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17 Cards in this Set

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How do systems work?
E.g. A healthy city needs many systems to help it thrive well. A system is a group of smaller parts that work together to do a job. No single system does everything by itself. In a city there are many cars, buses, and trucks to move people and supplies like blood in blood vessels. Many systems like the water system has many pipes connected to each other to deliver water.
What is the body's transportation system?
The circulatory system is the body's transportation system. It gives food and oxygen to cells and gets rid of waste. This systems contains the heart, blood vessels (Arteries, veins, capillaries), and blood. Each part has structures that help do the job.
What is blood?
Blood is made up of many blood cells and parts. They include plasma which is the biggest, white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Each part has its own job. Plasma carries food for your cells from the digestive system. White blood cells protect your body from germs and harmful things. Red blood cells carry oxygen to your body. Platelets make blood clots to prevent you from bleeding.
What are some types blood vessels?
Blood vessels are like highways for your blood. There are 3 kinds of blood vessel which are arteries, capillaries, and veins.
What are your blood vessels jobs?
Your arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart and to your body. Your capillaries connect your arteries and veins and let blood cells flow through them. (Ten of these are not even as thick as one hair. Many capillaries join together to make veins. Veins carry blood back from the body back to the heart. Valves are flaps that are like doors that keep blood flowing in one direction. The heart has the blood going in the right direction because of blood vessels.
What are some parts of the heart?
Your heart started pumping before you were born and will continue until your death. There are two sides of the heart which have one atrium and one ventricle on each side. Ventricles are stronger and bigger than atriums. The right side pumps blood to the lungs and they get rid of carbon dioxide. The left side pumps blood through arteries and goes all over the body.
How does the heart pump blood?
It goes in a pattern with both right and left atriums pumping first and then the right and left ventricles pump out blood. This pattern stops for a bit and goes on again. If people's hearts don't repeat this, they could get serious heart disease.
What is the respiratory system?
The job of the respiratory is to pump gases between the air outside and your blood.
What are some respiratory system parts?
Your respiratory system is working when you talk, sing, breathe, and other activities. Most parts of this system is covered with mucus which is a sticky fluid that traps germs and other gunk. Air first enters through your nose or mouth and through your larynx, or voice box, and then through your trachea. The trachea is a tube that carries air into the lungs. The air enters smaller tubes called bronchioles and then into air sacs. The diaphragm is a muscle that helps the lungs pump air.
How does oxygen get to cells?
All multicellular organisms need oxygen for energy. The respiratory system and circulatory system work together. The respiratory system takes in oxygen and fills up the air sacs. Then blood cells pick up the oxygen and gives it to your whole body. Carbon dioxide is given to lungs to pump out of. When you hold your breath, carbon dioxide builds up and your brain tells you to breathe.
What is the digestive system?
Food needs to be processed before your body can use it. You first need to digest food into very small materials. Digestion is very hard, so it has many organs helping to perform this process.
What do the mouth and esophagus do?
Chewing is the first step in digestion. This process starts with food entering the mouth to be chewed to bits. Then the food goes down the esophagus by using its ring of muscles to push it down. The food goes down to the stomach in a short time.
What is the stomach?
Below the esophagus is the stomach which is the organ that digests our food. The acid makes it turn into a soapy paste and is finally ready to go into the small intestine.
What are the small and large intestines?
The squeezes the partially digested foods to the small intestine which is a tube that keeps food going in one direction. It also absorbs food with villi inside it while the food moves forward.

Then when no more food can be absorbed, the food goes to the large intestine where plenty of friendly bacteria live and get rid of germs that could harm us. After no more food for the cells can be used, the waste is sent away.
What is the urinary system?
Your body needs a way to get rid of waste in the blood. These wastes can poison your body. If you did not have structures to get rid of waste, you would not live long. The main system that gets rid of waste in the blood is the urinary system.
What do the kidneys do?
The kidneys are a pair of organs that remove waste and clean the blood. They are shaped like kidney beans. They are located on either side under your rib cage. When the blood is cleaned, other materials leave as well. Materials like water, salt, and others have to go to keep the blood healthy. The rest goes through another tube is is now called urine. Urine is taken to the urinary bladder and is stored there until you get rid of it in the bathroom. This is how your blood is cleaned.
What are some other ways waste is disposed of?
The lungs pumps carbon dioxide out. Sweat glands get rid of some of cells' waste by sweating.