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10 Cards in this Set

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How do you break bad news... the dumb mneumonic. Please.

S - Setup - review notes/Ix, social Hx, etc

P - Perception - what do they know?

I - Invitation - can I talk about this with you?

K - Knowledge - Educate Pt in lay-man English

E - Emotion - don't be a dick

S - Summary/Strategy - plans, goals

How do you empathise like a non-retarded human being when breaking bad news? Mneumonic please.

N - Name the emotion verbally

U - Verbally show understanding of the underlying info/message

R - respect and reassure Pt

S - Support - how we can help

E - Explore further - tell me more

Signs of carer compassion fatigue / burnout?

Deterioration of:

Health - sleeping, eating, headaches

Emotions - irritable, depressed, guilty

Behaviour - flat, pessimistic, callous, suicidal

Work - deteriorates, reduced caring

Personal - lose connections, withdrawn, dehumanises

Risk factors for burnout?

Empathising too much!

Long hours

Stressful job

No coping strategies

Poor training

Difficult patients

Difficult co-workers

Failing own goals

Co-morbidities caused by obesity?

Depression, anxiety



Joint problems - arthritis

Sleep apnoea

Renal pathology


Atherosclerosis --> vascular diseases





Biological causes of obesity?





Iatrogenic - GCs, contraception, anti-psychs, anti-epileptics

Surgical options for obesity? Some pros and cons for each?

Gastric band: Pro: quick and easy, gives early satiety and restricts absorption, reversible.

Con: high recurrent surgery and complication rate

Sleeve gastrectomy: Pro: Short stay, low complications, gd wt loss.

Cons: Irreversible, no long-term data, Reflux!, sleeve can expand = wt gain, need vit/min supps

Roux-en-Y gastric Bypass: Pro: good wt loss

Con: vit/mineral malabsorption, anaemia, major surgery.

Important Q's to ask to establish whether someone has substance dependence? From DSM-4 criteria.

1. Tolerance - do you need larger amounts to get same effect?

2. Withdrawal Sx?

3. Have you taken this drug for longer or in higher doses than planned to?

4. Unable to control use, ie "Have you been able to cut down use at all?"

5. Excessive time spent in substance use related activities.

6. Social, work and recreational activities suffering

7. Continued use despite recognising psychological or physical harms of drug

Meds used to help Tx substance abuse?

Benzo's - wean off using benzodiazepam

Disulfuram - makes alcohol into poison

Naltrexone - for opiates and alcohol

Anti-emetics (metoclopramide/ondansetron) to assist with Sx

Mx for a frozen shoulder?

It is self limiting, so give pain relief and NSAIDs.

If Sx persist refer to ortho for ?surgical intervention.

Despite Tx, most Pt's won't regain full rotation of shoulder again.