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50 Cards in this Set

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1. The 10th Amendment states that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are
reserved to the states, or the people.
2. Of the different ways of ordering relations between central governments and local units, the most popular method is
a unitary system.
3. Of about 200 countries in the world,
the most common political system is a unitary system.
4. What kind of grant-in-aid allows the recipient of the grant the least independence in determining how the money will be spent?
Categorical grant
5. What event is most closely associated with the federal government assuming its greatest power?
The Great Depression
6. In 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens, but property, in the case,
Dred Scott v. Sandford.
7. The era of dual federalism ended with the

great depression

8. In the 1930s, the era of dual federalism came to an end with the Great Depression. This crisis led to
A. a variety of innovative programs to combat unemployment.B. a whole new ideology of government.C. an increase in federal power.
9. During the early years of the 'New Deal,' the Supreme Court
ruled many programs unconstitutional.
During the early years of the 'New Deal,' the attitude of the Supreme Court towards federal economic intervention could be characterized as
11. In response to the Supreme Court's opposition to many New Deal programs, FDR suggested
increasing the number of justices from nine to thirteen.
12. New Deal programs led to an era of federalism often referred to as __________ federalism.
13. Cooperative federalism is characterized by

a stronger, more influential national government

14. The first true federal grant program funded
land-grant colleges.
15. Federal grant programs often have the effect of
. making it easier for the federal government to impose national goals on the states.
16. In 1964, the Johnson administration launched a broad attempt to combat social ills called

the great society

17. By 1970, federal grants accounted for __________ percent of all state and local spending.


18. Programs passed by Congress requiring state compliance that come with no appropriated funds are called
unfunded mandates.
19. President Reagan preferred less restrictive funding to state and local governments called __________ grants.


20. Programs to channel federal money to the states with 'no strings attached' are known as
block grants.
21. In a country administered under a UNITARY STATE system of government:
the national government has complete control over regional government.
22. Federal courts created the doctrine of DUAL FEDERALISM in order to:
distinguish between the powers of the federal and state governments.
23. In a federal political system, power is
shared between the central government and constituent governments.
24. The concept of horizontal federalism deals with
relationships between state governments.
25. States may not

make treaties with foreign nations

26. The privileges and immunities clause of the Constitution means
a citizen of one state cannot be treated as an alien in another state.
27. A league of independent states in which the central government handles only those matters of common concern EXPRESSLY delegated to it is referred to as a
confederal system.
28. The state of Maryland imposed a tax on the Bank of the United States because
it feared an extension of centralized political power.
29. Unitary systems:
do not have independent state governments.
30. The purposes of federal grants are to:
A. supply state and local governments with revenue.

B. equalize resources among states.

C. attack major problems with a minimum growth in federal agencies.

31. The implied powers of the national government
give elasticity to our constitutional system.
32. What is the constitutional basis for Congress's implied powers?
The necessary and proper clause
33. This is not the state power according to the 10th amendment:
provide public safety
34. To which government does eminent domain apply?
both federal and state
35. Which amendments to the U.S. Constitution limited State sovereignty?
A. 14th Amendment

B. 16th Amendment

C. 24th Amendment

36. Federal government is not obligated to states to
organize and hold elections for state office
37. Which of the following nations is governed by a unitary system of government?
38. The concept of dual federalism prevailed in the United States until the administration of


39 Which of the following is an example of a concurrent power?

the power to tax
40 Which institution serves as an arbiter or umpire in questions of state versus national power?

the supreme court

41. In addition to the doctrine of implied powers, Chief Justice Marshall, in his decision in the Supreme Court case of McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), established the key concept of
national supremacy
42. Much of the growth of big government and of federal social welfare programs took place during the New Deal in the 1930s and during the administration of


43. In a confederal political system the central governing unit
has no ability to make laws directly applicable to individuals without the authority of state governments.
44. The term ENUMERATED POWERS refers to:
the powers specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution.
45. The term IMPLIED POWERS refers to:
the power of the federal government to make laws to implement stated policies.
46. The supremacy clause of the Constitution means
states cannot use their reserved or concurrent powers to thwart national policies.
47. Federal systems include:
U.S.A., Mexico, and Switzerland
48. In the United States, citizens live under:
both the U.S. and a state constitution
49. The federal government has compelled the states to raise their drinking age by
threatening to withhold highway funds.
50. The basic premise of federalism is that
two or more governments share power over the same land and people.