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49 Cards in this Set

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Risk factors for breast cancer include
- nulliparity, first childbirth > 30 years, early menarche, late menopause,
- older age, postmenopausal obesity, lack of physical activity, alcohol
- family history of breast cancer.

BRCA Testing is indicated for women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent who have

a family history of breast or ovarian cancer in

- any first-degree relative

- two second-degree relatives on the same side of the family

BRCA Testing in NON-A'Nazi Jews, indications?

- 2 first-degree relatives with breast cancer, one at < 50
- 3+ first- or second-degree relatives with breast cancer
- both breast and ovarian cancer among first- or second-degree relatives
- first-degree relative with bilateral breast cancer
- 2+ first- or second-degree relatives with ovarian cancer
- A first- or second-degree relative with both breast and ovarian cancer
- A male relative with breast cancer

Chemoprevention in Breast Ca?

- tamoxifen / raloxifene reduce incidence of hormone receptor +ve breast Ca but NO survival advantage

- ralox: fewer endometrial cancers, vaginal side effects, thromboembolic events, and cataracts

SERM benefits unclear in BRCA, ppx removal of breast / ovaries reduce risk > 90%

DCIS tx?

- lumpectomy + RXT or mastectomy

- tamoxifen (10 y) in estrogen receptor–positive cases.

Invasive breast Ca tx

Mastectomy + sentinel lymph node evaluation OR

lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node evaluation followed by whole-breast RXT

- tamox/AI if ER +

- adj chemo if LN+

- Staging with CT / Bone DX if obviously advanced, large or inflammatory

Breast Ca,

i. Favorable prognostic variables

ii. poor px?

i. expression of estrogen or progesterone receptors, small tumor size, and low pathologic grade.

ii. tumor size, lymph node involvement, overexpression of HER2/neu, and hormone receptor negativity

Breast Ca, stages?

I: < 2 cm in diameter + 0 LN

II: 2-5 cm + 3 LN OR > 5 cm + 0 LN

III: 4+ axillary lymph nodes, tumors >5 cm with one to three positive lymph nodes, or tumors that extend into the chest wall or skin.

IV: distant mets

Breast Ca, adjuvant endocrine tx?

Pre-menopause: tamoxifen 10 yrs or ovarian ablation if hx DVT

Post: Aromatase Inh 5 yrs

Patients with triple-negative breast tumors, prognosis and options.

- poor prognosis

seem to derive significant benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy

trastuzumab? Give to? AE?

monoclonal antibody targeting the HER2 receptor

- treat patients with tumors that overexpress HER2/neu

- can impair systolic ventricular function and cause heart failure (check EF q3mo, usu reversible)

Locally advanced breast cancer?


generally have large, potentially inoperable, tumors with skin or chest wall involvement (T4), or extensive lymph node involvement

- Do pre-op chemo

inflammatory breast cancer?

erythema, skin thickening, and a peau d’orange (dimpling of the skin typically due to obstruction of dermal lymphatics) appearance of the breast

- poor px

Follow-up for survivors of early-stage breast cancer?

- H&P q 6 months for at least 5 years, monthly breast self-examination, and annual mammography.

Management of post-breast-Ca sx?

vasomotor sx: venlafaxine (Avoid bupropion, fluoxetine, and paroxetine d/t interaction with tamox)

- use non-OCP birth control

- topical estrogen ok

Blood per vag after tamoxifen use, mammo and pap neg. wtd

Endometrial bx

Metastatic breast cancer and management?

- poor px ~2yrs

- local therapy such as surgery or radiation therapy is used for symptom palliation

- HER2: trastuzumab or lapatinib

- bone dzpamidronate or zoledronic acid

First recurrance of breast ca, tx?

Sample new mets to check for hormone status to guide treatment.

