they want to produce?
Market Economy
What is the kind of economy that has the idea that you have the right to own property or business without the interference of the government?
Free Enterprise
What is the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs?
What are the 8 traits which geographers look at when studying a culture?
1.Social Groups, 2. Language,
3. religion, 4. daily life, 5. history,
6. arts, 7. government,
8. economy
What is a group of people who share a common culture, language, or history?
Ethnic Group
What is a type of government in which kings and queens inherit the right to rule?
What is the kind of government that is under the control of a person who took control of the country by military force and rules as they see fit?
What is the economic system in which a government owns the businesses and controls decisions about what goods and services will be produced?
Command Economy (Socialism or Communism)
What is the process of spreading new knowledge and skills to other cultures?
Cultural Diffusion
What do we call the people who lived in small groups and moved from place to place following the sources of food?
What are the 4 civilizations that arose about 10,000 years ago?
1. Egypt
2. India
3. China
4. Iraq
What do you call the using of machines and factories to make goods?
What do you call areas that share similar economic systems, forms of government and social groups?
Culture Region
What is the term for number of people out of every 1,000 who die in a year?
Death Rate
What is the term for the number of children born each year for every 1000 people?
What is the word for the lack of food for the subsistence of the population?
What is the term for the average number of people living in a square mile?
Population Density
What is the term for the movement of people from the farms and or villiages into the cities?
What is the biggest reason why most people move into the cities?
To find jobs
What is the word for leaving the country of one's birth?
What is the word for moving into a new country?
What do we call one who moves out of a country?
What do we call one who moves into a new country?
What do we call people who flee to another country to escape persecution or disaster?
What are products of the earth that people use to meet their needs?
natural resources
What are resources that cannot be used up but can be replaced naturally or grown again?
Renewable resources
What is the term for energy that is generated by falling water?
Hydroelectric Power
What do you call power produced by the heat of the sun?
Solar Power
What is the term for resources that are limited in supply and cannot be replaced?
Nonrenewable resources
What is the word for nonrenewable resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas?
Fossil Fuel
What is the word for power made by creating a controlled atomic reaction?
Nuclear power
What is the word for growing of food for sale in markets?
Commercial Farming
What is the term for focusing on the economic activities that are best suited to their resources?
What do you call products that leave a country?
What do you call products that come into a country?
What do you call a tax on imported goods?
What the term that means a number limit set on how many items need to be produced?
What is the removal of trade barriers so that goods may flow freely among countries?
Free Trade
What do we call countries with a great deal of manufacturing?
Developed Countries
What is the term for the practice of growing only enough food to provide for your own family?
Subsistence Farming
What is the word for countries that are working toward industrialization?
Developing Countries
What is the removal of salt from seawater?
What is the careful use of resources?
What are the 2 main steps in managing water supplies?
Conservation and avoid pollution of water
What are powerful chemicals that kill crop-destroying insects?
What are places where plants and animals are dependent upon one another and their particular surroundings?
What do farmers add to the soil to help supply some of the minerals that the soil is lacking?
What is the word for the changing of crops grown in a particular field to avoid using up all the minerals in the soil?
Drop Rotation
What is the word for delivering of water to crops?
What is the word for the carrying away of soil by either wind or water?
Wat is the word for the cutting down of the forests?
What is the word for rain that contains high levels of chemical pollutants?
Acid Rain