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160 Cards in this Set

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Historical/statistical weather describes?
What is weather?
The current state of atmosphere
What occurs over latitude?
insolation, pressure belts, winds and ocean circulation
Orography focuses on?
aspect and elevation
A climograph displays?
average monthly temperature and precipitation
What is continental?
dry atmosphere and larger temperature ranges
_____ has moist temperatures and small temperature ranges
Ocean currents influence local weather and climate, but....
prevailing wind direction also plays a role
Cold currents come from the ___
west coast of continents
East coast of continents bring _____
Warm currents
What is elevation?
the height above sea level
Position and facing is?
Air forced up over a tall barrier is directly related to?
windward side and orographic precipitation
Air forced down the other side is?
leeward side and rainshadow effect
Deep currents are controlled by?
Density which is a function of temperature and salinity
The North Atlantic Deep Water is a thermohaline deep current, which
initiates in the North Atlantic.
As the current cools, _______
ts salinity increases since salts due not evaporate
The global distribution of water vapor is?
4% on equator
0% on poles
The circulation of water vapor consist of?
Advection; which is horizontal transport
What are the positive effects of evaporation?
Water temperature (warmer)
Humidity (drier atm)
Wind speed (faster)
Energetic _____ allows molecules to _____
input; escape
Warm air has a greater______ to hold water vapor
capacity a.k.a relative humidity
When air is holding maximum amount of water vapor, per given temp
there is 100% relative humidity and condensation begins
What are two instruments that measure the water vapor?
hair hygrometer
sling psychrometer
Temperature to which the air must cool for saturation (condensation) to occur
dew point temperature
What is vapor pressure?
amount of pressure in atmosphere exerted by water molecules
Vapor pressure is measured in?
millibars (mb)
What is the average sea level pressure?
1000 mb
Vapor pressure ranges between?
0-40 mb
How do you measure absolute humidity?
mass water vapor/volume air
Mass water vapor/total mass air
is how you measure specific humidity
How do you measure the mixing ratio?
Mass water vapor/mass dry air
Capacity changes with ____?
Humidity is ______ to temperature
RH is a ____ measure of _____ humidity
poor; actual
Amount of thermal to do the work of evaporation is a factor of
relative humidity
Transfer mechanism
is on a global scale and redistributes heat
Wind moves from ______ pressure to ______ pressure
high to low
Air moves in response to?
pressure variations
Troughs are?
elongated lows
Elongated highs
Ridges are?
Meridional flows are?
North and South
Zonal flows are?
East to West
Wind vectors represent?
wind direction and magnitude
Wind is ALWAYS named for the direction it's ______
coming from
Air that moves from east to west is?
easterly wind
Vertical pressure gradients are _____ than _________
greater; horizontal PGF
Hydrostatic balance is?
What are two factors that influence air movement?
friction and coriolis
What is PGF?
its the difference between pressure over distance
PGF determines?
wind speed and starts atmospheric motion
Apparent deflection of wind at the earth's surface is?
coriolis effect
Coriolis effect is caused by?
Winds are deflected to the left in the ________?
Southern hemisphere
Winds are deflected to the right in the _______?
Northern hemisphere
Cyclone is ____ pressure and is _____ in the N. Hemisphere
low; CCW
_________ is high pressure and goes CW in the N. Hemisphere
Converge is to ____ pressure
Diverge is to _____ pressure
Intertropical Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) is?
low; 0 degrees
Subtropical High is?
high; 30 degrees N/S
Low 60 degrees N/S
Polar front
Polar high is?
90 degrees N/S
Polar cell has.....
descending cold, dry air
Rising warm, moist air. . .is?
ferrel cell
Hadley cell has.....
descending cool, dry air
In the lad-sea breeze, onshore sea breeze is _______
has a thermal low land and occurs during daytime
Offshore land breeze occurs during the nighttime and _____
land that cools faster and has high pressure
Valley wind occurs in the ______
Mountain wind occurs during the _______
Seasonal reversal of winds is?