Risk / protect factors for ovarian?
Protect: OCP, Breat feeding, tubal ligation
In women at high risk for developing ovarian cancer, management?
prophylactic bilateral salpingo–oophorectomy before age 40 years reduces the risk of developing cancer by 95%.
Ovarian Ca tx?
Optimal tumor debulking (no residual tumor mass >1 cm) is associated with increased survival

- low grade: NO chemo
Chemotherapy is indicated for patients with high–risk, early–stage disease and those with advanced disease (cis/carbo or paclitax)
Management of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer
Surgical resection is appropriate for patients with a recurrent solitary ovarian tumor or with limited relapse of cancer at sites favorable for surgical removal
– Bevacizumab (VEGF inh)
Ovarian Ca, Monitoring and Follow–Up
H&P, measurement of serum CA–125 levels, should be performed every 2 to 4 months for the first 2 years, then every 3 to 6 months for 3 years, and then annually
has helped improve the quality of life and decrease complication rates in patients with ovarian cancer who are receiving chemotherapy.
Use of hematopoietic growth factors
Cervical Ca, Treatment
IA: can observe if feritility desired
I/II: Surgery + Rads +/– cisplatin
large stage IB – IV: Rads + chemo
Cervical Ca, f/u?
– a pelvic examination and Pap smear every 3 to 6 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for the next 3 years, and then annually
Colon Ca, tx
– resection
– adjuvant chemo stage III+ (FOLFOX 6 mo)
– adjuvant optional in stage II
NO RADIATION (toxic to small bowel, cannot shield)
Rectal Ca, tx
– Resection
I: post–op RXT/chemo if LN+
Stage II/III: RXT + chemo before surgery and chemo alone after surgery
– chemo = FOLFOX
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, tx?
– resect for cure if limited mets
– palliative chemo: Bevacizumab (VEGF) XOR cetuximab (EGFR)

Adverse effects of


Bevacizumab can cause hypertension, poor wound healing, and vascular catastrophes, including bleeding / perforation or thromboses

Postoperative Colorectal Cancer Surveillance
– PE + CEA levels every 3 to 6 months for the first 3 years and every 6 months during years 4 and 5. – CT C/A/P q yr x 3
– Colonoscopy 1 year after resection, then in 3 years, and then every 5 years
Anal cancer tx
Mitomycin + 5–FU + RXTSurgery not indicated unless invasive –> permanent colostomy
Pancreatic Ca tx?
– surgery if resectable + post–op gemcitabine
– metastatic: gemcitabine (+/– platin or FOLFIRNOX)
Local and locoregional esophageal cancers, tx

first: stage with CT/PET/ EUS

chemotherapy plus radiation therapy then surgery
Gastric cancer, tx?
surgery + post op 5–FU, leucovorin, RXT

HER2 positive: trastuzumab +cisplatin + 5–FU or capecitabine

Gastric Carcinoid tumor, management?

- Smaller (< 2cm) - Endoscopic resection - Larger: surgical resectionq 6-12 mo EGD for 3 yrs after- Sporadic, NORMAL gastrin level: gastrectomy- Unresectable: octreotide

Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET), tx?
–expectant observation and serial imaging (slow–growing)
– if in appendix do appy or hemicolectomy
– chemo minimally effective, best for pancreatic NET
Diagnosis of central vs peripheral lesions?
Centrally located lesions can be assessed by sputum cytology or bronchoscopy.

Peripheral masses often require CT–guided needle biopsy for diagnosis.
Treatment of Stage I, II, and III Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
I/II: Surgery
IIIa: chemo + RXT +/– surgery (depending on LN) IIIb: chemo + RXT

Chemo: usu cisplatin
Treatment of Stage IV Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
– incurable= > systemic chemo
– 1st line: 2 drug platinum–based combination +/– Bevacizumab

– RXT for SVC
– RXT + surgery for brain / spinal cord

– erlotinib if EFGR +
Treatment of –Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer, limited and extensive
Limited:Cis/Carbo + Etopside + RXT
– consider prophylactic Cranial RXT

Extensive: cisplatin /carboplatin + etoposide or irinotecan, palliative RXT

Limited Small Cell Ca, 6 cycles chemo completed, residual mass on CXR. wtd?

Cranial irradiation

- no benefit to > 6 cycles of chemo

Metastatic Adeno Ca found in non-smoking Asian woman, wtd?

Check for EGFR mutation.

Can potenially tx with erlotinib and gefitinib

Lung Cancer Screening?

-persons aged 55 to 80 years,

> 30-pack-year smoking history

- currently smoke or quit within the past 15 years

should undergo low-dose CT screening for lung cancer.