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28 Cards in this Set

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Three strikes law

Increases prison sentences for felons who have convicted two or more violent crimes; likely to result in a life sentence

Iron triangle

Cooperative relationship between legislative committee, interest group, and executive agency; mutually beneficial to all parties

Yellow journalism

journalism based on sensationalism and exaggeration


proposed legislation aimed at legislature or voters

Political Polarization

when a voter's party affiliation indicates their stance on an issue or policy

Top Two Primary

the candidates receiving the most and second-most votes become the contestants in a general election

Equal Protection Clause

no state shall deny to any person the equal protection of the laws (14th amendment)

Positive Liberty

capacity to act on free will (as opposed to freedom from restraint on one's actions)

Electoral College

presidential electors from each state who meet after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president

Daschle Loophole

avoiding registration requirement by not claiming the title of "lobbyist"; distorts political representation; they earn more money

One Day One Trial

Only on-call for one day of jury service in person (or 5 days by phone)

Civil Liberties

individual rights and personal freedoms with which governments are prevented from interfering

Habeus Corpus

court order demanding that an individual in custody be brought into court and shown the cause for detention; govt must explain before a judge why they are detaining the individual

Strict Scrutiny

test used by the Supreme Court in cases involving civil liberties which places the burden of proof on the govt rather than the challengers to show that the law in question is constitutional

Political Action Committee

organizations established by corporations, labor unions, or interest groups to channel the contributions of their members into political campaigns; can donate as much as $5,000 to each candidate

Civil Disobedience

refusal to comply with certain laws or pay taxes as a form of political protest

Due Process Clause

right of every citizen to be protected against arbitrary action by national or state govt (fifth amendment); includes that a person is innocent until proven guilty

Buckley v Valeo

ruled that individuals can spend their own money to campaign for office as a protected matter of free speech; wealthy candidates can contribute millions to their own campaigns


preventing a person or a group or people the right to vote

Line-Item Veto

power of a president or governor to reject individual portions of a bill without rejecting the bill entirely

Term Limits

legally set limits on the number of terms an elected official can serve

Interest Groups

organizations seeking to influence government policies

Political Parties

organizations seeking to influence the government by electing their members to important government offices; seeks to control who is elected


the media's ability to influence how the American people interpret political events and results

California Political Reform Act

reducing amount of money spent in elections; lobbyists forced to register with states; no anonymous contributions of $100 or more; set spending limits on candidates (ruled unconstitutional in Buckley v. Valeo)

Exclusionary Rule

ability of courts to exclude evidence obtained in violation of the Fourth Amendment, such as barring evidence obtained during an illegal search from being introduced in a trial

Plural Executive

committee that functions in making current decisions or giving orders, usually the responsibility of an individual executive officer

Miranda Rule

right to remain silent during arrest