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18 Cards in this Set

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What is an executive organization closest to the President and subject to his direct control
How long is a presidential term?
4 years
Under what program in the 1930's did the fed gov't first take an interest in social welfare?
New Deal
When an election is won by the highest number of votes won, but less than half, it's known as what?
What amendment states that a President may be elected for only 2 terms and not serve for more than 10 years total?
22nd Amendment
What is a public corporation that operates a quasi-business enterprise for the federal government called?
government corporation (duh)
Who was the first person to become Vice President by being nominated by the president and approved by Congress?
Gerald Ford
What kind of agencies have a single function and report directly to the President?
executive agencies
a panel of advisors made up of appointed officials
states that if a President is removed from office, dies, or resigns, the Vice President will become President
25th Amendment
What kind of laws are created by legislatures?
statutory laws
Give 3 constitutional qualifications for being elected President
1 - natural-born citizen
2 - minimum 35 years old
3 - U.S. resident for 14 years
A group of people elected by the citizens of each state in order to elect a Presidential candidate
electoral college
What is probably the best known government corporation?
United States Postal Service
What Amendment says that electors would cast one ballot for President and a second ballot for Vice President
A large, complex organization made up of appointed officials
What executive organization is independent of Presidential control and either performs a single function or regulates some aspect of society?
What special group of judges preside over cases arising out of government agency decisions?
administrate-law judges