During the summer of monsoons there are low pressures that occur during the daytime
onshore wind
In the winter monsoon there is?
high pressure
offshore wind
What are clouds?
a condensed form of water
suspended liquid and/or ice
What is condensation?
air cools to dew point temperature
moisture condense from gas to liquid
What is condensation nuclei
small particles onto which moisture can condense
example; dust, pollution, and salt
latin word for hair or curl
wispy, high level ice crystals
latin word or heap or pile
As tall or taller than width, lumpy; forms in unstable air
latin word for layer or blanket
Much wider than height, layered; forms in stable air
vertical motion, local scale
clouds have lumpy form
horizontal motion, larger scale
clouds have flatter form
Cirro- (cloud height)
high clouds >20,000 ft
usually ice crystals
middle clouds, between 6k-20k
mix of liquid and ice
low clouds
up to 6k ft and usually liquid
What are the high clouds?
Altostratus and Altocumulus are ____ clouds
Low clouds are?
Cirrus clouds are also called?
mares tails
Cirrus clouds show prevailing ____________. They usually move from _____ to ______
upper-level winds
Fair weather is often displayed in _____?
cirrus clouds
This cloud forms a halo around the moon or sun from ice crystals.
it can mean bad weather is 12-24 hrs away
Cirrocumulus is also called?
mackerel sky
This cloud is as big as your pinky nail and appears in warm fronts?
Altostratus clouds make the sun appear _____ and are gray to pale blue
watery because of the liquid in the cloud
White to gray, moist slightly unstable conditions describes
the altocumulus
Light to dark gray. Usually cover the sky. May be a fog layer that has lifted, or may denote advection of moist air into the area.
Low-lying groups or patches of clouds. Appear white to gray.
Dark gray to pale blue. Usually produces light, continuous precipitation. Often precedes warm front passage.
Fair weather cumulus?
Pleasant weather conditions. Height similar to width. Common in summer from surface heating.
Tall relative to width. Denotes deep unstable layer.
towering cumulus
Thunderstorm clouds. Anvil develops when updraft slows and spreads outward. Forms in unstable moist atmospheres.
Winds shear cloud as they cross mountain barrier
Sinking air near anvil shows strong vertical motion
Fog is a ______ cloud at the surface
Long, clear, calm nights; valleys
radiation fog
Advection fog?
coastal locations
East coast Rockies; slopes
upslope fog
Evaporation fog
Lakes, rivers in fall, early winter; exhaling in cold temperatures
Precipitation is?
liquid water or ice that falls to the earth
Droplet must grow large enough to __________
break suspension
What determines if the precipitation makes it to the ground?
droplet size and cloud height
Growth---warm clouds
Growth---cold clouds
Bergeron process
accretion and aggregation
Embryo accumulates supercooled droplets
Atmospheric stability determines _______ movement
If air can rise, it will cool. If it cools, __________
moisture could condense
If moisture condenses, it could precipitate
Atmospheric stability also determines. . .
likelihood of clouds, storms
If its unstable the parcel will continue to _____
If stable the parcel will ?
return to starting point
An adiabatic process warms by ______
Cooling occurs by _______
What is lifting condensation level?
when Ta reaches Td
first height where cloud forms
Ta > Td equals
dry parcel
Wet parcel equals
Ta = Td
The actual change in temperature in the environment
Environmental lapse rate
Absolute stability
Parcel is ALWAYS colder than ELR
Absolute instability
Parcel is ALWAYS warmer than ELR
Parcel is COLDER than ELR, then WARMER than ELR
conditionally unstable
What are fronts?
Boundaries between different air masses.
They have different densities and lifting mechanisms
What are the 4 types of fronts?
symbols point in direction the front is advancing
Warm air ______?
What is the weather around the warm front?
There is warm air behind the front, steady pcp is well ahead front, and strong wind shear.
What characteristics does large (synoptic) scale mass of air have?
Homogeneous thermal and moisture
maritime (m)
continental (c)
Tropical (T)
Polar (P)
Arctic (A)
What is cT
continental tropical (summer)
What is cA
continental arctic (winter)
Tropical (T)
Polar (P)
Arctic (A)
What is cT
continental tropical (summer)
What is cA
continental arctic (winter)
cP air mass plunges ____, not ______
south; west
cP air mass also produces?
snow of the Great Lakes
mP is?
modified cP
West coast has?
What is mP air mass?
usually unstable and has important moisture source annually
cP air mass plunges ____, not ______
south; west
cP air mass also produces?
snow of the Great Lakes
mP is?
modified cP
West coast has?
What is mP air mass?
usually unstable and has important moisture source annually
The desert SW has a thermal ______
Dryline is?
boundary mT and cT
What is a cold front?
cold air behind front, and pcp is confined to frontal zone
Occlusion is?
maturation process, behind its similar to the cold front, ahead it's similar to warm front